Uudiste arhiiv


Swedbank: Unemployment rate increased in the third quarter in Estonia


The unemployment rate increased in the third quarter in Estonia and is expected to rise further during the winter months. According to Statistics Estonia, employment fell by 3.6% in the third quarter, over the year, mostly in the services’ sector,

Nordecon: 2020 III quarter and 9 months consolidated interim report


Compared to the same period last year, the 9 month results of the Group in 2020 are characterised by an increase in sales revenue and operating profit, which was achieved in the context of a slight decline in gross profitability

Arco Vara: Unaudited consolidated interim report for Q3 and 9 months of 2020

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW We can consider the Q3 2020 positive. The sales recovery turned out to be faster than expected, which confirms that Arco Vara’s developments meet the expectations of our clients. Construction work has also continued as planned on

Baltic Horizon Fund announces results of the secondary public offering

Baltic Horizon Fund

Secondary public offering of Baltic Horizon Fund units ended on 22 October 2020 16:00 (EEST). In total, 6,247,904 units were subscribed which corresponds to gross amount of EUR 7.2 million. “We are satisfied with the results, considering the current difficult

A. Lauteri tänavale kavandatakse kõrghoonet


Tallinna linnavolikogu kehtestas tänasel istungil A. Lauteri tänav 3 kinnistu ja lähiala detailplaneeringu. 1,19 hektari suuruse maa-ala kohta koostatud planeeringu kohaselt on võimalik kinnistul asuv Estonian Business Schooli õppehoone rekonstrueerida ning ehitada kuni 30-korruseline juurdeehitus, kuhu tuleksid õppe-, äri- ja

Nordecon: Reconstruction of the section of Tallinn-Narva Highway passing through the town of Sillamäe


Nordecon AS and the Estonian Road Administration signed an agreement for reconstruction works along kilometres 184.7–187.5 of National Road 1 Tallinn – Narva, at the town of Sillamäe. As a result of the construction works, the main road will begin

Estonian economy dropped less than expected in Q2


In the second quarter of 2020, Estonian economy dropped by 6.9% y/y in real terms and 8.4% in nominal terms. Seasonally and working day adjusted GDP dropped by 5.6% q/q. The result exceeded our expectations on the upside. In the

Baltic Horizon Fund plans public offering of new units

Baltic Horizon Fund

Northern Horizon Capital AS announces the plan for the next public offering of new units of Baltic Horizon Fund during autumn 2020. The issuer is considering to aim the offering at retail investors in Estonia, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland and Denmark

AS Tallinna Moekombinaat contests the ruling of the County Court regarding the reorganization plan

Pro Kapital

AS Tallinna Moekombinaat contests the ruling of the County Court with which the court decided to terminate the proceedings prematurely. On 3 April 2020, AS Pro Kapital Grupp (Pro Kapital) announced the initiation of reorganization proceedings of its subsidiary AS

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS acquired for €11.8m an office building in Vilnius

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS acquired through its subsidiary Rutkausko UAB in Vilnius the Rutkausko office building where the anchor tenant is international IT firm Atea. The transaction was closed on Friday, 14 August 2020.  Total value of the

Notice of prolongation of redemption date of convertible bonds PKG3 and PKG4 and partial redemption of convertible bonds PKG3

Pro Kapital

AS Pro Kapital Grupp informs that it has prolonged the redemption date of 37,423 “Pro Kapital Grupp convertible bond PKG3 10.08.2014” (in the registry under EEK 7.00 PRO KAPITAL GRUPP VAHETUSVÕLAKIRI PKG3 10-2020, hereinafter referred to as Convertible Bonds PKG3)

Uus Maa: Estonian Real Estate Market review, June 2020Estonian Real Estate Market review, June 2020

Uus Maa

Regardless of the fact that there were holidays in the middle of a business week and in spite of the heat wave across Estonia, the number of real estate transactions continued to increase in June. According to the Land Board,

Results of the subscription for nonconvertible bond offering

Pro Kapital

AS Pro Kapital Grupp (hereinafter Pro Kapital) informs that the subscription period of the private placement of nonconvertible bonds (hereinafter the “Bonds”) announced on 22 May 2020 has ended on 7 July 2020. The Management Board has decided on the

Uus Maa: Estonian Real Estate Market review, May 2020

Uus Maa

The end of the emergency situation and lifting of many restrictions brought along a rise in the real estate market in May, as predicted and anticipated. According to the initial information, the rise was not as fast as predicted but

Baltic Horizon Fund – Notice of New Annual General Meeting

Baltic Horizon Fund

Annual General Meeting of Baltic Horizon Fund investors took place on 26 May 2020 in Tallinn, Estonia. As announced to the market on 26 May 2020, the quorum was not reached and investors were not able to adopt the proposed

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