Uudiste arhiiv


Rimi ehitab Pärnu südalinna äri- ja eluhoone


Rimi Baltic AB tütarettevõte Kinnisvaravalduse AS poolt Pärnu südalinna arendatav uus äri- ja eluhoone hakkab kandma Martensi maja nime. 2017. aasta kevadeks valmiva 4220 m² netopinnaga viiekordse hoone ehitushange kuulutatakse välja märtsis-aprillis. Hoone I korrusel hakkab paiknema Rimi kauplus, II-IV

Strong wage increase and slow economic growth do not go well together

SEB Pank

The strong wage increase in the third quarter is good news for a working person. Increasing employment and average wages, on the other hand, are a bit mystifying against stagnant corporate income and near-zero growth in the third quarter. Upward

SEB: The gap between industry and trade is widening

SEB Pank

Last week several updates on some important economic indicators were published. Unfortunately the news were mainly negative – industrial production is falling, orders are decreasing and employee’s pay is not growing from the company’s increasing income but from investments. Industry

Lower tax rates and prices lifted real wage income

Eesti Pank

Data from Statistics Estonia show that the growth in average gross wages accelerated to 5.8% in the second quarter of 2015, from 4.5% in the first quarter. Tax changes that took effect this year supported the 7.3% rise in the

In 2014, average gross earnings grew in each of the Baltic States

The state of the job market continues to improve, regardless of the slowing of economic growth and lower employment rate growth. Last year, the growth of average gross earnings was influenced by the increase in the minimum wage in each

Savings, real estate, and children: future pensioners of the Baltics rely on alternatives to the state pension

According to the Baltic Retirement Readiness Index calculated based on an SEB survey, 90 percent of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian employed population hope to have alternatives (i.e. other sources of income) to the state pension. In reality, only a half

Tartu alustab uue lasteaia projekteerimisega

Tartu alustab Pepleri 1a kinnistule 120-kohalise lasteaiahoone projekteerimist. „Kuigi lasteaiakohtade põud on Tartus tänu lastehoiuteenuse arendamisele tunduvalt leevenenud – tänavu lisandub veel 275 kohta, püsib endiselt suurem nõudlus just kesklinnas asuvate lasteaiakohtade järele. Kavandatav Pepleri tänava lasteaed rõõmustab kindlasti paljusid

TTÜs on Euroopa arhitektuuritippudega rahvusvaheline konverents

22.-24. mail toimub TTÜ arhitektuuri- ja urbanistikainstituudi korraldusel konverents „European Architecture Dialogue Tallinn 2014“. Ajakirjanike ning konverentsil osalejate kohtumine toimub 23. mail kell 10.15-10.45 TTÜ Tudengimajas ning jutuks tuleb, kuhu suunas liigub Euroopa arhitektuuriharidus? Konverentsil kohtuvad ning vahetavad ideid 18

After the crisis years, clients’ choices of new homes are considered and based on long-term prospects

Held under the leadership of SEB last week, a meeting of real estate buyers and sellers confirmed that someone buying a new home today must both carefully consider their family’s actual needs and compare real estate offers that meet those

AS Pro Kapital Grupp aktsiatega hakatakse kauplema Frankfurdi börsi kauplemiskeskkonnas Quotation Board

AS Pro Kapital Grupp annab teada, et alates 13. märtsist 2014 hakatakse äriühingu aktsiatega kauplema Frankfurdi börsi kauplemiskeskkonnas Quotation Board. Quotation Board on Frankfurdi väärtpaberibörsi (Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse) avatud turu segmendi osa. Tegu ei ole reguleeritud turuga. AS Pro Kapital Grupp

Loode-Pärnu tööstusala saab Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondilt miljon eurot toetust

Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus (EAS) otsustas rahastada Loode-Pärnu tööstusala infrastruktuuri väljaarendamist. Tegemist on regionaalministri valitsemisalas väljatöötatud meetmega „Piirkondade konkurentsivõime tugevdamine“, mida rahastatakse Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi vahenditest.  Regionaalminister Siim Kiisleri sõnul aitab see miljoni euro suurune regionaalne investeering luua piirkonda sadakond uut

Expert: Law Tilted Toward Tenants, Away from Landlords

An administrator at the Real Estate School says the part of the Law of Obligations Act that governs leases is skewed in favor of tenants and should be rewritten. Tõnu Toompark, a board member at the school, which trains realtors

Expert: Law Tilted Toward Tenants, Away from Landlords

An administrator at the Real Estate School says the part of the Law of Obligations Act that governs leases is skewed in favor of tenants and should be rewritten. Tõnu Toompark, a board member at the school, which trains realtors

National Conservation Strategy Developed For Estonia

According to a recent report by Robin Ilves on the Estonian Public Broadcasting English language site, the Estonian government has announced plans for a nationwide scheme for nature conservation and protection. The new plan, to be carried out by the Ministry of

Estonian Finance Ministry Building In Tallinn To Be Demolished, Rebuilt

According to a report by Ott Tammik on the English language site of the Estonian Public Broadcasters (ERR) the building which houses the Estonian Finance Ministry is to be demolished and two new, identical towers are to be built in its stead. The

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26.03.2025 Korteriühistu juhtimine – seadusandlus ja raamatupidamine