Uudiste arhiiv


Mainor Ülemiste: Mainor Ülemiste record results in 2022

The unaudited results of Mainor Ülemiste indicate record numbers in the turnover and profit of 2022. The company’s turnover was 16.2 million euros, which is 24% higher than in 2021, and the net profit was 30.4 million euros, that is

Nordecon: 2022 III quarter and 9 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


Despite the difficult economic environment, the group’s 9-month result is characterized by an increase in sales revenue and operating profit. Results for the Buildings and Infrastructure segments differ significantly. Although the profitability of the Buildings segment decreased in the 3rd

Nordecon: 2022 II quarter and 6 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


Despite the continued difficult external environment, the second quarter and first half of 2022 were overall profitable for the group. The increase in sales revenue also continued, which is largely based on the fulfillment of construction contracts concluded in previous

Nordecon: 2022 first quarter consolidated interim report (unaudited)


The key words for the first quarter of 2022 for the group are, firstly, a sharp increase in sales revenue and, at the same time, a sharp rise in input prices. The increase in sales revenue is related to the

Nordecon: 2021 IV quarter and 12 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


The key words for 2021 are the rapid recovery of the construction market volumes that fell in 2020 and the sharp rise in input prices, which put strong pressure on the cost of previously concluded long-term construction contracts. The whole

Nordecon: 2021 III quarter and 9 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


Despite the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and turbulence in the economy, the Group’s efforts have borne fruit and the profitability in the third quarter was comparable to the same period in 2020. However, rising input prices and supply

Ülemiste City innovaatilisim ärihoone äratab rentnikes elavat huvi

Mainor Ülemiste

Baltimaade suurimas ärilinnakus rätsepatööna talentidele kerkivas Alma Tominga rohehoones peeti reedel sarikapidu. Ülemiste City suurima investeeringu ja ekspertide hulgaga läbimõtestatud uudne büroohoone kontseptsioon on äratanud elavat tähelepanu. Rohkem kui aasta enne maja valmimist on ligi 70% kontoripindadest endale omaniku juba

Nordecon: 2021 II quarter and 6 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


The results for the first six months of 2021 are characterized by a slight decrease in operating volumes, a decrease in profitability and a continued increase in the order book compared to the same period of the previous year. The

Mainor Ülemiste: 2. kvartali 2021 Mainor Ülemiste AS vahearuanne

Mainor Ülemiste

2021. AASTA 2. KVARTALI PÕHISÜNDMUSED 31. mai 2021 Ülemiste City uuendas nägu ja on kasvamas Eesti väravaks Baltimaade suurim ja kiiremini kasvav ärilinnak Ülemiste City läbis brändiuuenduse ning soovib suurte arengute ja ambitsioonikate plaanide lävepakul seistes kasvada Eesti väravaks. Järgmise

Nordecon: 2021 first quarter consolidated interim report (unaudited)


The results of the first quarter of 2021 are characterised by a slight decrease in operating volumes compared to the same period of last year, due to projects completed in foreign markets, and new construction contracts concluded in record volumes.

Nordecon: 2020 IV quarter and 12 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


Nordecon’s sales revenue increased by approximately 26% in 2020 compared to the previous year, and this is the largest turnover of the Nordecon Group ever. The volume growth was based on contracts concluded in record volumes in 2019. The construction

Mainor Ülemiste’s subsidiary signed a loan agreement of over EUR 64 million

Mainor Ülemiste

Ülemiste City’s developer Mainor Ülemiste AS’s subsidiary, Öpiku Majad OÜ, signed a syndicated loan agreement with SEB Bank and Luminor Bank for a loan of 64,1 million euros. The new loan provides for the refinancing of a 39,8 million euro

Nordecon: Construction contract


AS Nordecon and its group company Nordecon Betoon OÜ (brand name NOBE) as joint bidders entered into contract with Öpiku Majad OÜ for construction of Alma Tomingas office building in Ülemiste City located at Sepise 7, Tallinn. The building will

Ülemiste City uus rohehoone viib talendid Põhjamaa kargusest troopilisele Bali saarele

Ülemiste Citys algab ärilinnaku kalleima büroohoone ehitus, kus eesmärgiks talentidele innustava töökeskkonna loomisse investeerida uudseid, pilkupüüdvaid ja ka emotsionaalseid lahendusi.   Detsembri alguses lüüakse Ülemiste City lennujaamaga külgnevas osas kopp maasse, et alustada Alma Tominga nimelise ärimaja ehitust. 2022. aasta lõpus

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