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Pro Kapital purchases historic building in Vilnius city centre

Pro Kapital

AS Pro Kapital Grupp subsidiary company in Lithuania purchased via auction the Vilnius College building, located in the very centre of the capital city, on Naugarduko street. The acquisition deal, valued at €6.25 million, was completed on August 30th. The

Nordecon: Launch of the Seiler Quarter residential development


Nordecon AS has started the Seiler Quarter development project located at Rääma 7 in Pärnu, in the course of which a complete residential area with ten modern apartment buildings will be built right on the riverbank in the heart of

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for II Quarter and 6 Months of 2022 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary The second quarter of 2022 continued the trend we have seen in Q1, with a strong demand for real estate assets in the Baltic countries (particularly Estonia and Lithuania). Our available inventory is mainly sold, but

Hepsor AS: 2022 II quarter and six months consolidated unaudited interim report


The consolidated revenues of Hepsor for the first six months of 2022 amounted to 4.0 million euros (including 2.7 million euros in Q2 2022) and a net loss of 0.3 million euros (including 0.3 million euros in Q2 2022). The

Nordecon: Launch of the second phase of the Kivimäe Süda residential development (Tallinn, Estonia)


Nordecon AS has launched the second phase of the Kivimäe Süda residential development located in the Nõmme district of Tallinn, in the course of which the building at Kivimäe 27 will be reconstructed and converted into an apartment building. 12

Merko: Construction launch of kindergarten in Uus-Veerenni residential quarter

Merko Ehitus

AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, a member of the AS Merko Ehitus group, has started the construction of a kindergarten in the Uus-Veerenni residential quarter in the center of Tallinn. The kindergarten with approximately 150 places will be completed in the

Hepsor: Hepsor AS consolidated unaudited interim report for Q1 2022


Consolidated revenues of Hepsor for Q1 2022 amounted to 1.3 million euros and net profit to 0.02 million euros (including 0.005 million euros attributable to the owners of the parent company). The Group’s revenues and profitability are directly dependent on

Tallinna linnavalitsus võttis vastu Ülemiste ühisterminali planeeringu


Tallinna linnavalitsus võttis kolmapäeval vastu Rail Balticu Ülemiste reisiterminali ja seda ümbritseva ala detailplaneeringu. Abilinnapea Madle Lippuse sõnul seisneb ühisterminali planeeringu tähtsus linna jaoks lisaks olulise sõlmpunkti loomisele ja piirkonna linnaruumi terviklikumas mõtestamises. “Ühisterminali planeeringu tähtsus on palju laiem kui

Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium: Ehituskonverentsil jagati parimatele aastaauhindu ning räägiti ehitusharidusest

Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium

Eile aset leidnud ehitussektori virtuaalsel aastakonverentsil „Ehitus 2022+: E-horisont” arutleti, milline on ehitus- ja arhitekuurivaldkonna hariduse tulevik ning kuidas äratada noortes valdkonna vastu rohkem huvi. Samuti kuulutati ehitusauhindade galal välja sektori aasta säravaimad tegijad ja projektid. Majandus- ja taristuminister Taavi

Merko Ehitus: Launch of the fifth stage of the Uus-Veerenni residential project (Tallinn, Estonia)

Merko Ehitus

AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, has decided to launch the fifth stage of the Uus-Veerenni residential development project in the city centre of Tallinn. The new stage includes 12 buildings with 137 apartments and 8

Merko Ehitus: Launch of Allveelaeva development project in Noblessner seafront quarter (Tallinn, Estonia)

Merko Ehitus

Kodusadam OÜ, a joint venture of AS Merko Ehitus Eesti and AS BLRT Grupp, has decided to launch Allveelaeva development project in Noblessner seafront quarter, which comprises of one residential building with 148 apartments and 11 commercial premises. The residential

Pro Kapital: Start of second phase of construction of Kindrali Houses

Pro Kapital

On 3 February 2021, OÜ Marsi Elu, a company belonging to the AS Pro Kapital Grupp group, and Oma Ehitaja AS signed a contract for the construction of three five-storey building complexes in Kristiine City residential area. The construction of

Vesilennuki 2 arhitektuurikonkursi võitis Eesti ja Soome ühistöö „Raveliin“.

US Real Estate

Patarei Merekindlusega koos arendatava Vesilennuki 2 hoonestuse arhitektuurikonkursi võidutöö „Raveliin“ valmis Eesti ja Soome tipparhitektuuribüroode, Arhitekt 11 ja Lundén Architecture OY koostööna. „Ütlen ausalt, et jalg päris tugevasti värises, et seda võistlust võita,“ tunnistas Arhitekt 11 vastutav arhitekt Illimar Truverk.

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital signed one of the largest single sales of the last years with a total value of 16.16 million Euros with VAT

Pro Kapital

A subsidiary of AS Pro Kapital Grupp, OÜ Kalaranna Kvartal, signed a preliminary contract for the sale of commercial premises in Kalaranna District worth 13.40 million euros including the VAT. A total of 3,811.2 m2, ie all 25 of the

Launch of the fourth stage of the Uus-Veerenni residential project (Tallinn, Estonia)

Merko Ehitus

AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, has decided to launch the fourth stage of Uus-Veerenni residential development project in the city centre of Tallinn. The new stage includes three buildings with 84 apartments, which are to

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18.02.2025 Detailplaneeringute koostamine ja menetlemine