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Kinnisvaraettevõtte Kapitel juhatusega liitus Rait Pallo


Kinnisvaraettevõtte Kapitel, varasema E.L.L. Kinnisvara, juhatusega liitus 9. jaanuaril finantsdirektori positsioonil Rait Pallo. Ettevõtte juhatus jätkab kolmeliikmelisena: juhatuse esimees ja tegevjuht Taavi Ojala, arendusdirektor Indrek Moorats ja finantsdirektor Rait Pallo. „Meil on väga hea meel, et ettevõttega otsustas liituda Eesti

Swedbank: Robust GDP growth continued in 3Q2017 as expected


In 3Q2017 Estonian GDP expanded 4.2% yoy and 0.3% qoq (swad) in real terms. In nominal terms, GDP increased by 8.9% yoy. During the first three quarters, GDP has increased by 4.8% yoy in real terms. The major contribution to

Swedbank: Wage growth remained rapid in Q3


Wage growth remains relatively high as labour demand increases more than supply. Swedbank expects the average gross wage to grow by around 5% and the real net wage by close to 9% in 2018. The growth of the average gross

Swedbank: Higher GDP growth lifts demand for labour


The employment rate reached the highest level in 20 years. The unemployment rate declined to 5.2%. Higher economic activity reflects in the developments in the labour market. In the third quarter, employment grew by 2.0%, the number of unemployed people

Eesti Pank: The current account surplus in August was smaller than it was a year ago

Eesti Pank

The flash estimate1 put the Estonian current account at 63 million euros in surplus in August 2017. The surplus on the goods and services account was 116 million euros, which was 38 million euros less than a year earlier. Exports

Swedbank: Economic growth in 2Q was the fastest of the last six years: 5.7% yoy


We expected continued robust GDP growth in the second quarter, but 5.7% yoy (1.3% qoq swda) was above expectations. As inflation has picked up, GDP nominal growth accelerated to 10.2% yoy. Statistics Estonia revised up GDP levels and growth rates

Swedbank: Tight labour market lifts wages


Wage growth will remain relatively high as labour demand increases more than supply. Nevertheless, the gap between wage and productivity growth rates will narrow this year. The growth of the average gross wage accelerated in the second quarter (+6.8%, over

Watch out for the growth in job vacancies


Job vacancy rate just above average, but annual growth amongst highest in the euro area Unemployment and vacancy rate curve suggests no crisis yet… …but job vacancy rates likely to increase further Annual growth of vacancy rate second highest in

Swedbank: Slower growth of wages reduces macroeconomic risks


The growth of average monthly gross wages slowed to 5.7% in the first quarter. We expect gross wages to grow by around 6% this year. The growth of the average gross monthly wage decelerated from 7.6% in 2016 to 5.7%,

Swedbank: Foreign direct investment – better, but there is capacity for more


Estonia is still among largest net beneficiaries from FDI in the EU Increased inflow of FDI may boost fixed capital formation in the near future FDI by country becomes more and more diversified Can FDI boost enterprises’ investments into fixed

Economic growth in the last quarter of 2016 was above expectations


In 2016, economic growth reached 1.6% in Estonia. Compared to 2015 it is a 0.2 percentage point increase, but nothing to be too proud of yet. Nominal growth of GDP accelerated from 2.5% in 2015 to 3.3% in 2016. In

Swedbank Flash comment: Participation rate increased further in 2016


Labour market remained tight in 2016. Employment is expected to marginally decline and the unemployment rate to grow in 2017. In 2016, the labour force participation rate, the share of the labour force in the working-age population, increased by 1

SEB’s economic forecast: Faster growth despite political squalls

SEB Pank

Notwithstanding political squalls blowing louder than ever, the global economy is forging ahead. The acceleration in economic growth and inflation are bringing us closer to an environment that we are accustomed to seeing as normal. Nevertheless, the spreading of protectionist

Estonia Flash comment: Investments and inventories had the strongest negative impact on GDP growth in the third quarter


Statistics Estonia revised up to 1.3% its second estimate of the third quarter yoy GDP real growth in Estonia (flash estimate was 1.1%). Compared to the previous quarter, GDP grew by 0.2% (swda). Economic growth has decelerated a bit this

ERE Grupp: maksutõus viib ettevõtluse „varju“

ERE / Estonian Real Estate

Mistahes ettevõtete maksukoormuse suurenemine viib selleni, et suurem osa ettevõtteid hakkab maksudest kõrvale hiilima. Seetõttu tuleks riigil väga ettevaatlikult läheneda maksusüsteemi reformimisele, on veendunud ERE Grupi spetsialistid. „Täna kasutatava õhukese maksusüsteemi peamine eelis seisneb selles, et ettevõtted saavad tegutseda täiesti

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

13.-16.01.2025 Kinnisvara ABC