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Arco Vara: Unaudited consolidated interim report for Q3 and 9 months of 2024

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW The third quarter of 2024 marked a turning point for the Estonian real estate market, which showed signs of stabilization and gradual recovery after a prolonged period of decline. Lowered base interest rates and decreased Euribor had

Hepsor: Hepsor AS 2022 III quarter and nine months consolidated unaudited interim report


rThe consolidated sales revenue of Hepsor for the first nine months of 2022 amounted to 5.6 million euros (including 1.7 million euros in Q3 2022) and the net loss was 0.1 million euros (including a net profit of 0.1 million

Uus Maa: Estonian Real Estate Market review, June 2020Estonian Real Estate Market review, June 2020

Uus Maa

Regardless of the fact that there were holidays in the middle of a business week and in spite of the heat wave across Estonia, the number of real estate transactions continued to increase in June. According to the Land Board,

Uus Maa: Estonian Real Estate Market review, May 2020

Uus Maa

The end of the emergency situation and lifting of many restrictions brought along a rise in the real estate market in May, as predicted and anticipated. According to the initial information, the rise was not as fast as predicted but

Estonian Real Estate Market review, April 2020

Uus Maa

If the market overview of March already mentioned the impact of the emergency situation in the second half of the month, the statistics of April transactions was fully impacted by it. However, in the last week of the month, increased

Estonian Real Estate Market review, March 2020

Uus Maa

The overview of real estate market in March cannot escape the topic of coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak which started to influence the market considerably from the second half of the month. Estonian Real Estate Market in March 2020 As the majority of transactions

Estonian Real Estate Market review October 2019

Uus Maa

In October, the people visiting the real estate conference of EKFL admitted that the sentiment of the participants in the real estate market is rather positive and no bigger systematic risks are predicted for the next few years. When looking

Uus Maa: Estonian Real Estate Market review September 2019

Uus Maa

2096 sales-purchase transactions of apartment ownerships were concluded in September. Even though according to common logic September seems to be a rather quieter month, as it is associated with the end of summer holidays and the beginning of school, the

Uus Maa: Estonian Real Estate Market Review, August 2019

Uus Maa

Regardless of holiday waves and the warm August, the real estate market was operating at top speed. According to the final figures, 2,087 sales-purchase transactions of apartment ownerships were concluded in August, which was the second best result of this

ERE Grupp: maksutõus viib ettevõtluse „varju“

ERE / Estonian Real Estate

Mistahes ettevõtete maksukoormuse suurenemine viib selleni, et suurem osa ettevõtteid hakkab maksudest kõrvale hiilima. Seetõttu tuleks riigil väga ettevaatlikult läheneda maksusüsteemi reformimisele, on veendunud ERE Grupi spetsialistid. „Täna kasutatava õhukese maksusüsteemi peamine eelis seisneb selles, et ettevõtted saavad tegutseda täiesti

ERE Grupp: soovitame ost uusi ühetoalisi kortereid veel enne ehituse algust

ERE / Estonian Real Estate

Pealinn võib puutuda kokku väikeste korterite puudusega uusarendustes. ERE Grupi andmetel moodustab uusarenduste osa tänasel kinnisvaraturul umbes 30%, kuid ühetoalisi kortereid neist on kõigest 5-7%. ERE Grupi juhatuse esimehe Maksim Sorokini sõnul on paljud ostjad sunnitud seetõttu riskima ja ostma

Estonian real estate companies expect prices to stabilize soon

Baltic Course

Estonian real estate companies are expecting real estate prices to stabilize and the number of transactions to increase, and are hoping to grow their revenue and workforce, results of a survey conducted by the Association of Real Estate Companies of

ERE Grupp teeb ettepaneku ehitussektor digitaliseerida

ERE / Estonian Real Estate

ERE Grupp kompanii algatus lihtsustada kinnisvara kasutusloa kättesaamise protsessi võeti Eesti Kaubandus-Tööstuskoja 59 pakkumisega loetellu, mis on mõeldud ettevõtjate administratiivse koormuse vähendamiseks. Ettepanekud on juba saadetud Rahandusministeeriumisse üle vaatamiseks. ERE Grupp juhi Maksim Sorokini arvates, vaatamata asjaolule, et tänapäeval on

Uus ehitusseadus tuleb kasuks turul ausatele mängijatele

1. juulil 2015 jõustuvad uus ehitusseadus ja uus planeerimisseadus. Vastavalt nendele dokumentidele enam ei ole vaja saada ehitusluba väikeste kinnisvara objektide rekonstrueerimisel või laienemisel – piisab vaid kirjaliku teadaande esitamisest tööde alguse kohta. Kompaniide gruppi ERE Grupp juhatuse esimees Maksim

Tallinna Balti jaama turu territooriumi rekonstrueerimisel tuleb arvestada kokkuvarisemise ohuga

„Tallinnas asuva Balti jaama rekonstrueerimise kava mõjutab Põhja-Tallinna linnaosa arengut positiivselt, kuid selle elluviimisel tuleb arvestada teatud ohtusid, mis on seotud maa-aluse parkla rajamisega,“ arvab ERE Grupi juhatuse esimees Maksim Sorokin. Turu rekonstrueerimise plaanide avalik arutelu toimus Põhja-Tallinna Valitsuses möödunud

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26.03.2025 Korteriühistu juhtimine – seadusandlus ja raamatupidamine