Uudiste arhiiv


Value of real estate transactions growing

Number of notarized sales contracts

31 447 sales of real estate units were recorded in 2010, according to the Statistics Board. The total value of these contracts was 1,234 billion euro. The number of contracts increased by 18% year-on-year, while the value of contracts increased

Non-residential spaces with use permits are smaller than last year

Number of non-residential spaces granted use permits (left axis) and useful area, m2 (right axis)

825 non-residential spaces have received use permits in 2010, according to the Stastics Board. To compare, in the last five years an average of 2700 non-residential spaces have received construction permits annually. As such, it can be claimed that many

Realtors Stand Up to Mass Replacement of Old Apartment Blocks

The Association of Real Estate Firms disagrees that there is a massive need for new apartment buildings to replace the Soviet-era blocks, the life-span of which is said to come to an end in 20 years. The statement was made

Pressiteade: Suurim kinnisvarafirma pakub Tallinnas tööd 30 uuele maaklerile

Läinud neljapäeval, 2. septembril allkirjastasid maailma suurima kinnisvara- firmade keti RE/MAX Eesti esinduse omanik Leanika Klaassen koos esinduse tegevjuhi Kairi Ummusega frantsiisilepingu, mille järgi lööb Tallinnas uksed valla Eestis juba neljas RE/MAXi ketti kuuluv kontor. Swissôtelis RE/MAXi Baltikumi regiooni direktori

Estonians face a sharp increase in land tax

The ruling coalition has no option, but to start re-valuation of land that could double or triple land tax, writes Äripäev. The only hope is that since the idea of re-value the land is supported only by Social Democrats, but

Estonians face a sharp increase in land tax

The ruling coalition has no option, but to start re-valuation of land that could double or triple land tax, writes Äripäev. The only hope is that since the idea of re-value the land is supported only by Social Democrats, but

Heisakem lipud!

4. juunil 2009. aastal möödub 125 aastat esimese sinimustvalge lipu pühitsemisest ja õnnistamisest Otepääl. Seoses selle riigile ja rahvale olulise sündmusega kutsume kõiki majaomanikke heiskama oma majale Eesti lipu 4. ja 5. juunil, mil Eesti lipu sünnipäeva tähistatakse. Ühtlasi kutsume

Buying a bureau wastes money

A year ago, it was written in newspapers that there is no point to pay expensive rent for a bureau since the prices of real estate were rising and buying real estate gave opportunity to earn money from investments. By

Balticbusinessnews.com: Analyst: housing prices are melting in summer

Estonian real estate analyst Tõnu Toompark says that housing prices have fallen 12 percent this year. Toompark who rans KV.EE, a real estate portal that tracks real estate prices, estimates that housing prices have fallen 12 percent to the level

The Baltic Course: Real estate activity in Estonia was extraordinary in April 2008

In April 2008 there were 5,440 real estate transactions in Estonia carried out with the total value of five billion kroons, but in May 2008 the number of transactions fell back to the level of March and February, by a

Kesko Food s And ICAs Joint Venture Starts Operating In The Baltic Countries

Rimi Baltic AB, the joint venture owned 50/50 by Kesko Food Ltd, a company belonging to Kesko Group, and ICA Baltic AB, a company belonging to the Swedish ICA Group, starts operating in the Baltic countries today. The parties have

Rimi Baltic Starts Operating In Estonia, Latvia And Lithuania

Rimi Baltic AB, the joint venture owned 50/50 by Kesko Food Ltd, a company belonging to the Finnish Kesko Group, and ICA Baltic AB, a company belonging to the Swedish ICA Group, starts operating in the Baltic countries today. The

Tallinn property market turns into a real estate bubble

In the opinion of Ąripäev- a real estate bubble is rapidly building up in Tallinn. Opinions whether this is the case differ. There are at least 3-000 new expensive apartments- private houses and lots that are currently offered in Tallinn

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

03.10.2024 Kinnisvara müügikoolitus