Uudiste arhiiv


Brexit: the EU28 is dead, long live the EU?


The die is cast – the next move is the EU’s Limited effect of Brexit on the Baltic economies, so far Baltic interest – strong EU Wheels are set in motion On March 29, the UK gave formal notice of

SEB’s economic forecast: Faster growth despite political squalls

SEB Pank

Notwithstanding political squalls blowing louder than ever, the global economy is forging ahead. The acceleration in economic growth and inflation are bringing us closer to an environment that we are accustomed to seeing as normal. Nevertheless, the spreading of protectionist

XV Rahvusvaheline Kinnisvarakonverents „KINNISVARA 2016: Kas buum tuleb?”


Programm 10.11.2016, Kumu auditoorium I Sessioon Moderaatorid: Monica Meldo (EKHÜ), Tõnis Rüütel (EKFL), Jüri Kröönström (EKHHL), Tanel Olek (EKMK) 9.00–10.00 Osalejate registreerimine, hommikukohv 10.00-10.15 Avasõnad Ardo Hansson, Eesti Panga president 10.15-10.45 Teema kookõlastamisel Håkan Frisén, SEB Grupi ettevõtete panganduse valdkonna majandusprognoosi

XV Rahvusvaheline Kinnisvarakonverents „KINNISVARA 2016: Kas buum tuleb?”


Programm 10.11.2016, Kumu auditoorium I Sessioon Moderaatorid: Monica Meldo (EKHÜ), Tõnis Rüütel (EKFL), Jüri Kröönström (EKHHL), Tanel Olek (EKMK) 9.00–10.00 Osalejate registreerimine, hommikukohv 10.00-10.15 Avasõnad Ardo Hansson, Eesti Panga president 10.15-10.45 Teema kookõlastamisel Håkan Frisén, SEB Grupi ettevõtete panganduse valdkonna majandusprognoosi

XV Rahvusvaheline Kinnisvarakonverents „KINNISVARA 2016: Kas buum tuleb?”


Programm 10.11.2016, Kumu auditoorium I Sessioon Moderaatorid: Monica Meldo (EKHÜ), Tõnis Rüütel (EKFL), Jüri Kröönström (EKHHL), Tanel Olek (EKMK) 9.00–10.00 Osalejate registreerimine, hommikukohv 10.00-10.15 Avasõnad Ardo Hansson, Eesti Panga president 10.15-10.45 Teema kookõlastamisel Håkan Frisén, SEB Grupi ettevõtete panganduse valdkonna majandusprognoosi

SEB Nordic Outlook: moderate growth regardless of political insecurity

SEB Pank

The events in the economy and politics over the last half-year have been unexpected. The UK referendum, the state of the US presidential election, the increase in popularity of extremist parties in Europe, and the diverging from democracy in some

UK votes to leave EU – impact on the Baltic countries


With 52% of UK voting to leave over 48% wishing to stay in, history is being made as we speak, and the United Kingdom will be the first country to leave the EU since its formation. As we expected, the

SEB: Negative interest rates – what does it mean?

SEB Pank

There are an increasing number of media mentions about negative interest rates as more developed countries across the globe are entering a negative interest rates territory. Five central banks – the European Central Bank (ECB), the Denmark’s National bank, the

SEB: the popularity of small loans and other loans differs significantly between the Baltic States

SEB Pank

The SEB Baltic Household Outlook revealed that in 2015 the market for small loans and other loans issued by banks experienced an upturn in Estonia and Lithuania with the loan portfolios increasing by 1.8 per cent and 6.3 per cent

Ülemiste keskus võitis rahvusvahelisel konkursil esikoha

Ülemiste Keskus

Eile kuulutati välja Euroopa kaubanduskeskuste konkursi võitjad, kus tihedas konkurentsis tuli võitjaks Ülemiste keskus Istanbulis asuva Maltepe Park ostukeskuse ees. Ülemiste keskus pälvis esikoha parima laienduse kategoorias ja keskuse tegevjuhi Guido Pärnitsa sõnul on võit suur tunnustus mitte ainult ostukeskuse,

Economic growth slowed to 1.1% in 2015


In 2015, economic growth amounted to 1.1% in Estonia as the volumes of stocks and exports decreased. We expect GDP growth to accelerate to 2.3% in 2016 on the back of higher exports and investments. In 2015, economic growth reached

Newsec Property Outlook Spring 2016


Low interest rates and good access to funding, volatile global stock markets and low yields in the bond market are contributing factors to the great interest of properties Northern in Europe. Demographic challenges create opportunities in the property market. Continued

Eesti kortermajade renoveerimistoetus saab Euroopas kiita

Eesti Korteriühistute Liit / EKÜL / EKYL

Euroopa Komisjoni regionaalvaldkonna ajakiri Panorama kirjutas ühtekuuluvuspoliitika fondide investeeringutest säästvasse  energiamajandusse, tuues energiatõhususe tõstmise näitena esile Eesti  korterelamute renoveerimistoetuse. Investeeringuid energiatõhususe  tõstmisse nimetab ühe prioriteedina oma intervjuus ka rahandusminister. “Euroopa üheks prioriteediks on vastutustundlik eluasemepoliitika, mis  tuleb kiirelt viia vastavusse

Unemployment rate on the rise


Employment and unemployment both increased in Q4 of 2015. In 2016, we expect unemployment rate to grow and employment to decline a bit. Unemployment rate increased a bit to 6.4% in the last quarter of 2015 (6.2% in 2015 as

Weak export demand behind the sluggish economic growth


According to the flash estimate of Statistics Estonia, GDP grew by 0.7% yoy in Estonia in 4Q 2015. The growth rate met our expectations. Compared to the previous quarter, GDP grew by 1.2% (seasonally and working day adjusted). In 2015,

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

13.-16.01.2025 Kinnisvara ABC