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Flash comment Estonia – Prices increased by 0.1% in 2016


Consumer price index increased by 0.1% in 2016. Higher excise taxes on alcohol, tobacco, and motor fuels contributed positively, while cheaper energy had the biggest negative impact on prices. The prices of alcoholic beverages and tobacco were around 6% higher

Ärihoone Explorer sai ametlikult Eesti kõige keskkonnasõbralikumaks


Capital Milli arendatavale ärihoonele Explorer väljastati energiatõhusa ehitise sertifikaat LEED Platinum, mis teeb sellest ametlikult Eesti kõige rohelisema omasuguste seas. LEED-sertifikaat (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) on rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud sertifitseerimissüsteem, mille töötas välja USA Rohelise Ehituse Nõukogu (USGBC). Kõige

Estonia Flash comment: Investments and inventories had the strongest negative impact on GDP growth in the third quarter


Statistics Estonia revised up to 1.3% its second estimate of the third quarter yoy GDP real growth in Estonia (flash estimate was 1.1%). Compared to the previous quarter, GDP grew by 0.2% (swda). Economic growth has decelerated a bit this

Swedbank flash comment Estonia: Rapid wage growth continues


• Wage growth remained rapid in the 3rd quarter at 7%, over the year. • We expect average gross wage to slow to around 5% in 2017. In the 3rd quarter of 2016, the average monthly gross wage was 1,119

Despite meagre GDP growth, several economic indicators have improved


Economic growth in Estonia continued to be weak in the 3Q. According to the flash estimate, Estonian economy grew 1.1% yoy and 0.2% qoq (seasonally and calendar adjusted). The GDP has increased 1.1% yoy during the first three quarters. We

Swedank flash comment Estonia – Long-awaited investment growth is starting to take off


Statistics Estonia revised second-quarter annual GDP growth 0.2 percentage points up to 0.8%. Regular revision of last four years was also published and led to changes in real growth rates of previous years. 2012-2014 GDP growth was revised down 0.9

Swedbank: Excessive wage growth continues


Wage growth remained rapid in the second quarter at around 8%, over the year. We expect average gross wage to rise by around 5% in 2017. In the 2nd quarter of 2016, the average monthly gross wage was 1,163 euros

Swedbank: Participation rate increased even further


The number of inactive decreased by 19,000 people, over the year, in the second quarter of this year. In addition to tight labour market, inactivity declined due to state reforms – an increase in the retirement age and the rearrangement

Consumer prices continued to decline in the first half of 2016


Cheaper energy and food behind the decline in prices Price growth is expected to be flat in 2016 In June 2016, consumer prices decreased by 0.4%, year on year, in Estonia. Goods were 0.6% and services 0.1% cheaper compared to

Acceleration of the economic growth was not broad based


Statistics Estonia did not revise the GDP growth of 1Q2016 with its second estimate: it remained 1.7% yoy and flat qoq (swda) in real terms. Despite the fall in prices, GDP growth reached to 3% in nominal terms (2.5% in

SEB to issue home loans guaranteed by KredEx for the improvement of energy efficiency


SEB will begin to issue home loans to clients who are borrowing to buy, build or renovate their existing homes to make them more energy efficient and who wish to use a guarantee from KredEx for that purpose. “Any investment

Swedbank: Purchasing power increased by almost 10%


Wage growth accelerated further in the first quarter. A surge in purchasing power supports consumption but hurts enterprises’ profitability. In the 1st quarter of 2016, the average monthly gross wage was 1,091 euros in Estonia, up by 8.1% over the

Acceleration of GDP growth was expected


According to the flash estimate of Statistics Estonia, GDP growth in Estonia accelerated to 1.7% yoy in 1Q 2016, while compared to the previous quarter (seasonally and working day adjusted) remained flat. On the supply side, continued robust growth of

Consumer prices decreased by 0.5% in 2015


Cheaper energy behind the decline in prices Inflation expected at around 1% in 2016 Consumer prices decreased by 0.5% in Estonia in 2015. Consumer prices declined due to lower energy prices. Motor fuels were 14%, heat energy 4%, and electricity

SEB: Export in need of momentum

SEB Pank

The busy statistics calendar of the past weeks has not made it possible to give due attention to everything that is important. Consequently, this weekly commentary will address the foreign trade and registered unemployment statistics, were published already at the

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09.-12.09.2024 Kinnisvara ABC