Uudiste arhiiv


Merko: Auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne 2023

ASi Merko Ehitus 2023. majandusaasta konsolideeritud auditeeritud finantstulemused ei ole võrreldes 8. veebruaril 2024 avaldatud esialgsete tulemustega muutunud. JUHATUSE ESIMEHE PÖÖRDUMINE 2023. aasta on olnud Merkole kahtlemata põnev, samuti nagu on olnud eelmised ja kindlasti tulevad ka järgmised aastad. Muutunud

Arco Vara: 2023 Annual Report of Arco Vara

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW While 2021 and 2022 were a sprint on the real estate market, last year marked the start of a marathon in the heat of Euribor.  The base interest rates of the central bank have pushed both investors

Tallinn: Tallinn viib Eesti ettevõtted Cannes’i kinnisvara ja investeeringute messile


12.-15. märtsini toimub Prantsusmaal Cannes’is kinnisvara ja investeeringute mess MIPIM 2024, kus Tallinna linn osaleb ühisstendiga koos üheksa Eesti ettevõttega: Port of Tallinn / Tallinna Sadam, Invest in Estonia, Lumi Capital, Bisly, COBALT, Fyma, TrackDeep, Spacedrip ja Fibenol. MIPIM on

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for IV Quarter and 12 Months of 2023 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary In 2023 we have been in line with the Company’s history, by having focus on the main areas of activities in real estate developments in the three Baltics capitals (Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius) and the hotel

Merko: Filing a cassation appeal against the decision of the Latvian Competition Council

Merko Ehitus notified with a 26.01.2024 stock exchange announcement the Administrative Regional Court of Latvia did not satisfy the appeal of SIA Merks and AS Merko Ehitus and upheld the decision of the Latvian Competition Council. Today, on 26.02.2024, SIA

Nordecon: 2023. aasta IV kvartali ja 12 kuu konsolideeritud vahearuanne (auditeerimata)


Majanduskeskkond Ehitusturg on olnud viimastel aastatel väga kiires muutuses. 2023. aastal ilmestasid turgu mitmed trendid, mis said alguse 2022. aastal ja on väga tugevalt mõjutanud ehitussektoris tegutsevate ettevõtete käekäiku. Kõrget pingestatust hoiavad eelkõige kõrge inflatsiooni ja kõrgete intressimäärade keskkond. Statistikaameti

Nordecon: 2023 IV quarter and 12 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


Economic environment The construction market has experienced rapid evolution in recent years, with notable trends emerging in 2023 following developments that began in 2022. These shifts have profoundly impacted companies within the construction sector. Persistently high inflation and interest rates

Merko: Court judgement in the appeal against the decision of the Latvian Competition Council

With the 09.08.2021 stock exchange announcement, AS Merko Ehitus disclosed information concerning the decision of the Latvian Competition Council according to which the group’s subsidiary SIA Merks is considered one of the nine companies involved in the prohibited cooperation of

Swedbank Economic Outlook – Cautious optimism


Inflation is on a fast downward path towards more sustainable levels and is in line with monetary policy targets. Consequently, as inflation was coming down during the winter, financial markets made a quick turnaround, pricing in aggressive cuts in central

Regionaal- ja Põllumajandusministeerium: Huvilistele tutvustati üleriigilise planeeringu lähteseisukohti

Regionaal- ja Põllumajandusministeerium

Üleriigilise planeeringuga määratakse, kuidas on võimalik Eesti territooriumi aastani 2050 kasutada ning see on omakorda aluseks paljudele teistele planeeringutele ja arengukavadele. Planeering mõjutab ühel või teisel viisil iga Eesti inimest, mistõttu tutvustati eilsel seminaril kõigile huvilistele planeeringu koostamise lähteseisukohti, mõjude

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund general meeting of investors and a notice to convene a new general meeting of investors

Baltic Horizon Fund

Extraordinary General Meeting (hereinafter the “General Meeting”) of Baltic Horizon Fund unit-holders and Swedish Depositary Receipt (hereinafter the “SDR”) holders (hereinafter together the “Investors”) took place on 6 December 2023 in Tallinn, Estonia. Proposed agenda of the meeting was the

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund General Meeting – notice to investors

Baltic Horizon Fund

Northern Horizon Capital AS invites Baltic Horizon Fund unit-holders and Swedish Depositary Receipt (hereinafter the “SDR”) holders (hereinafter together the “Investors”) to attend an extraordinary General Meeting (hereinafter the “General Meeting”) of Baltic Horizon Fund on 6 December 2023 at

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for III Quarter and 9 Months of 2023 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary Q3 2023 marks as a continuation of the newly started developments of AS Pro Kapital Grupp. Real estate development In Tallinn, the decision taken earlier in the year on starting the construction and sales of Kalaranna

Nordecon: 2023. aasta III kvartali ja 9 kuu konsolideeritud poolaastaaruanne (auditeerimata)


Majanduskeskkond Majanduskeskkonnast tingitud ehitusturu kiired muutused on jätkunud, raskendades sektoris tegutsevate ettevõtete ja teiste seotud majandusharude kasvuplaane ning piirates nende tegutsemisjulgust. Keeruliste oludega toimetulek ja ehitusmahtude langus on märksõnadeks enamiku valdkonna ettevõtete jaoks. 2022. aastal tõusis ehitushinnaindeks aastases võrdluses 17,8%

Nordecon: 2023 III quarter and 9 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


Economic environment The rapid changes in the construction market due to the economic environment have continued, complicating the growth plans of companies and other related industries in the sector, and limiting their courage to act. Coping with difficult circumstances and

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

03.10.2024 Kinnisvara müügikoolitus