Uudiste arhiiv


Apartment Deals, Prices In Estonia Picking Up But Caution Still Needed

Summer 2011 apparently experienced a low volume of real estate transactions in Estonia, according to Tõnu Toompark on his adaur blog. However, the months of August and September actually saw a rise to the highest level of the year so

Kinnisvarakonverents Kinnisvara 2011 „Kinnisvaraturul uut hoogu otsimas“

X RAHVUSVAHELINE KINNISVARAKONVERENTS KINNISVARA 2011 „Kinnisvaraturul uut hoogu otsimas“ 11/11/2011 Weizenbergi 34 / Valge 1, Tallinn I Sessioon Moderaatorid: Tambet Tiits (EKHÜ), Tõnis Rüütel (EKFL), Jüri Kröönström (EKHHL), Andrus Soonsein (EKMK) 9.00–10.00 Osalejate registreerimine, hommikukohv 10.00-10.15 Avasõnad: Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniminister

Real Estate Market Growing Slowly But Steadily In Tallinn, Tartu and Pärnu, Estonia

Today’s residential market seens to be relatively calm, with sudden changes not taking place, writes Tõnu Toompark on his adaur blog. However, developments in the city centre of Tallinn, particularly in the high end of the market are certainly a

Realtors Stand Up to Mass Replacement of Old Apartment Blocks

he Association of Real Estate Firms disagrees that there is a massive need for new apartment buildings to replace the Soviet-era blocks, the life-span of which is said to come to an end in 20 years. The statement was made

Seminar “Mis saab edasi?” 19. oktoobril Technopolis Ülemistes

Eesti Kinnisvarafirmade Liit / EKFL

“MIS SAAB EDASI?” (olukord kinnisvaraturul) EESTI KINNISVARAFIRMADE LIIDU SEMINAR KOOSTÖÖS NORDEA PANGAGA 19. oktoobril 2011. a. Technopolis Ülemistes, Lõõtsa 6, II korruse Zappi koosolekusaalis Seminari moderaatorid Tõnis Rüütel ja Peep Sooman Päevakava ja esinejad 09.00 – 09.20 Osavõtjate registreerimine 09.20

Seminar “Mis saab edasi?” 19. oktoobril Technopolis Ülemistes

Eesti Kinnisvarafirmade Liit / EKFL

“MIS SAAB EDASI?” (olukord kinnisvaraturul) EESTI KINNISVARAFIRMADE LIIDU SEMINAR KOOSTÖÖS NORDEA PANGAGA 19.oktoobril 2011.a. Technopolis Ülemistes, Lõõtsa 6, II korruse Zappi koosolekusaalis Seminari moderaatorid Tõnis Rüütel ja Peep Sooman Päevakava ja esinejad 09.00 – 09.20 Osavõtjate registreerimine 09.20 – 09.30

Estonian Property Owners’ “Golden Handcuffs”

The proportion of property owners in Estonia seems to be declining somewhat, despite a strong desire in Estonia to be a property owner, according to a report in Estonian business newspaper Äripaev. The article, by Silvia Kruusmaa, goes on to

Seminar “Mis saab edasi?” 19. oktoobril Technopolis Ülemistes

Eesti Kinnisvarafirmade Liit / EKFL

    “MIS SAAB EDASI?” (olukord kinnisvaraturul) EESTI KINNISVARAFIRMADE LIIDU SEMINAR KOOSTÖÖS NORDEA PANGAGA 19.oktoobril 2011.a. Technopolis Ülemistes, Lõõtsa 6, II korruse Zappi koosolekusaalis Seminari moderaatorid Tõnis Rüütel ja Peep Sooman Päevakava ja esinejad: 09.00 – 09.20 Osavõtjate registreerimine 09.20

Kinnisvarakonverents Kinnisvara 2011 „Kinnisvaraturul uut hoogu otsimas“

X RAHVUSVAHELINE KINNISVARAKONVERENTS KINNISVARA 2011 „Kinnisvaraturul uut hoogu otsimas“ 11/11/2011 Weizenbergi 34 / Valge 1, Tallinn I Sessioon Moderaatorid: Tambet Tiits (EKHÜ), Tõnis Rüütel (EKFL), Jüri Kröönström (EKHHL), Andrus Soonsein (EKMK) 9.00–10.00 Osalejate registreerimine, hommikukohv 10.00-10.15 Avasõnad: Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniminister

Energy Savings Pay Off When Buying Real Estate In Estonia

When buying a new home, it seems that the biggest cost is likely to be the actual purchase price according to property developer Allan Kool, in an article published on Tõnu Toompark’s adaur blog. However, it gradually dawns on home

Statistics: Growth In Volume Of Land Transactions In Estonia

Both built up and raw land in Estonia has seen a significant increase in the number of deals in the second quarter of 2011, according to Tõnu Toompark on his adaur blog. This is in direct contrast to apartment deals

Estonia Property Prices Lowest Since Downturn, Offers Increase

Positive changes in residential offer prices in Estonia as reflected in the kv.ee index are, despite positive forecasts, not apparent, with the index showing its lowest figure since the 2008-2010 crash, standing at 61.0 on 3 July, 2011, writes Tõnu

Statistics: Commercial Real Estate Investment Has Not Declined

Investments by Estonian businesses in capital assets have grown for the second quarter in a row, year on year, writes Tõnu Toompark in his adaur blog. Real estate investments (including land, buildings, facilities construction, renovation and purchase costs) have moved into

Do Apartment Ownerships In Estonia Constitute An Enterprise?

The Estonian Tax and Customs Board sometimes seems to use unlawful measures to limit the taxpayer’s right to deduct value added tax (VAT), report Law Firm LEXTAL attorney-at-law Ants Karu and lawyer Margus Reiland. Obligation to pay VAT usually lies

Real estate year promises to be positive

Life shows that the supernatural expectations attributed to the coming of the euro were left unfulfilled. The new currency left the buyers and sellers eyeing each other and waiting for the actual market movements. For this reason the number of

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26.03.2025 Korteriühistu juhtimine – seadusandlus ja raamatupidamine