Uudiste arhiiv


Merko Ehitus: Construction contract in Estonia (maintenance and repair of roads in Tallinn City)


On 31 August 2022, Tallinna Teede AS, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, and Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department entered into a framework agreement covering the performance of maintenance repairs of roads, facilities necessary for the functioning of

Merko: reconstruction of Vana-Kalamaja street in Tallinn


Public Works Department and AS Tallinna Vesi as co-financer entered into a contract to perform reconstruction works of Vana-Kalamaja street in Tallinn. The works include renewal of the road surface and underground communications. The 1.2-kilometre section under reconstruction starts at

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for II Quarter and 6 Months of 2022 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary The second quarter of 2022 continued the trend we have seen in Q1, with a strong demand for real estate assets in the Baltic countries (particularly Estonia and Lithuania). Our available inventory is mainly sold, but

Merko Ehitus: Public Procurement Preferred Bidder Announcement in Estonia (reconstruction of Vana-Kalamaja street in Tallinn)


Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department has informed that the public procurement “Reconstruction of Vana-Kalamaja street” (reference number 245920) preferred bidder is announced to be Tallinna Teede AS, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, with a value of 7.8

Nordecon: 2022. aasta II kvartali ja 6 kuu konsolideeritud poolaastaaruanne (auditeerimata)


Vaatamata jätkuvalt keerulisele väliskeskkonnale olid 2022. aasta II kvartal ja I poolaasta kontsernile kokkuvõttes kasumlikud. Jätkus ka müügitulu kasv, mis tugineb suuresti eelmistel perioodidel sõlmitud ehituslepingute täitmisel. Samas on jätkuv materjalide tarnete ebakindlus ja sisendhindade kiire kasv loonud olukorra, kus

Nordecon: 2022 II quarter and 6 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


Despite the continued difficult external environment, the second quarter and first half of 2022 were overall profitable for the group. The increase in sales revenue also continued, which is largely based on the fulfillment of construction contracts concluded in previous

Swedbank: Baltic HAI – affordability still high, but outlook is getting bleaker


Over the quarter, housing affordability deteriorated in all three Baltic capitals. Compared with the same period last year, the housing affordability index (HAI) increased in Vilnius but declined in Riga and Tallinn, with the Estonian capital registering a more pronounced

Ehitus- ja lammutusjäätmete korduskasutamiseks ja materjalina ringlusesse suunamiseks otsitakse lahendusi BuildESTi projekti raames

Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium

LIFE IP BuildEST on teadusarendusprojekt, mille raames töötatakse välja ja võetakse kasutusele vajalikud tööriistad Eesti hoonete pikaajalise rekonstrueerimisstrateegia (REKS) rakendamiseks ja antakse hoogu hoonete rekonstrueerimisele. Projekti üheks teemaks on ehitussektori ringmajanduse põhimõtete rakendamine hoonete renoveerimisel. Selle raames teostatakse uuring, millega

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for I Quarter and 3 Months of 2022 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary The first quarter of 2022 has been an atypical one. The Ukraine war started in February caused some concerns due to the geopolitical risks perceived in the area. However, after the initial (and understandable) concerns, the

Arco Vara: Decisions of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of Arco Vara AS

Arco Vara

The annual general meeting of shareholders of Arco Vara AS held on 17 May 2022 adopted the following decisions: To approve the annual report of Arco Vara AS for 2021. To allocate the net profit for the year ended on

Hepsor: Hepsor AS consolidated unaudited interim report for Q1 2022


Consolidated revenues of Hepsor for Q1 2022 amounted to 1.3 million euros and net profit to 0.02 million euros (including 0.005 million euros attributable to the owners of the parent company). The Group’s revenues and profitability are directly dependent on

Nordecon: 2022. aasta I kvartali konsolideeritud vahearuanne (auditeerimata)


2022. aasta I kvartali märgusõnadeks on kontserni jaoks esiteks hüppeline müügitulu kasv ja samal ajal terav sisendhindade tõus. Müügitulu kasv on seotud eelmistel perioodidel sõlmitud ehituslepingute täitmisega. Sisendhinnad on tõusnud valdavalt Venemaale ja Valgevenele kehtestatud sanktsioonide tulemusel, lisaks hinnatõusule on

Merko Ehitus: 2022 3 months consolidated unaudited interim report

Merko Ehitus

COMMENTARY FROM MANAGEMENT Merko Ehitus sales revenue in the first quarter was EUR 68.4 million and net profit EUR 3.0 million. The sales revenue for the 3 months of 2022 increased by 14% compared to the same period of previous

Nordecon: 2022 first quarter consolidated interim report (unaudited)


The key words for the first quarter of 2022 for the group are, firstly, a sharp increase in sales revenue and, at the same time, a sharp rise in input prices. The increase in sales revenue is related to the

Kaamos: Aprillis liitusid Kaamos Groupiga uus finantsjuht/juhatuse liige Peeter Aruvald ja juriidilise valdkonna juht Eliza Tüll

Kaamos Groupi uueks finantsjuhiks ja juhatuse liikmaks saab Peeter Aruvald, juriidilise valdkonna juhi ametikohale asub Eliza Tüll. Mõlemad on pikaajalise kogemusega oma ala eksperdid. „Mul on väga hea meel selle üle, et saan liituda Kaamose professionaalse ja ettevõtliku meeskonnaga ning

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

26.03.2025 Korteriühistu juhtimine – seadusandlus ja raamatupidamine