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Pro Kapital: Notice of Calling the Annual General Meeting of AS Pro Kapital Grupp Shareholders

Pro Kapital

We announce that the Management Board is calling for the annual general meeting of the shareholder of AS Pro Kapital Grupp (registration code 10278802, located at Sõjakooli 11, Tallinn, Republic of Estonia; hereinafter the Company), which shall take place on

Nordecon: Construction contract (E-class aircraft platform area)


Nordecon AS and AS Tallinna Lennujaam signed a contract for the construction of platform area for E-class aircraft at Tallinn Airport. The total value of the contract is 7.5 million euros without VAT and the works will be completed in

EfTEN: EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS unaudited results for 1st quarter 2024

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

Signs of stabilization in the Eurozone interest markets and Baltic economies were reflected in the consolidated results of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS for the first quarter of 2024. The fund’s net rental income increased by 0.6% on an annual

Arco Vara: Arco Vara unaudited consolidated interim report for Q1 of 2024

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW The beginning of the year was dominated by the European Central Bank’s benchmark rate cut, aimed at bringing about economic revival. However, instead of relying on factors that are outside of our control, we should continue to

Nordecon: Notice of annual general meeting of shareholders of Nordecon AS


The management board of Nordecon AS (the “Company”) (registry code 10099962, address Toompuiestee 35, 10149 Tallinn) hereby calls an annual general meeting of shareholders, which shall be held on 22 May 2024 at 10:00 am at the Radisson Blu Hotel Olümpia

Nordecon: Audited annual report 2023 and profit allocation proposal


The council of Nordecon AS approved on 19 April 2024 the consolidated audited annual report and profit allocation proposal for the year 2023. The council decided to present the annual report and profit allocation proposal as prepared by the management

Merko: Construction contract in Estonia (maintenance and repair of roads in Tallinn city)

On 15 April 2024, Tallinna Teede AS, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, and Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department signed a contract for the maintenance and repair of road sections and facilities necessary for the functioning of the

Nordecon: Construction contract (Võru Lidl)


AS Nordecon group company Embach Ehitus OÜ and Lidl Eesti OÜ signed a contract for the construction of a Lidl store in the city of Võru. The total value of the contract is 3.9 million euros without VAT and the

Merko: Notice on convening the annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Merko Ehitus

The Management Board of AS Merko Ehitus, registry code 11520257, seated at Järvevana tee 9G, Tallinn, 11314, will convene the annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Merko Ehitus on Wednesday, 8 May 2024 at 10.00 at Nordic Hotel Forum conference centre

Arco Vara: Annual General Meeting of Arco Vara AS

Arco Vara

NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, ITS AGENDA AND PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS Dear shareholder of Arco Vara AS, Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of Arco Vara AS (registry number 10261718; registered office at Rotermanni 10, Tallinn) will

Arco Vara: 2023 Annual Report of Arco Vara

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW While 2021 and 2022 were a sprint on the real estate market, last year marked the start of a marathon in the heat of Euribor.  The base interest rates of the central bank have pushed both investors

Merko: Audited annual report 2023

AS Merko Ehitus consolidated audited financial results for 2023 remain unchanged compared to the preliminary disclosure on 8 February 2024. STATEMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD Like past years and, surely, years to come, 2023 was anything but

Kapitel: Eugesta sõlmis Kapiteliga üürilepingu 17 000 ruutmeetrile


Baltikumi üks suurimaid distributsiooniettevõtteid Eugesta sõlmis Kapiteliga pikaajalise lepingu 17 000 ruutmeetri üürimiseks. Tallinna ringtee ristmikul Rae vallas asuvates energiasäästlikes Rukki tee 1 ja Rukki tee 5 logistikakeskustes asuvad Eugesta ladu, jaheladu ja büroo. „Eugesta on tegutsenud Balti riikides juba

Swedbank: A long-awaited recovery is on the way


Housing affordability has bottomed out. Interest rates for new loans likely peaked in the fourth quarter. The sustained rapid net wage growth is the key factor in the recovery of affordability. Housing affordability finally started to improve in Riga and

Mainor Ülemiste: Konkurentsiameti luba koondumistehingu lõpuleviimiseks

12. veebruari 2024 börsiteates teatas Mainor Ülemiste AS ostu-müügi lepingust Technopolis Baltic Holding OÜ-ga 51% Technopolis Ülemiste AS-i hääleõiguslike aktsiate ostuks. Konkurentsiamet andis tehingu lõpule viimiseks vajaliku loa 7. märtsil 2024. Tehingu lõpuleviimise järel saab Mainor Ülemiste AS Ülemiste City

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09.-12.09.2024 Kinnisvara ABC