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SEB: the popularity of small loans and other loans differs significantly between the Baltic States

SEB Pank

The SEB Baltic Household Outlook revealed that in 2015 the market for small loans and other loans issued by banks experienced an upturn in Estonia and Lithuania with the loan portfolios increasing by 1.8 per cent and 6.3 per cent

Allianss Arhitektid began the design work for the establishment of the oak grove in Tamsalu

Allianss Arhitektid

The project initiated by the Government Office to establish oak groves with 100 trees to celebrate the Centenary of the Republic of Estonia has reached the stage of design work in Tamsalu. The given place was selected as a site

Weak export demand behind the sluggish economic growth


According to the flash estimate of Statistics Estonia, GDP grew by 0.7% yoy in Estonia in 4Q 2015. The growth rate met our expectations. Compared to the previous quarter, GDP grew by 1.2% (seasonally and working day adjusted). In 2015,

Mainor Ülemiste AS Interim Report IV Q 2015

Mainor Ülemiste

Highlights of 2015 Öpik Building’s construction work began Mainor Ülemiste AS (MÜC) launched Öpik Building construction in the beginning of 2015 by construction company Merko LLC. In August 2015 the financing agreement with Nordea Bank was signed and iIn November

ERE Grupp teeb ettepaneku ehitussektor digitaliseerida

ERE / Estonian Real Estate

ERE Grupp kompanii algatus lihtsustada kinnisvara kasutusloa kättesaamise protsessi võeti Eesti Kaubandus-Tööstuskoja 59 pakkumisega loetellu, mis on mõeldud ettevõtjate administratiivse koormuse vähendamiseks. Ettepanekud on juba saadetud Rahandusministeeriumisse üle vaatamiseks. ERE Grupp juhi Maksim Sorokini arvates, vaatamata asjaolule, et tänapäeval on

SEB: Export in need of momentum

SEB Pank

The busy statistics calendar of the past weeks has not made it possible to give due attention to everything that is important. Consequently, this weekly commentary will address the foreign trade and registered unemployment statistics, were published already at the

The residents of the Baltic capitals can afford an increasingly large flat in dormitory suburbs

SEB Pank

A survey by SEB shows that in terms of current income levels and property prices, residents in the Baltic capitals can now become owners of bigger standard flats of dormitory suburbs than a year ago. SEB home purchasing power index*

Higher growth requires courage to make investments

SEB Pank

The week was once again packed with economic activity. Reviewed data on the GDP for Q3 were published, unfortunately there were no major changes – the economic growth estimation was increased from 0.5% to 0.7% year on year. Worse-than-expected economic

Economic growth in Estonia decelerates sharply in the 2H2015


According to the second estimate by the Statistics Estonia, the GDP growth in Estonia decelerated to 0.7% yoy in 3Q2015, while compared to the previous quarter the GDP decreased by 0.4% (seasonally and working-day adjusted). Primarily construction, transport and manufacturing

Strong wage increase and slow economic growth do not go well together

SEB Pank

The strong wage increase in the third quarter is good news for a working person. Increasing employment and average wages, on the other hand, are a bit mystifying against stagnant corporate income and near-zero growth in the third quarter. Upward

Wages rose despite the weak growth in the economy

Eesti Pank

Both seasonally adjusted quarterly wage growth and average annual wage growth were faster than in the second quarter Wages in accommodation and catering rose by 16.9% Data from Statistics Estonia show that the average gross monthly wage was up 6.9%

Economic growth or economic standstill

SEB Pank

Several important economic indicators were updated last week. The new GDP flash estimate for the third quarter indicates that instead of picking up speed, as was expected at the beginning of the year, economic growth is instead beginning to freeze.

Labour market has tightened further


Finding suitable labour is increasingly difficult for Estonian employers, therefore, wage pressures persist even when enterprises sales and profits have decreased. Labour shortage was perceived as the biggest business constraint among the 18% of service, 17% of construction, and 14%

Large Estonian enterprises’ optimism over doing business has grown

SEB Pank

SEB’s pan-Baltic survey of CFOs of large enterprises indicates an improved assessment of the business climate; however, Estonian enterprises remain more conservative in their forecasts than their neighbours to the south. The main concerns for large Estonian enterprises are low

Out of the three Baltic states, Estonia shows the highest popularity of using a home loan to buy a home

SEB Pank

Compared to the other Baltic states, Estonians are more inclined to take out loans to buy their own homes, SEB’s latest economic analysis of households in the Baltic states reveals. Owning one’s home instead of renting it is significantly more

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12.03.2025 Kinnisvara arendusprojekti juhtimine