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Nordecon: Construction contract (IKEA Tallinn store road infrastructure)


Nordecon AS, the Estonian Transport Administration and Viljandi Real Estate OÜ entered into an agreement for the construction of the IKEA Tallinn store infrastructure, within which a light traffic road on Kangrumäe Road, accesses to the IKEA Tallinn store territory

Merko Ehitus: Launch of the third stage of the Erminurme residential project (Tartu, Estonia)

Merko Ehitus

AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, has decided to launch the third stage of Erminurme residential development project in Tartu Parish. The stage includes three buildings at Erminurme Road 4, 6 and 8 with 60 apartments,

Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium: Uulus tutvustati Rail Balticu Pärnu maakonnaplaneeringu uuendamisel loodud trassialternatiive

Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium

8. juuli õhtul toimus Uulu Kultuuri- ja Spordikeskuses arutelu, kus tutvustati trassialternatiivide võrdlustulemusi ning vastati kohalike elanike küsimustele. Kohalikele pakkus enim huvi, kuidas kulgevad trassi alternatiivid, millist mõju need avaldavad nende elukohtadele, kuidas arvestatakse keskkonnaaspekte ning millal tehakse otsus trassi

Merko Ehitus: Approval of Estonian Competition Authority for acquisition of a shareholding (Connecto Eesti AS)

Merko Ehitus

On 3 June 2021, AS Merko Ehitus announced in a stock exchange release that AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, part of the group, signed a contract to acquire a 35% holding in Connecto Eesti AS. The approval of Estonian Competition Authority

Ex-date for the reduction of the share capital of AS Trigon Property Development

Trigon Property Development

AS Trigon Property Development (registry code: 10106774, trading code TPD1T, ISIN code EE3100003443; hereinafter the “Company”) will fix the list of shareholders for the reduction of the share capital (in accordance with the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders

Notice of Calling the Annual General Meeting of as Pro Kapital Grupp Shareholders

Pro Kapital

We announce that the Management Board is calling for the annual general meeting of AS Pro Kapital Grupp (registration code 10278802, located at Sõjakooli 11 Tallinn Republic of Estonia) (hereinafter the Company) shareholders which shall take place on Wednesday, 7th of

Pro Kapital: Bondholders plan to waive the temporary financial covenant failure and have signed a standstill letter

Pro Kapital

AS Pro Kapital Grupp (the “Company”) has published interim report of the 1st quarter 2021, in which it has written-off receivables from its subsidiary AS Tallinna Moekombinaat (“TMK”) as a result of TMK’s bankruptcy proceedings. The Company is, due to this,

Acquisition of a shareholding (Connecto Eesti AS)

Merko Ehitus

On 2 June 2021, AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, signed a contract with Aardekapp OÜ to acquire a 35% holding (192,500 shares) in Connecto Eesti AS, which designs, builds and maintains electrical, gas and telecommunications networks.

Swedbank: Estonian economy recovered from the recession faster than expected


Economy grew by 5.4% annually (non-adjusted) and 4.8% quarterly (seasonally and working day adjusted) in Q1. The result exceeded our expectations and was the strongest among European countries (according to the numbers published so far). The restrictions continued to affect

Merko Ehitus: Construction contract in Estonia (second stage of southeast border construction)

Merko Ehitus

On 25 May 2021, AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, and GRK Infra AS entered into a contract with Estonian Police and Border Guard Board to design and construct the infrastructure of the Republic of Estonia’s

Nordecon: Construction contract (Hiiu county national roads)


Tariston AS, a Nordecon Group company entered into contract with Estonian Transport Administration and Hiiumaa rural municipality government for the reconstruction works of Hiiu county national roads. During the works, a total of 5.5 kilometres of roads will be reconstructed.

Baltic Horizon Fund General Meeting and related change in Financial Calendar – Notice to investors

Baltic Horizon Fund

Northern Horizon Capital AS invites Baltic Horizon Fund unit-holders to attend an annual General Meeting on 1 June 2021 at 14:00 (GMT+3, local Estonian time) at the office of Northern Horizon Capital AS at Tornimäe 2, 24th floor, 10145 Tallinn,

Merko Ehitus: Adoption of resolutions of shareholders

Merko Ehitus

The Management Board of AS Merko Ehitus, registry code 11520257, seated at Järvevana tee 9G, Tallinn, 11314 (hereinafter – “Company”), proposed to the shareholders to adopt resolutions without convening a general meeting. The notice of adoption of resolutions without convening

Nordecon: 2021 first quarter consolidated interim report (unaudited)


The results of the first quarter of 2021 are characterised by a slight decrease in operating volumes compared to the same period of last year, due to projects completed in foreign markets, and new construction contracts concluded in record volumes.

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital signed one of the largest single sales of the last years with a total value of 16.16 million Euros with VAT

Pro Kapital

A subsidiary of AS Pro Kapital Grupp, OÜ Kalaranna Kvartal, signed a preliminary contract for the sale of commercial premises in Kalaranna District worth 13.40 million euros including the VAT. A total of 3,811.2 m2, ie all 25 of the

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12.03.2025 Kinnisvara arendusprojekti juhtimine