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Prices for the real estate brokerage services increase

BBN quoted Postimees.ee: currently the real estate broker must do a lot more than previously in order to sell the properties, therefore, the prices for the brokerage services increase, writes LETA. “This is almost contradictory to the laws of economy,

Re&Solution: Eesti kvaliteetkinnisvara on muutumas välisinvestoritele atraktiivseks

Re&Solution: Eesti kvaliteetkinnisvara on muutumas välisinvestoritele atraktiivseks Balti ärikinnisvara küllastunud turul võivad mõned sektorid juba tekitada huvi välisinvestorites, näiteks on üsna heas seisukorras laohoonete turg, leidis oma analüüsis piirkonna juhtiv kinnisvara investeeringute, hindamise, vahendamise ja haldamise ettevõte Re&Solution. Re&Solution Estonia

Commentary: The situation in the real estate is catastrophic

The fall in amount of transactions has been big, nearly catastrophic, real estate specialist Tõnu Toompark wrote in his commentary to ehitusuudised.net. “In January only 591 apartment transactions were made, of which 251 were in Tallinn. That means 55 and

The Estonian property crash

14/01/2009 ilmus väljaandes The Baltic Times lühiintervjuu Eesti kinnisvaraturust. Lehe tellijad saavad seda lugeda The Baltic Times veebilehelt.

Riigi Kinnisvara AS üheksa kuu müügitulu oli 222,5 miljonit krooni

Täna kogunenud Riigi Kinnisvara ASi (RKAS) nõukogule esitleti ettevõtte 2008. aasta üheksa kuu majandustulemusi.     Ettevõtte 2008. aasta üheksa kuu müügitulu oli 222,5 miljonit krooni, ehk 42 protsenti rohkem kui 2007. aasta samal perioodil. Sealhulgas kasvas üüritulu 58,7 miljoni krooni võrra

How does global financial crisis affect Estonian real estate market?

The global financial crisis seems to turn into economic crisis. How does that affect small Estonian real estate market? arileht.ee mediates real estate consultant Tõnu Toompark’s opinion. Financial crisis and downturn of real estate prices mean that every loan kroon

Disorientation in global economy to postpone Estonian housing market recovery

KV.ee’s special housing market index KV (Real Estate) Index is constantly falling for the 33 week. The value of the index is 90.5 points what makes an annual 14 pct fall, real estate specialist Tõnu Toompark writes in his blog.

Disorientation in global economy to postpone Estonian housing market recovery

KV.ee’s special housing market index KV (Real Estate) Index is constantly falling for the 33 week. The value of the index is 90.5 points what makes an annual 14 pct fall, real estate specialist Tõnu Toompark writes in his blog.

Estonian construction volumes down 2.3 pct in Q2

The volumes of Estonian construction companies decreased 2.3 pct year on year in the second quarter, Tõnu Toompark, a real estate specialist writes in its blog. The total volume of construction works was EEK 14.7 billion. According to Toompark the

Websites claim massive debts from real estate agents

In recent months Estonia’s leading real estate online portals have closed hundreds of accounts of real estate agents because of debts. Real estate developer turns attention to state real estate auctions Tarvo Teslon, CEO of Diginet that runs the popular

Balticbusinessnews.com: Number of accommodation establishments stays stabile in Estonia

Real estate specialist Tõnu Toompark writes in aripaev.ee that the number of accommodation establishments is slightly falling. In 2007, 26 accommodation establishment were added to the market in Tallinn, all over Estonia 33. Only in Western Estonia the number of

Balticbusinessnews.com: Real estate transaction at the level of 2002

8,900 transactions were made in the Estonian real estate sector in the first quarter of 2008. That is a 34 pct annual decline. The transactions’ value dropped 42 pct y-o-y, amounting EEK 9.4 bln in the Q1, Päevaleht Online mediates

Balticbusinessnews.com: Analyst: housing prices are melting in summer

Estonian real estate analyst Tõnu Toompark says that housing prices have fallen 12 percent this year. Toompark who rans KV.EE, a real estate portal that tracks real estate prices, estimates that housing prices have fallen 12 percent to the level

The Baltic Course: Real estate activity in Estonia was extraordinary in April 2008

In April 2008 there were 5,440 real estate transactions in Estonia carried out with the total value of five billion kroons, but in May 2008 the number of transactions fell back to the level of March and February, by a

Estonian real estate sector in standstill

The Estonian real estate sector is stagnating and property prices continue to fall, writes Äripäev. According to Äripäev’s real estate analysts, most predictions made by the paper in January have become a reality as the market has gone to a

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

03.10.2024 Kinnisvara müügikoolitus