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Loode-Pärnu tööstusala saab Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondilt miljon eurot toetust

Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus (EAS) otsustas rahastada Loode-Pärnu tööstusala infrastruktuuri väljaarendamist. Tegemist on regionaalministri valitsemisalas väljatöötatud meetmega „Piirkondade konkurentsivõime tugevdamine“, mida rahastatakse Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi vahenditest.  Regionaalminister Siim Kiisleri sõnul aitab see miljoni euro suurune regionaalne investeering luua piirkonda sadakond uut

Expert: Law Tilted Toward Tenants, Away from Landlords

An administrator at the Real Estate School says the part of the Law of Obligations Act that governs leases is skewed in favor of tenants and should be rewritten. Tõnu Toompark, a board member at the school, which trains realtors

Expert: Law Tilted Toward Tenants, Away from Landlords

An administrator at the Real Estate School says the part of the Law of Obligations Act that governs leases is skewed in favor of tenants and should be rewritten. Tõnu Toompark, a board member at the school, which trains realtors

National Conservation Strategy Developed For Estonia

According to a recent report by Robin Ilves on the Estonian Public Broadcasting English language site, the Estonian government has announced plans for a nationwide scheme for nature conservation and protection. The new plan, to be carried out by the Ministry of

Estonian Finance Ministry Building In Tallinn To Be Demolished, Rebuilt

According to a report by Ott Tammik on the English language site of the Estonian Public Broadcasters (ERR) the building which houses the Estonian Finance Ministry is to be demolished and two new, identical towers are to be built in its stead. The

Estonian Land Board – Seasonal Drop in Real Estate Sales For January

According to analysis of data concerning property prices and transactions from the Estonian Land Board as carried out by real estate firm 1Partner Kinnisvara, whilst January 2012 saw a 40 per cent increase in the number of real estate deals

Individuals In The Rental Market Need Tax Exempt Status

At a recent round table meeting of the EKFL (Eesti Kinnisvarafirmade Liit), an association of Estonian real estate agents, construction companies, developers and other related interests, on 26 October, the question of issues related to tax relief for rental income

Realtors Push for Tax-Free Rental Income

The Association of Real Estate Companies has announced that it is advocating tax freedom on apartment rental income for private individuals. Such a change, which the association decided to back after discussing the idea at its October 26 round table,

Realtors Push for Tax-Free Rental Income

The Association of Real Estate Companies has announced that it is advocating tax freedom on apartment rental income for private individuals. Such a change, which the association decided to back after discussing the idea at its October 26 round table,

Realtors Stand Up to Mass Replacement of Old Apartment Blocks

he Association of Real Estate Firms disagrees that there is a massive need for new apartment buildings to replace the Soviet-era blocks, the life-span of which is said to come to an end in 20 years. The statement was made

Floods To Have No Lasting Impact on Real Estate Prices

Homeowners on the Tallinn streets worst affected by last weekend’s floods should not be worried that the long-term value of their property will decline, real-estate analysts say. In the coming months, those living in the streets near the Old City

Floods To Have No Lasting Impact on Real Estate Prices

Homeowners on the Tallinn streets worst affected by last weekend’s floods should not be worried that the long-term value of their property will decline, real-estate analysts say. In the coming months, those living in the streets near the Old City

Do Apartment Ownerships In Estonia Constitute An Enterprise?

The Estonian Tax and Customs Board sometimes seems to use unlawful measures to limit the taxpayer’s right to deduct value added tax (VAT), report Law Firm LEXTAL attorney-at-law Ants Karu and lawyer Margus Reiland. Obligation to pay VAT usually lies

Construction Insider: Tallinn Property Market Suffering From An Offers “Drought”

Astlanda OÜ board member Kajar Kruus has provided an interesting perspective on the current situation in the real estate market in Tallinn, the indicators and reasons behind its seeming upturn as well as shedding some light on the realities behind

Statistics: Employment on the Rise

Number of employed and unemployed persons, in thousands, per quarter

According to the Statistics Board, Estonia had a total of 593 000 employed persons as of Q4 2010. At the same time, the number of unemployed persons was 93 000. An extra 15 000 people found employment during the quarter,

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

03.10.2024 Kinnisvara müügikoolitus