Uudiste arhiiv


Liven: Increase of the share capital in connection with employee share option programmes


The supervisory board of Liven AS (“the Company”) decided, pursuant to article 2.2 of the articles of association and the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders of 19.04.2024, to increase the share capital by 14,575.80 euros from 1,185,424.20 euros

Merko: Adjustments to the structure of the group

AS Merko Ehitus adjusts the structure of the group with the aim of making the country-based management more effective and strengthening the focus on core activities, i.e. the provision of construction services and real estate development. On 1 August 2024

Liven: Liven AS – consolidated unaudited interim report for the II quarter of 2024


Although there were no huge positive development leaps in the operating environment, there were still some signs of renewed optimism in the residential property market during the quarter. During the second quarter, we signed 47 contracts under the law of

Kristina Mustonen appointed as the new manager of Arco Vara AS

Arco Vara

The Supervisory Board of Arco Vara has appointed Kristina Mustonen as the new manager of Arco Vara AS. According to the decision of the Supervisory Board, Kristina Mustonen’s authority will take effect on July 15 2024 and will be valid

LHV pensionifondid investeerivad Marati Maja rekonstrueerimisse 24 miljonit eurot

LHV Pank

LHV pensionifondid hakkavad juulis rekonstrueerima ja laiendama Tallinnas Tartu maantee 63 asuvat ajaloolise väärtusega endise Marati trikotaaživabriku hoonet, mis viimastel kümnenditel sai tuntuks Valge Maja büroohoonena. Põhjaliku renoveerimise käigus lisatakse ärihoonele ka kaks lisakorrust. Rekonstrueerimise käigus võetakse hoone kõik viimistluskihid

Hepsor: Hepsor’s Canadian subsidiary made its third investment in the Canadian real estate market


Hepsor SPV I Ltd, a Ontario-based subsidiary of Hepsor AS, made its third investment in the Canadian real estate market. An assembly of 7 properties was acquired in the much desired midtown Toronto neighborhood of Leaside, at 17-29 Glenavy Avenue,

Trigon Property Development: Prolongation of term of office of the member of the management board of AS Trigon Property Development

Trigon Property Development

Due to the expiry of the term of office of the member of the management board of AS Trigon Property Development, Rando Tomingas, the supervisory board of AS Trigon Property Development decided to prolong the term of office of Rando

Merko: Appointment of a Member of the Management Board of SIA Merks Mājas


The sole shareholder of SIA Merks Mājas, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, decided to appoint Mr. Roberts Rēboks as a Member of the Management Board of the company, starting from 6 June 2024. Mr. Roberts Rēboks replaces in the

Trigon Property Development: Notice of calling the annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development

Trigon Property Development

AS Trigon Property Development (registry code 10106774, address Pärnu mnt 18, Tallinn 10141, hereinafter the „Company“) calls the annual general meeting of Company’s shareholders, which shall be held at 10:00 on 26 June 2024 (here and hereafter Estonian time, GMT+3)

Tallinn: Tallinn tunnustas 2023. aasta silmapaistvaid restaureerimistöid


Tallinna linnaplaneerimise amet tunnustas eile eelmisel aastal eeskujulikult restaureeritud ja korrastatud ajalooliste hoonete omanikke, arhitekte ja ehitusettevõtteid. Tunnustused andsid üle abilinnapea Madle Lippus ja linnaplaneerimise ameti juhataja Martin Karro. Abilinnapea Madle Lippus rõhutas, et väärtusliku ehituspärandi korrastamine on alati keerukam

Pro Kapital: New Management Board Member of AS Pro Kapital Grupp

Pro Kapital

AS Pro Kapital Grupp announces that it has decided to elect Neringa Rasimavičienė, member of the Management board of the group’s Lithuanian subsidiary, as the second member of the AS Pro Kapital Grupp Management Board as of 01.06.2024. “I am

Hepsor: Resolutions of the annual general meeting of Hepsor AS


The annual general meeting of shareholders of Hepsor AS (registry code 12099216, address Järvevana 7b, 10112 Tallinn) was held on Thursday, 23 May 2024 at 11:00 in the conference hall of Mövenpick Hotel at Lembitu 12, Tallinn. The notice of convening the

Nordecon: Decisions of the annual general meeting of shareholders


Nordecon AS (registry code 10099962, address Toompuiestee 35, 10149 Tallinn) annual general meeting of shareholders was held on 22 May 2024 at 10.00 a.m. in the conference centre of Radisson Blu Hotel Olümpia, room Sigma (Liivalaia 33, 10118 Tallinn). The shareholders

Hepsor: Hepsor U34 SIA, Hepsor AS group company, signed construction agreement for the construction of StokOfiss 34 project in Riga


Hepsor U34 SIA, a subsidiary of Hepsor AS Group, and construction company Mitt&Perlebach signed a contract on May 17, 2024, for the construction of a development project called StokOfiss 34 in Riga at Ulbrokas 34. The construction contract is approximately

Pro Kapital: Establishment of a new subsidiary of the group

Pro Kapital

AS Pro Kapital Grupp announces that a subsidiary company of the group, AS Pro Kapital Eesti, has established a new subsidiary, OÜ Pro Kapital Engineering. The new subsidiary will be active in residential and non-residential construction management. The share capital

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03.10.2024 Kinnisvara müügikoolitus