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Analysts disagree over the future of Estonian housing market

Real estate experts Tõnu Toompark and Marek Vikat disagree whether people looking for a home should buy today or postpone the purchase decision. Toompark told Äripäev that although housing prices are likely to keep falling for most of this year,

FKSM ehitab veetöötlusjaamad Kunda haavapuitmassi tehasele

AS FKSM sõlmis Saksa peatöövõtja RWE Industrie – Lösungen GmbH-ga projekteerimis- ja ehitustöövõtulepingu AS-ile Estonian Cell kuuluva Kunda haavapuitmassi tehase veetöötlusjaamade rajamiseks. Veetöötlusjaamad hakkavad tehast toorveega varustama ja puhastama jäätmevett, mis puhastatuna juhitakse Soome lahte. Heitvesi suubub merre süvalasu kaudu,

Paul Oberschneider among Top 50 Developers in Europe, Says EuroProperty Magazine

Munich, EXPO REAL – American-Estonian developer and investor Paul Oberschneider has been selected one of the fifty top real estate professionals in the pan-European property field by EuroProperty magazine-s Elite edition. The selection of players came from what EuroProperty and

Overborrowing remains a dark cloud over Estonian real estate market

Tõnu Toompark- sales representative of FKSM real estate group- says that the real estate market is very sensitive to borrowing levels. In an interview to Ąripäev- Toompark said that he did not expect real estate prices to continue growing since

Estonian real estate market keeps growing, but problems remain: analyst

Tõnu Toompark, analyst of ERI Kinnisvara, writes in Äripäev that the Estonian real estate market is growing on housing loans.The volume of housing loans issued by banks in 2002 went up 71 percent in a year to 4.7 billion kroons.

Estonian market for retail space is alive and kicking – real estate analyst

The claims that the Estonian retail developers have lost sense of reality are exaggerated- says Tõnu Toompark- real estate analyst of ERI Kinnisvara. Toompark told Ąripäev that the market for retail space was not in crisis- but was simply being

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