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Swedbank: Purchasing power increased by almost 10%


Wage growth accelerated further in the first quarter. A surge in purchasing power supports consumption but hurts enterprises’ profitability. In the 1st quarter of 2016, the average monthly gross wage was 1,091 euros in Estonia, up by 8.1% over the

Acceleration of GDP growth was expected


According to the flash estimate of Statistics Estonia, GDP growth in Estonia accelerated to 1.7% yoy in 1Q 2016, while compared to the previous quarter (seasonally and working day adjusted) remained flat. On the supply side, continued robust growth of

Consumer prices decreased by 0.5% in 2015


Cheaper energy behind the decline in prices Inflation expected at around 1% in 2016 Consumer prices decreased by 0.5% in Estonia in 2015. Consumer prices declined due to lower energy prices. Motor fuels were 14%, heat energy 4%, and electricity

SEB: Export in need of momentum

SEB Pank

The busy statistics calendar of the past weeks has not made it possible to give due attention to everything that is important. Consequently, this weekly commentary will address the foreign trade and registered unemployment statistics, were published already at the

Strong wage increase and slow economic growth do not go well together

SEB Pank

The strong wage increase in the third quarter is good news for a working person. Increasing employment and average wages, on the other hand, are a bit mystifying against stagnant corporate income and near-zero growth in the third quarter. Upward

Economic growth or economic standstill

SEB Pank

Several important economic indicators were updated last week. The new GDP flash estimate for the third quarter indicates that instead of picking up speed, as was expected at the beginning of the year, economic growth is instead beginning to freeze.

In Latvia and Estonia the highest growth of average wages among Baltics

SEB Pank

Due to a reduction in labour taxes, average net (after tax) wages in the first half of 2015 in Estonia and Latvia rose at a quicker pace than gross wages. In Lithuania the average net wages rose a little bit

Moderate economic growth, yet risks have increased

SEB Pank

Economic statistics for the past week revealed that the Estonian economy grew a lot more last year than was previously thought. The growth of GDP in the second quarter can also be regarded as being good. At the same time,

SEB: The gap between industry and trade is widening

SEB Pank

Last week several updates on some important economic indicators were published. Unfortunately the news were mainly negative – industrial production is falling, orders are decreasing and employee’s pay is not growing from the company’s increasing income but from investments. Industry

Swedbank flash comment: Estonia


Cheaper energy behind deflation • Consumer prices dropped further in August • Cheaper energy behind the decline in prices • Inflation expected at -0.2% in 2015 and +1.9% in 2016 August deflation numbers were in line with our expectations. In

Employee numbers rising in spite of declining sales

SEB Pank

The ending week will be remembered by many for the nervous decline of the stock markets. Despite these uncertain times, the global economy is on track for growth. In Estonia, initial data published for the economic performance of businesses in

The fall in prices in June was caused by external factors

Eesti Pank

Data from Statistics Estonia show that the consumer price index was 0.1% lower in June than a year earlier and 0.2% lower than a month earlier. Preliminary estimates show that harmonised consumer price index inflation in the euro area slowed

Eesti Korteriühistute Liit korraldab 19. märtsil Tallinnas VIII Balti elamumajanduse konverentsi

Eesti Korteriühistute Liit / EKÜL / EKYL

Eesti Korteriühistute Liit (EKÜL) korraldab homme, 19. märtsil Tallinnas VIII Balti elamumajanduse konverentsi, mille peateemaks on uudsed lahendused kortermajade renoveerimisel. Konverents toob Tallinna elamumajanduse tippeksperdid Euroopast, eraldi keskendutakse Baltikumi elamufondi olukorrale ja renoveerimisvõimaluste finantseerimisele. Konverents toimub Nordic Hotel Forumis (Viru

Ärihoonest Navigator sai ametlikult Baltimaade keskkonnasõbralikem

Capital Mill

Ärihoonele Navigator väljastati energiatõhusa ehitise sertifikaat LEED Gold, mis teeb sellest ametlikult Baltimaade kõige rohelisema omasuguste seas. LEED-sertifikaat (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) on rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud sertifitseerimissüsteem, mille töötas välja USA Rohelise Ehituse Nõukogu (USGBC). Navigatori arendaja Capital Mill

KIK valis välja esimesed 7 linna tänavavalgustuse ehitajad

SA Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus (KIK) on ära hinnanud linnades esmajärgus töösse minevate piirkondade ehituspakkumused ning kuulutas välja ehitushangete võitjad. Hanked võitnud 6 ehitusfirma tööde kogumaksumus on 8,34 mln eurot. Jõhvis kuulutati kõigis kolmes piirkonnas võitjaks AS Leonhard Weiss Energy. Jõhvi on

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20.11.2024 Üüriinvesteeringute finantsanalüüs