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Demand For Office Space Outstripping Supply In Tallinn, Estonia

Demand for good quality (A class plus) in Tallinn is currently outstripping supply, according to a report on the Estonian Press Digest from News2Biz. Whilst the period from late 2010 well into 2011 saw an upsurge in construction, including office space, rising

Estonia Vs Slovenia

An interesting and detailed post here, from the redoubtable Edward Hugh, about one of the two other CEE countries, apart from Estonia, that have acceded to the Eurozone, namely Slovenia (the third country is Slovakia). Having consistently outperformed Estonia and even ‘older’

Retail Sales In Estonia See An 8 Per Cent Y-o-Y Rise In May 2012

Estonian real estate sales rose by eight per cent y-o-y in May 2012 according to a report on the Baltic Business News website. The biggest reported rise came in the pharmaceuticals sector, which saw a 13 per cent y-o-y rise, though

Statistics: Construction Volume Index In Estonia Grows 28 Per Cent Y-o-Y

Following yesterday’s post revealing the minimal increase in apartment prices in Estonia over the past 12 months, another post on Tõnu Toompark’s Adaur blog has stated that, in contrast, construction volume has seen a 28 per cent rise y-o-y to Q1 2012. This figure

Apartment Prices Showing Slight Y-o-Y Rise in Tallinn, Estonia

Most of the major newspapers in Tallinn are taking a break today after Jaanipäev but here at Tallinn Property we don’t want to take a break from bringing you up to speed on all that is happening in real estate in Tallinn

Statistics: Number Of Residential Occupancy Permissions In Estonia Healthy, But Declining

The beginning of 2012 has demonstrated a successful rate of issue of residential permits, according to Tõnu Toompark on his adaur blog. The first quarter of 2012 saw 707 permits being issued, which was a rise of as much as 86 per cent y-o-y, Tõnu goe…

Statistics: Financing For Residential Real Estate In Estonia Has Dried Up Somewhat

The balance of loans across the various sectors of the real estate market has remained notably stable in recent years, according to Tõnu Toompark on his adaur blog. The only significant increase in the loan balance has been in the retail

Q1 2012: Estonia Sees House Price Increase Y-o-Y Whilst Global Trend Is For Fall

According to property investment portal, Global Property Guide, whilst the global trend for house prices has been for an accelerating downturn as of Q1 2012, Estonia has been bucking that trend somewhat, even seeing something of an increase, at least as

Credit Rating Agency Fitch Confirms Estonia at A+

Credit ratings agency Fitch has confirmed its rating for Estonia at A+, according to a recent report on the Estonian state broadcaster ERR’s English-language website. Particularly noteworthy in Fitch’s estimation, was the accession to the Eurozone in January 2011 and

Eesti Kinnisvarafirmade Liit kuulutab välja kinnisvarateemaliste üliõpilastööde konkursi

Eesti Kinnisvarafirmade Liit (EKFL)

Eesti Kinnisvarafirmade Liit (EKFL) kuulutab 1. juunil 2012. a. esmakordselt välja kinnisvarateemasid käsitlevate kõrgkoolide lõputööde konkursi. EKFLi poolt välja antava preemia eesmärgiks on läbi tunnustuse tähelepanu juhtimine kinnisvaramajandussektorile. Preemia „Säravaim kinnisvaratäht“ määratakse konkursile esitatud parima magistritöö autorile ja preemia „Tõusev kinnisvaratäht“ määratakse konkursile esitatud parima

Tallinn, Estonia Now Covered by Google Streetview!

After months of anticipation, Estonia is now fully covered by Google Streetview, as available in Google Maps and Google Earth. The famous streetview cars with their nine-lens cameras have been doing the rounds since they arrived last year, and as

GDP in Estonia up 3.9 per cent year on year to Q1 2012

According to a report on the Baltic Business News, the Estonian economy saw a growth of 3.9 per cent in Q1 of 2012, with particular emphasis on construction and also retail and wholesale trade. Citing figures from the Estonian Statistics

Konverents „Tänased kinnisvaraotsused homse elukeskkonna kujundajana”

Juba 17. mail toimub MTÜ KinnisvaraMagnaadid ja Äripäeva koostöös korraldatud teine kinnisvarakonverents „Tänased kinnisvaraotsused homse elukeskkonna kujundajana”. See on jätkuks 2008. aastal toimunud konverentsile. Konverentsile on oodatud maaklerid, hindajad, haldajad, hooldajad, planeerijad, arendajad ja kõik teised kinnisvara valdkonnast huvitatud inimesed.

Tourism Up in Tallinn and Estonia in Q1 2012

More hopeful signs of recovery come from a report on the Baltic Business News website, citing figures from Statistics Estonia, which stated that the amount of overseas visitors to Estonia was up by 11 per cent in Q1 2012. A

Statistics: Mortgage Interest Rate in Estonia at a Record Low

According to Tõnu Toompark’s Estonian property Adaur blog, morgage rates in Estonia have fallen to a level of 3.15 per cent at the end of the first quarter of 2012. The only other time when such a low level of

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26.03.2025 Korteriühistu juhtimine – seadusandlus ja raamatupidamine