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Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its 2023 Annual ESG report

Baltic Horizon

Baltic Horizon Fund today announces the release of its fifth annual ESG report. Tarmo Karotam, Fund Manager for Baltic Horizon Fund, commented: “We are very pleased to present our new ESG report covering the fund’s operations for 2023. Environmental, social,

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fondi võlakirjaomanikud kiitsid heaks võlakirja üldtingimuste järgse kohustusest vabastamise ja nõusoleku andmise

Baltic Horizon Fund

Baltic Horizon Fund taotles 21. juunil 2024 avaldatud kirjaliku hääletusprotsessiga võlakirjainvestorite nõusolekut vabastamaks end võlakirjade üldtingimuste punktis 13.13 sätestatud kohustusest ning andmaks nõusoleku seada BH Meraki UAB varadele teise järjekoha hüpoteek, et tagada väline finantseerimine seoses Baltic Horizon Fundi poolt

Baltic Horizon: Bondholders of Baltic Horizon Fund approved the waiver and gave consent under the terms and conditions of the bonds

Baltic Horizon Fund

Baltic Horizon Fund applied for the consent of the bondholders, by way of a written procedure announced on 21 June 2024, to waive the undertaking set out in Clause 13.13 of the terms and conditions of the bonds and to

Baltic Horizon: Meraki refinantseerimise lõpule viimiseks taotleb Baltic Horizon Fond vabastust ning võlakirjaomanike nõusolekut võlakirjatingimuste alusel

Baltic Horizon Fund

Baltic Horizon Fond taotleb pandiga koormamist keelava kokkuleppe (ingl. k negative pledge) täitmise vabastust seoses Baltic Horizon Fondi 42 miljoni euro väärtuses emiteeritud 5-aastase tähtajaga muutuva intressimääraga võlakirjadega („Võlakirjad“), mille lunastustähtaeg on 2028. aastal (ISIN EE3300003235, Võlakirjad). Hetkel on Võlakirjade

Baltic Horizon: In order to complete Meraki refinancing Baltic Horizon Fund requests for a waiver and bondholders consent under the bond terms and conditions

Baltic Horizon Fund

Baltic Horizon Fund applies for a waiver of negative pledge undertaking in relation to Baltic Horizon Fund EUR 42 million 5-year floating rate bonds maturing in 2028 (ISIN EE3300003235, the Bonds). The current outstanding nominal amount of the Bonds is

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for May 2024

Baltic Horizon Fund

The net asset value (NAV) per unit of the Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) amounted to EUR 0.9070 at the end of May 2024 (0.9078 as of 30 April 2024). The month-end total net asset value of the Fund was

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund plans to redeem early part of the bonds

Baltic Horizon Fund

Baltic Horizon Fund hereby announces that it plans to redeem the third part of the bonds in the total nominal amount of EUR 7,999,999.40 on 8 July 2024. The redemption is planned to be carried out by way of decreasing

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund General Meeting – notice to investors

Baltic Horizon Fund

Northern Horizon Capital AS invites Baltic Horizon Fund unit-holders and Swedish Depositary Receipt (hereinafter the “SDR”) holders (hereinafter together the “Investors”) to attend an extraordinary General Meeting (hereinafter the “General Meeting”) of Baltic Horizon Fund on 2 July 2024 at

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for April 2024

Baltic Horizon Fund

The net asset value (NAV) per unit of the Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) amounted to EUR 0.9078 at the end of April 2024 (0.9087 as of 31 March 2024). The month-end total net asset value of the Fund was

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund Consolidated Unaudited Results for Q1 2024

Baltic Horizon Fund

Management Board of Northern Horizon Capital AS has approved the unaudited financial results of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) for the three months of 2024. Our strategic ambitions Over the past year, our focus has been on reshaping our strategy to

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund publishes interest rate applicable to the bonds for the next interest period

Baltic Horizon Fund

Baltic Horizon Fund publishes interest rate applicable to the fund’s 5-year bonds (ISIN: EE3300003235) for the next 3-months interest period which starts on 8 May 2024. The annual interest rate applicable to the bonds for the interest period as referred

Baltic Horizon: Muudatused Northern Horizon Capital AS juhatuses

Baltic Horizon Fund

Baltic Horizon Fondi fondivalitseja Northern Horizon Capital AS teatab käesolevaga muudatusest juhatuse koosseisus. Edvinas Karbauskas, Northern Horizon Capital AS juhatuse liige ning Baltic Horizon Fondi kaasfondijuht alates 3. jaanuarist 2023, astub juhatuse liikme positsioonilt tagasi ning tema viimane päev juhatuse

Baltic Horizon: Changes in the management board of Northern Horizon Capital AS

Baltic Horizon Fund

Northern Horizon Capital AS, the management company of Baltic Horizon Fund, hereby informs of changes in the management board. Edvinas Karbauskas, a member of the management board of Northern Horizon Capital AS and co-fund manager of Baltic Horizon Fund since

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for March 2024

Baltic Horizon Fund

The net asset value (NAV) per unit of the Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) amounted to EUR 0.9087 at the end of March 2024, decreasing by 0.4% over the month (0.9126 as of 29 February 2024). The month-end total net

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund redeemed early part of the bonds

Baltic Horizon Fund

Baltic Horizon Fund announced on 15 March 2024 via stock exchange announcement a plan to redeem partially the bonds issued on 8 May 2023 (ISIN code EE3300003235) on 8 April 2024. Baltic Horizon Fund hereby announces that it has today,

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03.10.2024 Kinnisvara müügikoolitus