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Swedbank: Stability and Sustainability – Baltic and Swedish economies in doldrums


Sweden: Economic growth has weakened Baltics: Insufficient demand and falling inflation Risks: Even weaker demand, higher unemployment, geopolitical pressures, deglobalisation Sustainability: Continued improvements are needed Swedish economy showed more resilience than expected in the first quarter, although a substantial positive

Eesti Pank: kui haavatavad on olnud leibkonnad intressimäärade tõusu suhtes?

2021. aastal euroalal läbi viidud finantskäitumise ja tarbimisharjumuste uuringu (Household Finance and Consumption Survey, HFCS) andmed võimaldavad hinnata, kuidas on hinnatõusuga võitlemiseks Euroopa Keskpanga kehtestatud kõrgemad rahapoliitilised intressimäärad mõjutanud Eesti leibkondi. Leibkondade tulude ja kulude analüüs näitab, et kuigi väiksema

Swedbank: Estonia: GPD fell for the fifth quarter in a row


In Q1 2023, GDP contracted 3.2% y/y (non-adjusted) and 0.6% q/q (swda) in real terms. GDP contraction met our expectations. In nominal terms, Estonian economy expanded 9.3%, above the long-term average. Estonian economy has contracted five quarters in a row

Eesti Pank: Uuring: Eesti perede jõukus on kümne aasta jooksul märkimisväärselt kasvanud

Eelmise finantskriisi ja pandeemiakriisi vahele jäänud perioodil suurenes Eesti perede jõukus märkimisväärselt Varalise ebavõrdsuse tase on Eestis euroala riikide võrdluses üks kõrgemaid Noored pered tegelevad enam pikaajalise finantsplaneerimisega Teisest penisonisambast lahkusid eelkõige väheste säästude, rohkete tarbimislaenude ja krediidipiirangutega isikud Eesti

Swedbank: Estonia: recession deepened towards the end of 2022


In Q4 2022, GDP contracted 4.1% y/y (non-adjusted) and 1.6% q/q (swda) in real terms. Quarter-on-quarter GDP fell throughout 2022. In 2022, GDP fell 1.3% in real terms, but expanded 15.1% in nominal terms – the fastest result of the

Swedbank: Inflation to decelerate in 2023


In January, annual inflation accelerated somewhat due to less generous energy support package from the government compared to one year ago and because of a larger share of the housing component in the consumer basket this year after the yearly

Swedbank: Economic situation has deteriorated


In Estonia, GDP fell more than expected in the third quarter. GDP declined by 1.8% over the previous quarter and 2.3% over the year. In nominal terms, GDP increased notably, by 13.9% in a year, marking very high price increases.

Swedbank: Wage growth to remain rapid


The average gross wage growth reached 8.1% in the third quarter, over the year. The average wage rose by more than ten percent in public administration, manufacturing, and agriculture. Wage growth was modest in sectors that saw a larger jump

EfTEN: EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS unaudited results for 3rd quarter and 9 months 2022

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III

Comments from Fund Manager Viljar Arakas The three quarters of this year has been financially the best period in the fund’s history. Rental income increased by 13%. Both, acquisition of new objects but equally importantly increasing rental income from existing

Swedbank: Surging prices


Annual inflation decelerated slightly in September as electricity prices declined. In September, prices rose by 23.7%, over the year, and 0.3%, over the month. Around half of the annual change in prices came directly from higher energy prices, especially electricity

Swedbank: Baltic consumer spending observer: Feasting now, fasting later?


Card spending shows that people are slow in adjusting their spending habits despite collapsing purchasing power Card turnover, adjusted for inflation, has started limping in recent months People keep spending considerably more than last year or before the pandemic and

Swedbank: Estonia: GDP growth outlook deteriorated faster than expected in Q2


GDP expanded only 0.6% y/y (non-adjusted), but contracted 1.3% q/q (swda) in Q2, in real terms GDP nominal growth was still strong at 17.8% y/y. The largest positive contribution to the GDP growth came from ICT sector and professional services,

Swedbank: Hot prices chill the economic outlook


Inflation has so far proven to be both higher and more persistent than previously expected, and central banks were late in taking away the punch bowl. Households around the globe are holding back on consumption as the cost-of-living shock hits

Swedbank: Labour market still strong in the second quarter


In the second quarter, the situation in the labor market was still good in Estonia. Employment was high and unemployment low. According to Statistics Estonia, in the second quarter, the unemployment rate was 5.8% and the number of the employed

Swedbank: Rapid inflation weighs on consumption in Estonia


In June, consumer prices rose by 21.9% year-on-year and by 2.7% month-on-month. The price increase accelerated again in annual and monthly terms. Energy accounted for around 60% of the total increase in prices. The price of electricity has doubled, and

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