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EKÜL: Korteriühistud on kütmata korteritega jätkuvalt hädas

Eesti Korteriühistute Liit / EKÜL / EKYL

Eesti Korteriühistute Liidu õigusosakonna juhataja Urmas Mardi töölauale koguneb selgi talvel järjest enam kaebusi, kus korteriühistud on hädas korteriomanikega, kel pole kavatsustki elupinda kütta. „Põhjuseid on erinevaid – alates omanikest, kes välismaale kadunud kuni päranduseks saadud või investeeringuks ostetud pinnaga,

Arco Vara: Arco Vara bond issue

Arco Vara

Arco Vara AS conducted a bond issue as a result of which bonds in the amount of 4,000,000 euros were issued. The issue date of the bonds is 13 December 2024 and the maturity date is 12 December 2026. 400

Arteri kvartal on avatud

Tänasest on Tallinna kesklinnas avatud Arteri kvartal, kus on kokku 44 000 m² üüripinda ning mille koguinvesteering on üle 160 miljoni euro. 15-korruselises Arteri büroohoones on erinevad ettevõtted end järjest sisse seadmas ning 9-korruselises hoones on suvest avatud Bob W

EfTEN: EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS-i tütarettevõtja omandas ICONFIT tootmis- ja laohoone

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

Täna, 21.11.2024. a viis EfTEN Paemurru OÜ lõpule tehingu, millega omandas RESTATE gruppi kuuluvalt Teearu Arenduse OÜ-lt Tallinna külje all Harju maakonnas Harku vallas Laabi külas Paemurru tee 3 asuva kinnistu. Varasemalt (30.09.2024) on fond teatanud börsile võlaõigusliku müügilepingu sõlmimisest,

EfTEN: Subsidiary of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS acquired the ICONFIT production and warehouse

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

Today, 21.11.2024, EfTEN Paemurru OÜ OÜ finalized the transaction by which the company acquired the property located on Paemurru tee 3, Laabi village, Harju County, Harku Municipality, near Tallinn.    Previously (30.09.2024), the fund has notified the stock exchange of

Arco Vara: Arco Vara is planning a bond issue

Arco Vara

Arco Vara plans to issue bonds on 13.12.2024 in the maximum amount of 4 million euros with maturity date no later than 12.12.2026. The maximum amount of bonds shall be 400 with the nominal value of 10 000 euros. Planned

EfTEN: EfTEN United Property Fund unaudited financial results for 3rd quarter and 9 months of 2024

EfTEN United Property Fund

EfTEN United Property Fund (hereinafter the Fund) earned 134 thousand euros in net profit in the third quarter of 2024 (2023 third quarter: 16 thousand euros in net loss). The fund’s revenues increased from 38 thousand euros to 176 thousand

Liven: Liven AS – Consolidated unaudited interim report for the III quarter of 2024


Although there were no huge positive development leaps in the operating environment, there were still signs of renewed optimism in the residential property market. During the third quarter, we signed 32 contracts under the law of obligation (sales contract; 2024

EfTEN: Tütarettevõtja asutamine ning RESTATE grupilt ehitusjärgus oleva ICONFIT tootmis- ja laohoone ostmine

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS-i tütarettevõtja EfTEN Paemurru OÜ sõlmis 27.09.2024 RESTATE gruppi kuuluva Teearu Arenduse OÜ-ga Tallinna külje all Harju maakonnas Harku vallas Laabi külas Paemurru tee 3 asuva kinnistu omandamiseks võlaõigusliku lepingu. Omandatavale kinnistule rajab fond koostöös Eventus

EfTEN: Establishment of a subsidiary and construction of the ICONFIT production and warehouse on the property purchased from the RESTATE group

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

On 27.09.2024 EfTEN Paemurru OÜ, a subsidiary of the EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS, signed a contract under law of obligation with Teearu Arenduse OÜ, a member of the RESTATE group, for the acquisition of a property located on Paemurru

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund closes private placement of new units

Baltic Horizon Fund

Northern Horizon Capital AS, the management company of Baltic Horizon Fund, raised EUR 6.29 million in private placement. The private placement, mainly targeting institutional investors in select European countries, took place under the resolution taken by the general meeting of

Hepsor: Hepsor Expands in Toronto With a New High Park Residential Development


Hepsor, together with its partner Elysium Investments, has acquired a development project consisting of 11 properties in downtown Toronto’s High Park area. High Park is one of Toronto’s most sought-after residential areas, offering abundant greenery, excellent recreational opportunities, and convenient

Kapitel: Üle-euroopaline kinnisvarabrändide uuring: Kapitel on Baltimaade tugevaim bürooarendaja


European Real Estate Brand Institute viib igal aastal läbi üleeuroopalist kinnisvarabrändide uuringut Real Estate Brand Value Study. Tegemist on suurima teadusliku brändiuuringuga Euroopa kinnisvaratööstuses, mis toob eraldi välja Baltimaade tugevaimad brändid. 2024. aastal pälvis Kapitel taas Baltimaade tugevaima büroode arendaja

Hepsor: Hepsor AS consolidated unaudited interim report for Q2 2024 and six months


The consolidated sales revenue of Hepsor AS amounted to 5.2 million euros in the second quarter of 2024 and the net loss was 0.56 million euros (including a net loss attributable to the owners of the parent of 0.65 million

Liven: Liven AS – consolidated unaudited interim report for the II quarter of 2024


Although there were no huge positive development leaps in the operating environment, there were still some signs of renewed optimism in the residential property market during the quarter. During the second quarter, we signed 47 contracts under the law of

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

13.-16.01.2025 Kinnisvara ABC