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ECB preview – A cut this week will be followed by little forward guidance


Inflation eased to 2.4% in February, while overall economic growth remained weak. The ECB is likely to provide little forward guidance and reiterate data dependence. In February, headline inflation declined to 2.4% while core inflation eased to 2.6%, the lowest

Swedbank: Economy surprised on the upside at the end of the year


In the fourth quarter of 2024, Estonian GDP rose by 1.2% y/y in real terms (seasonally non-adjusted) and 0.7% compared to the previous quarter (seasonally and working day adjusted), according to the updated estimate of Statistics Estonia. The growth was

Swedbank: The tide is turning, but challenges remain


The US economy will continue on a comparatively strong growth path in 2025 and 2026, while GDP growth in both the euro area and China will be limited by structural challenges. Inflation in the western economies is not too far

Swedbank: The Estonian economy is gradually improving


In the third quarter of 2024, Estonian GDP dropped by 0.7% y/y in real terms (seasonally non-adjusted), while remained at the same level compared to the previous quarter (seasonally and working day adjusted), according to the updated estimate of Statistics

Swedbank: Estonian economy: still weak, but it is improving gradually


In Q3 2024, Estonian GDP dropped 0.7% y/y in real terms, while it increased 0.1% q/q (seasonally and working day adjusted – swda), according to the flash estimate of Statistics Estonia. The estimate met our expectations. Estonia has left economic

Eesti Pank: Eesti Pank hindas kodulaenude kliimariske

Eesti Pank

Eesti Panga analüüs näitab, et võrreldes teiste Euroopa riikidega on Eesti pangandussektori eluasemeportfelli süsinikuintensiivsus ning seega ka selle laenuportfelli kliimariskid küllaltki tagasihoidlikud eelkõige tänu kütteliikide kombinatsioonile, mida Eesti majapidamised kasutavad. Kaasa aitavad ka pankade endi kliimaeesmärgid. Euroopa Liidu järelevalveasutused on

Swedbank: From divergence to more synchronised growth


The divergent development across countries and sectors has continued this year. Boosted by household consumption, the US economy has grown at a solid pace so far this year, albeit somewhat slower than in 2023. Following a longer period of stagnation,

Swedbank: Estonian household consumption recovery is bumpy, but purchasing power is improving


Estonian household consumption has been declining since the second half of 2022 and is still falling; however, real wages started to grow in the second half of 2023. Meanwhile, household confidence is at the level last seen during the Global

Swedbank: ECB update – First cut is the sweetest


The ECB has delivered a widely expected 25bp cut; still sees inflation falling to 2% We see two more cuts this year – in September and December The Governing Council decided today to cut the three key ECB interest rates

Swedbank: Economic recession continued at the start of 2024


Estonia’s GDP dropped 2.4% year-on-year in Q1 2024 in real terms (non-adjusted), according to Statistics Estonia. In quarter-on-quarter comparison, GDP continued to contract at the start of the year, falling by 0.5% (swda) in the first quarter. Nominal GDP growth

Swedbank: Estonia’s economic recession continued in Q4 2023


Estonia’s GDP dropped 2.7% year-on-year in Q4 2023 and 3.0% in 2023 in real terms (non-adjusted), according to Statistics Estonia. In quarter-on-quarter comparison, GDP continued to contract in Q4, falling by 0.7% (swda). Nominal GDP growth slowed to 4.6% in

Swedbank: Estonia: prolonged GDP decline stopped in the Q4 2023


In Q4 2023, Estonia’s GDP dropped 3.0% y/y in real terms and remained on the same level compared to the previous quarter (swda), according to the flash estimate of Statistics Estonia. Estonian GDP contracted 3.5% y/y (swda) and 3.4% (non-adjusted)

Swedbank: Landing is getting harder


Manufacturing weakness is spilling over to the rest of the economy Core inflation finally starts dropping ECB hiking is done, cuts on the horizon In Europe, disappointing data continued pouring throughout the summer and into the fourth quarter. Manufacturing continued

Swedbank: Estonian economy has contracted six quarters in a row


In Q2, Estonian GDP declined 2.9% y/y (non-adjusted) and 0.2% q/q (swda). GDP has contracted 3.3% in real terms in 1H 2023. The GDP decline has receded gradually, while the largest contraction remained in 4Q 2022. We forecast 2% GDP

Nordecon: Construction contract (Pirni 7/2 commercial building)


AS Nordecon group company Embach Ehitus OÜ and Eesti Talleks AS signed a contract for the construction of the commercial building on Pirni 7/2 in Tallinn. The first floor of the four-story building with a closed net area of 2,254

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