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Swedbank: The construction sector will not contribute to economic growth this year


After three consecutive years of strong contribution to economic growth, the construction sector is not supporting economic growth this year. Labour shortages in construction have eased somewhat, and risks of excessive growth of labour and construction costs should reduce, going

Estonian Real Estate Market review October 2019

Uus Maa

In October, the people visiting the real estate conference of EKFL admitted that the sentiment of the participants in the real estate market is rather positive and no bigger systematic risks are predicted for the next few years. When looking

Swedbank: Robust economic expansion continued in the third quarter


Estonia’s GDP grew 4.1% y/y and 1.0% q/q (seasonally and calendar adjusted) in the third quarter this year. Non-adjusted annual growth was 4.2% in real terms and 7.3% in nominal terms. The growth was above our expectations.  Economic growth is

Uus Maa: Estonian Real Estate Market review September 2019

Uus Maa

2096 sales-purchase transactions of apartment ownerships were concluded in September. Even though according to common logic September seems to be a rather quieter month, as it is associated with the end of summer holidays and the beginning of school, the

Uus Maa: Estonian Real Estate Market Review, August 2019

Uus Maa

Regardless of holiday waves and the warm August, the real estate market was operating at top speed. According to the final figures, 2,087 sales-purchase transactions of apartment ownerships were concluded in August, which was the second best result of this

Swedbank: The curious case of household consumption in the Baltic countries


The curious case of household consumption in the Baltic countries Lithuanians consume a lot more than Estonians and Latvians, despite higher wages in Estonia Differences in prices, remittances, saving rates, and, especially, unofficial income may explain this gap But material

Swedbank: Economic growth is still strong despite weakened foreign demand


In the second quarter of 2019, Estonian GDP growth slowed to 3.6% y/y in real terms and to 7.9% y/y in nominal terms. In the first half of this year, GDP growth was 4.2% in real terms. Although, the growth

Swedbank: The scarcity of labour keeps wage growth elevated


 • The unemployment rate declined, and the employment rate slightly increased in the first quarter. • According to Swedbank’s forecast, labour market should remain tight this year, so wage pressures persist. Labour market remains tight According to Statistics Estonia, labour market

SEB: Nordic economic overview: wage growth changes the Estonian economy

SEB Pank

The economy is increasingly relying on central banks When at the end of last year, financial markets were hit by true panic regarding the future of the world economy, today we dare to look into tomorrow with slightly improved optimism.

Swedbank: Neighbouring countries’ impact on the Estonian economy is waning


Finland, Sweden, Latvia, and Russia – Estonian closest neighbours – contribute about one-fifth to Estonian GDP through exports. The share of the four neighbouring countries’ tourists’ expenditure is about 60% of the expenditure of all tourists. Finland and Sweden have

Flash comment Estonia: Wage growth remains rapid and broad-based


In 2018, the average full-time gross wage amounted to EUR 1310, up by 7.3%, in a year. The average gross wage increased in all sectors. The average wage was the highest in ICT and finance. A rapid growth in the

Flash comment Estonia: 2018 – another strong economic year in Estonia


In 2018, Estonian GDP growth slowed to 3.9% in real terms and to 8.6% in nominal terms and was supported by domestic demand and strong foreign demand. The growth was still strong and only slightly exceeded our expectations – our

Uus Maa: Market Review January 2019

Uus Maa

As customary for the beginning of the year, January was rather modest: according to the initial data, 1,605 sale/purchase transactions of apartment ownerships were concluded all over Estonia, which was slightly below 100 less than last January and over 70

Nordecon: Muudatus kontserni tütarettevõtte juhatuses


Nordecon AS’i 100%’lise tütarettevõtte Tariston AS’i 20.12.2018 toimunud nõukogu koosolekul nimetati alates 07.01.2019 ettevõtte uueks juhatuse liikmeks Argo Kotsar, kes hakkab vastutama Tariston AS’i teedeehituse ning asfaltbetooni tootmise ja paigalduse valdkonna eest. Alates 01.01.2019. a. koondub Nordeconi kontserni rajatiste valdkonna

Swedbank Flash comment: Economic growth accelerates to 4.2% yoy in the third quarter


In the third quarter, Estonian GDP growth accelerated to 4.2% yoy in real terms. Compared to the previous quarter GDP increased 0.4%, seasonally and working day corrected. In nominal terms, GDP increased 9.5% in the third quarter and 8.5% ytd.

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