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Estonian Real Eastate taaselustab arhitekt Konstantin Wilckeni pärandi

Estonian Real Eastate (ERE) grupil on valmimas aadressil Vilmsi 31 Kadrioru ajaloolise hoone taastamise protsess. Hoone oli ehitatud 1902.aastal arhitekt Konstantin Wilckeni projekti järgi. Wilckeni tuntuim teos on Vasalemma mõis. ERE juhatuse esimehe Dmitri Perepilitsõni sõnul on see projekt äärmiselt

Estonian Real Estate: praegu on õige aeg väiksemate korterite ostmiseks

Kinnisvarahinnad Eestis näitavad taas kasvutendentsi. Viimasel aastal kasvas kinnisvaraturg 20% võrra. Selleks, et võtta osa turu arendamisest ja investeeritud raha mitte kaotada, kui hinnad hakkavad taas langema, tuleks mõelda väiksemate korterite ostu peale, kuna turu tendents pole veel eriti mõjutanud

Dos And Don’ts When Letting Out Rental Property In Tallinn And Estonia: Part One – The Dos

Following hot on the heels of our recent posts on where to buy in Tallinn, Estonian real estate terminology getting lost in translation, and top tips when buying in Estonia, all of which we hope you’ve found helpful, we thought we’d continue on

When Is An Offer Not An Offer? – Understanding Estonian Real Estate Jargon

Here at Tallinn Property we make it our mission to ensure you understand the Estonian property market fully, regardless of whether you speak any Estonian or not! It has been brought to our attention that there may be some confusion

Retail Sales In Estonia See An 8 Per Cent Y-o-Y Rise In May 2012

Estonian real estate sales rose by eight per cent y-o-y in May 2012 according to a report on the Baltic Business News website. The biggest reported rise came in the pharmaceuticals sector, which saw a 13 per cent y-o-y rise, though

Colliers International: Demand For Commercial Space To Increase

Here at Tallinn Property we like to focus on residential real estate, but it’s worth taking time out on occasion to examine how other areas of the real estate market are faring. Real estate analysts Colliers international’s monthly survey, when

Individuals In The Rental Market Need Tax Exempt Status

At a recent round table meeting of the EKFL (Eesti Kinnisvarafirmade Liit), an association of Estonian real estate agents, construction companies, developers and other related interests, on 26 October, the question of issues related to tax relief for rental income

Bubbles And Bubble Remnants In The Estonian Real Estate Market

The time has come when talk of a rising real estate market is again on the agenda, and so it is perhaps fitting to have a little retrospective in order to understand what really happened in the Estonian real estate

Colliers: 2011 Best Year For Estonian Commercial Real Estate

Compared with the first quarter of 2010, the number of commerical real estate deals in Estonia has fallen by 18 per cent. However, their size and value has actually increased. The monthly average transaction value has risen by 48 per

Real estate expert: foreclosed homes bought by speculators

Estonian real estate expert Tõnu Toompark writes in Pealinn that homes sold by people who have developed financial problems are often acquired by speculators. According to Toompark, most houses and apartments foreclosed by banks for loan defaults are not sold

Real estate market 2009: common sense

This year was a turning point on the Estonian real estate market. Those who survived 2009 on the real estate market got a very expensive lesson that highlighted the need for common sense, writes real estate analyst Tõnu Toompark. Negative

На сколько сбивать цену на квартиру

Adaur Grupp OÜ

Случаи, когда жилая недвижимость продается по той цене, которую запрашивает продавец, сегодня исключение, а правилом является то, что покупатель сбивает цену. Но на сколько именно? «Возможности покупателя сбить цену находятся в пределах 5-20%», – утверждает старший маклер Arco Vara Майа

Торг уместен, но в каких пределах?

Tõnu Toompark

Выставляя свое жилье на продажу, продавец, конечно же, устанавливает цену на нее повыше, и всякий покупатель знает, что цену можно сбить. Однако возникает вопрос: насколько велик диапазон торга? «Цену квартиры стоимостью около 0,5 млн. крон можно сбить на 50 000-70

How does global financial crisis affect Estonian real estate market?

The global financial crisis seems to turn into economic crisis. How does that affect small Estonian real estate market? arileht.ee mediates real estate consultant Tõnu Toompark’s opinion. Financial crisis and downturn of real estate prices mean that every loan kroon

Disorientation in global economy to postpone Estonian housing market recovery

KV.ee’s special housing market index KV (Real Estate) Index is constantly falling for the 33 week. The value of the index is 90.5 points what makes an annual 14 pct fall, real estate specialist Tõnu Toompark writes in his blog.

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26.03.2025 Korteriühistu juhtimine – seadusandlus ja raamatupidamine