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EfTEN: EfTEN Capital investment outlook – 10 topics to follow in economy and Baltic property market in 2025


BUSINESS CLIMATE Business cycle. In 2024 recession worries came and disappeared in global economy. Towards the end of a year global growth was lower than at the start of a year in almost all major regions, but far away from

Riigiamet kolib ligi 200 töötajat Tammsaare Ärikeskusesse

Haridus- ja Noorteamet (Harno) sõlmis Kaamos Kinnisvaraga kümneaastase üürilepingu ning kolib oma Tallinna kontoripinnad Ülemiste Cityst ja Tõnismäelt Tammsaare Ärikeskusesse. Kolimine algas detsembri keskel ja jõuab lõpule tuleva aasta 1. maiks. „Uus asukoht võimaldab Harnol koondada seni eraldi paiknenud kontorid

Nordecon: Construction contract (Renovation of Tallinn Art Hall)


Nordecon AS and SA Kunstihoone entered into a contract for the renovation of Tallinn Art Hall building, located at Vabaduse väljak 6/8. The total cost of the contract is 7.99 million euros excluding VAT, and the works will be completed

Baltic Horizon: On 19 December 2024, the Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority (FSA) made a decision to issue a precept to Northern Horizon Capital AS based on an on-site inspection

Baltic Horizon Fund

In May 2024, the Estonian FSA performed an on-site inspection, assessing the internal control system of Northern Horizon Capital AS and the implementation of measures to prevent and mitigate conflicts of interest. On 19 December 2024, the Estonian FSA issued

Liven: Harmonisation of the articles of the group’s Estonian subsidiaries


Liven AS has harmonised the articles of associations of the group’s subsidiaries registered in Estonia and supplemented them, where necessary, with the right to establish a voluntary reserve. Among others, the amendment concerns the following subsidiaries that are considered significant

EfTEN: Announcement on the first results of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS public share offering

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

“Although in the EfTEN team we are convinced that the bottom of the Baltic commercial real estate market has passed, we were unable to convey this clearly enough to investors. At the moment, many investors seem to prefer bonds over

EfTEN: Conclusion of a preliminary agreement for the acquisition of the Nõmme Südamekodu property and the establishment of a nursing home

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

EfTEN Capital AS and Südamekodud AS have entered into a preliminary agreement, according to which EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS will acquire a property located at Hiiu tn 42 in the Nõmme district of Tallinn through a to be established

Swedbank: The Estonian economy is gradually improving


In the third quarter of 2024, Estonian GDP dropped by 0.7% y/y in real terms (seasonally non-adjusted), while remained at the same level compared to the previous quarter (seasonally and working day adjusted), according to the updated estimate of Statistics

Arco Vara: Dividend payment ex-date of Arco Vara AS

Arco Vara

Arco Vara AS informs that the list of shareholders who are entitled to dividends shall be fixed on 6th of December 2024, as at the end of the working day of Nasdaq CSD Estonian Settlement System, and therefore the dividend

Secure Your Spot at the Nordic Real Estate Forum 2025 – Early Bird Discount!

We are excited to invite you to the Nordic Real Estate Forum 2025 – the premier gathering for real estate leaders across the Nordics and Baltics! Mark your calendar for March 20, 2025, at Tallinn Creative Hub in Estonia or

Swedbank: The road to recovery continues


With interest rates falling faster than expected and wage growth remaining strong, housing affordability gradually improves. Both factors will continue boosting affordability and demand in Latvia and Lithuania next year, while Estonia will rely solely on lower rates. Favourable inflation

EfTEN: Notice of Public Offering, Listing, and Admission to Trading of Additional Shares of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS (registry code 12864036, address A. Lauteri 5, 10114 Tallinn) announces a public offering of shares based on a decision of the fund’s Supervisory Board dated November 11, 2024, and informs about the planned listing and admission

Eedu haridus- ja ettevõtluslinnaku ehitustööd jõudsid järgmisesse mastaapsesse etappi

Estonian Business Schooli (EBS) kõrvale rajatava Eedu haridus- ja ettevõtluslinnaku ehitustöödel alustatakse peagi betoonitöödega. Selle käigus valmib kolme maa-aluse ja kolmekümne maapealse korrusega hoone karkass. Töid teostab ehituse peatöövõtule ja betoonitöödele spetsialiseerunud ehitusettevõte NOBE, kellel on valdkonnas ligi 25 aastat

EfTEN: EfTEN United Property Fund invests 2.5 million euros in the EfTEN Real Estate Fund 5

EfTEN United Property Fund

EfTEN United Property Fund invests 2.5 million euros (ca 9% of fund AUM) in EfTEN Real Estate Fund 5 aimed at institutional investors. The latter acquires Kristiine shopping centre in Tallinn. Kristiine keskus is one of the best-known shopping centers

Nordecon: Construction contract (Viljandi Lidl)


AS Nordecon group company Embach Ehitus OÜ and Lidl Eesti OÜ signed a contract for the construction of a Lidl store located at Riia 1, Viljandi. The total value of the contract is 4.81 million euros without VAT and the

Kas soovid värsket kinnisvarainfot meilile?

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26.03.2025 Korteriühistu juhtimine – seadusandlus ja raamatupidamine