Hepsor: Hepsor AS consolidated unaudited interim report for Q1 2023

The consolidated sales revenue of Hepsor amounted to 6.0 million euros in the first quarter of 2023 and the net profit was 0.14 million euros (including a net profit attributable to the owners of the parent of 0.24 million euros).

The handover of apartments in the Paevälja Hoovimajad project accounted for most of the sales revenue in the first quarter of 2023. Two apartment buildings with a total of 96 apartments were built as part of the project, of which the first 40 apartments were handed over to homebuyers at the end of 2022. An additional 34 apartments were handed over to homebuyers during the first quarter of 2023, and as at 31 March 2023 real rights agreements have been signed for 74 apartments (77%) and law of obligations agreements or written reservation agreements have been signed for 4 apartments (4%).

The Group’s revenues and profitability are directly dependent on the development cycle of projects, which is approximately 24 to 36 months. Sales revenue is generated only at the end of the cycle. Calendar quarters vary in terms of the number of projects ending during the quarter, which is why both profits and sales revenue can differ significantly across quarters. Therefore, performance can be considerably weaker or stronger in some years and quarters than in others. The portfolio of the company’s development projects and three-year average financial results are a better criteria for assessing the group’s performance in order to assess the overall sustainability and economic results of a real estate development company.

Hepsor has six residential development projects under construction in Estonia and Latvia, with a total of 527 new apartments. There are three development projects under construction and available for sale in Riga, with a total of 246 apartments as at 31 March 2023. Contracts under law of obligations and reservation agreements have been signed for 198 of these apartments (80%). There are also three development projects with a total of 281 new apartments under construction and available for sale in Tallinn. Contracts under law of obligations and reservation agreements have been signed for 61 of these apartments (23%) as at 31 March 2023. In the commercial real estate development segment Grüne Maja, which is an office building that follows a green concept, is being completed in Tallinn. The office building is 100% covered with lease agreements and approximately 79% is in active use. The remaining tenants will move to the new premises in the second quarter of 2023 at the latest.

The Group started the construction of two residential real estate development projects in the first quarter of 2023. In Tallinn, the construction of 154 homes of the Manufaktuuri 7 project was started in the Manufaktuuri quarter, which is being developed together with the long-term cooperation partner Tolaram Group. Law of obligations agreements and reservation agreements had been signed for 32 apartments (21%) of Manufaktuuri 7 homes as at the end of the quarter. In Riga, the construction of 38 homes was started in the Nameja Rezidence project, of which law of obligations agreements and reservation agreements have been signed for 10 apartments (26%).

Two projects under construction in Riga received an occupancy permit, which allows the completed homes to be handed over to buyers in the second quarter of 2023 – 92 homes will be completed in the Mārupes Dārzs project, of which 78 apartments (85%) have been sold according to law of obligations agreements and reservations agreements, and 116 homes will be completed in the Kuldigas Parks project, of which 110 apartments (95%) have been sold according to law of obligations agreements and reservations agreements.

The year 2023 started on a moderately optimistic note in the real estate sector – consumer confidence, which fell to a record low in the last quarter of 2022, showed signs of recovery, and the stabilization of energy prices and inflation continued, which create the preconditions for the recovery of real estate market demand. Unfortunately, Euribor rates continue to rise, which directly affects the monthly housing costs of homebuyers and forces them to postpone making real estate purchase decisions. In Tallinn, the transaction activity of the new development market is higher than at the end of 2022 but continues to be significantly below the previous long-term average. On the other hand, in Riga, the previously described effects were more short-term, and transaction activity remains at the usual level after a temporary dip. Customers do not make quick purchase decisions in the current economic situation, but there is continued interest in the Group’s projects, which is why the board is moderately optimistic and continues to implement existing and new projects.

The Group forecasts a revenue of 41.3 million euros, net profit of 3.3 million euros and net profit attributable to the owners of the parent of 1.1 million euros in 2023. The Group’s sales results for the first quarter of 2023 give confidence that we the forecasts can be met for 2023.

Consolidated statement of financial position

in thousands of euros 31 March 2023 31 December 2022 31 March 2022
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 2,126 3,754 7,440
Trade and other receivables 1,291 1,731 946
Current loan receivables 0 0 455
Inventories 73,610 69,760 45,128
Total current assets 77,027 75,245 53,969
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 269 314 209
Intangible assets 7 7 3
Financial investments 2 2 2
Investments in associates 972 1,086 0
Non-current loan receivables 1,766 1,766 2,308
Other non-current receivables 61 30 340
Total non-current assets 3,077 3,205 2,862
Total assets 80,104 78,450 56,831
Liabilities and equity
Current liabilities
Loans and borrowings 22,456 22,565 3,833
Current lease liabilities 96 127 92
Prepayments from customers 4,366 3,054 1,856
Trade and other payables 3,481 4,008 3,537
Total current liabilities 30,399 29,754 9,318
Non-current liabilities
Loans and borrowings 26,686 26,015 26,854
Non-current lease liabilities 68 68 66
Other non-current liabilities 2,481 2,290 1,410
Total non-current liabilities 29,235 28,373 28,330
Total liabilities 59,634 58,127 37,648
Share capital 3,855 3,855 3,855
Share premium 8,917 8,917 8,917
Retained earnings 7,698 7,551 6,411
Total equity 20,470 20,323 19,183
incl. total equity attributable to owners of the parent 20,092 19,937 18,823
incl. non-controlling interest 378 386 360
Total liabilities and equity 80,104 78,450 56,831

Consolidated statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income

in thousands of euros Q1 2023 Q1 2022  
Revenue 5,975 1,272
Cost of sales (-) -5,040 -1,166
Gross profit 935 106
Marketing expenses (-) -71 -95
Administrative expenses (-) -347 -328
Other operating income 20 10
Other operating expenses (-) -23 -7
Operating profit (-loss) of the year 514 -314
Financial income 50 509
Financial expenses (-) -425 -168
Profit before tax 139 27
Current income tax 0 -5
Net profit for the year 139 22
    Attributable to owners of the parent 240 5
    Non-controlling interest -101 17
 Other comprehensive income (-loss)    
Changes related to change of ownership 0 135
Change in value of embedded derivatives with minority shareholders 8 18
Other comprehensive income (-loss) for the period 8 153
    Attributable to owners of the parent -14 -86
    Non-controlling interest 22 239
Comprehensive income (-loss) for the period 147 175
    Attributable to owners of the parent 226 -81
    Non-controlling interest -79 256
Earnings per share
   Basic (euros per share) 0.06 0.00
   Diluted (euros per share) 0.06 0.00

Hepsor 1Q_2023_ENG

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