Uudiste arhiiv


Liven: Harmonisation of the articles of the group’s Estonian subsidiaries


Liven AS has harmonised the articles of associations of the group’s subsidiaries registered in Estonia and supplemented them, where necessary, with the right to establish a voluntary reserve. Among others, the amendment concerns the following subsidiaries that are considered significant

EfTEN: Announcement on the first results of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS public share offering

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

“Although in the EfTEN team we are convinced that the bottom of the Baltic commercial real estate market has passed, we were unable to convey this clearly enough to investors. At the moment, many investors seem to prefer bonds over

Swedbank: The Estonian economy is gradually improving


In the third quarter of 2024, Estonian GDP dropped by 0.7% y/y in real terms (seasonally non-adjusted), while remained at the same level compared to the previous quarter (seasonally and working day adjusted), according to the updated estimate of Statistics

Arco Vara: Dividend payment ex-date of Arco Vara AS

Arco Vara

Arco Vara AS informs that the list of shareholders who are entitled to dividends shall be fixed on 6th of December 2024, as at the end of the working day of Nasdaq CSD Estonian Settlement System, and therefore the dividend

Secure Your Spot at the Nordic Real Estate Forum 2025 – Early Bird Discount!

We are excited to invite you to the Nordic Real Estate Forum 2025 – the premier gathering for real estate leaders across the Nordics and Baltics! Mark your calendar for March 20, 2025, at Tallinn Creative Hub in Estonia or

Eedu haridus- ja ettevõtluslinnaku ehitustööd jõudsid järgmisesse mastaapsesse etappi

Estonian Business Schooli (EBS) kõrvale rajatava Eedu haridus- ja ettevõtluslinnaku ehitustöödel alustatakse peagi betoonitöödega. Selle käigus valmib kolme maa-aluse ja kolmekümne maapealse korrusega hoone karkass. Töid teostab ehituse peatöövõtule ja betoonitöödele spetsialiseerunud ehitusettevõte NOBE, kellel on valdkonnas ligi 25 aastat

Nordecon: Construction contract (Estonian Public Broadcasting’s new TV house)


Nordecon AS and Eesti Rahvusringhääling (Estonian Public Broadcasting) entered into a contract for the construction of the new TV house in Tallinn, located at F.R. Kreutzwaldi tn 14 / Gonsiori tn 21. The new television building is a multifunctional structure

Nordecon: Changes in the Management Board of Nordecon AS


At a meeting of the Supervisory Board of Nordecon AS held on 6 November 2024, it was decided that as of 1 January 2025, Priit Luman will be recalled from his position as a member of the Management Board, and

Nordecon: 2024 III quarter and 9 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


In the third quarter of this year, the downward trend in the construction market did not experience a significant shift. Forward-looking indicators that characterize both the construction market and the broader macroeconomic environment are contradictory, making it difficult to predict

Merko: 2024 9 months and III quarter consolidated unaudited interim report

COMMENTARY FROM MANAGEMENT Merko Ehitus revenue for the 9 months of 2024 was EUR 379 million and net profit was EUR 44.8 million. Third-quarter revenue was EUR 175 million; net profit EUR 27.3 million. Sales of construction services made up

Merko: Construction contract in Estonia (Tartu National Defence House)

On 6 November 2024, AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, and the Estonian Centre for Defence Investment signed a design-and-build construction contract for the construction of a National Defence House in the defence forces Raadi campus

Swedbank: Estonian economy: still weak, but it is improving gradually


In Q3 2024, Estonian GDP dropped 0.7% y/y in real terms, while it increased 0.1% q/q (seasonally and working day adjusted – swda), according to the flash estimate of Statistics Estonia. The estimate met our expectations. Estonia has left economic

Arco Vara: Unaudited consolidated interim report for Q3 and 9 months of 2024

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW The third quarter of 2024 marked a turning point for the Estonian real estate market, which showed signs of stabilization and gradual recovery after a prolonged period of decline. Lowered base interest rates and decreased Euribor had

Nordecon: Public procurement preferred bidder announcement (Estonian Public Broadcasting new TV building)


Riigi Kinnisvara AS has made a decision today regarding the public procurement for “Construction works of the new Estonian Public Broadcasting TV Building,” declaring the bid submitted by Nordecon AS, with a value of 40.1 million euros (including reserve, excluding

Hepsor: Hepsor starts in Toronto with a new Brownville Avenue residential development


Hepsor, together with its partner Elysium Investments, has acquired a development project consisting of 17 properties in Toronto in Brownville Avenue. The development area is planned to feature a high-rise building with rental apartments, which will help alleviate Toronto’s growing

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11.03.2025 Ehitamise dokumenteerimise vajalikkus ja kohustuslikud nõuded