Establishment of a subsidiary and purchase of the property at Hiiu 42 in Tallinn for the construction of the Südamekodu nursing home.
A 100% subsidiary of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS has entered into a contract under the law of obligations, with the aim of establishing a nursing home there together with Südamekodud AS.
The fund’s 100% subsidiary EfTEN Hiiu OÜ has entered into a contract under the law of obligations with Südamekodud AS for the acquisition of the property located at Hiiu 42 in the Nõmme district of Tallinn. The fund plans to partially rebuild the property into a general nursing home “Nõmme Südamekodu”, which could accommodate up to 170 Südamekodu clients in the future.
The sale price of the property is four million euros, which will be paid upon conclusion of the real rights agreement, and the buyer will additionally invest up to two point five million euros in the reconstruction of the building. Currently, the design of the building’s reconstruction has begun. The expected return of the investment excluding bank leverage is 8%.
The North Estonia Medical Centre will continue to use the property under a valid lease agreement. After the conclusion of the real rights agreement, the property will also be rented under a long-term lease agreement to Südamekodud AS, whose vision is to be the best local care service provider in Estonia. Südamekodud AS offers its services in nursing homes located across Estonia, including the Valkla Südamekodu, Tartu Südamekodu and Pirita Südamekodu properties owned by other subsidiaries of the fund. The purchase of the property and investments will be financed from the fund’s equity capital raised from the SPO and a bank loan. The prerequisite for completing the transaction is the consent of the Estonian Competition Authority, after which a real rights agreement will be concluded for the transfer of ownership of the property.
EfTEN Hiiu OÜ is a 100% subsidiary of the fund established in the Republic of Estonia, with a share capital of 2,500 euros. The members of the management board of the limited liability company are Viljar Arakas and Tõnu Uustalu. The limited liability company does not have a supervisory board. The establishment of a subsidiary is not considered an acquisition of a qualifying holding within the meaning of the rules and regulations of the Tallinn Stock Exchange. The members of the Fund’s supervisory board and management board have no other personal interest in the transaction.