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Newsec Property Outlook Spring 2016


Low interest rates and good access to funding, volatile global stock markets and low yields in the bond market are contributing factors to the great interest of properties Northern in Europe. Demographic challenges create opportunities in the property market. Continued

Eesti kortermajade renoveerimistoetus saab Euroopas kiita

Eesti Korteriühistute Liit / EKÜL / EKYL

Euroopa Komisjoni regionaalvaldkonna ajakiri Panorama kirjutas ühtekuuluvuspoliitika fondide investeeringutest säästvasse  energiamajandusse, tuues energiatõhususe tõstmise näitena esile Eesti  korterelamute renoveerimistoetuse. Investeeringuid energiatõhususe  tõstmisse nimetab ühe prioriteedina oma intervjuus ka rahandusminister. “Euroopa üheks prioriteediks on vastutustundlik eluasemepoliitika, mis  tuleb kiirelt viia vastavusse

Unemployment rate on the rise


Employment and unemployment both increased in Q4 of 2015. In 2016, we expect unemployment rate to grow and employment to decline a bit. Unemployment rate increased a bit to 6.4% in the last quarter of 2015 (6.2% in 2015 as

Weak export demand behind the sluggish economic growth


According to the flash estimate of Statistics Estonia, GDP grew by 0.7% yoy in Estonia in 4Q 2015. The growth rate met our expectations. Compared to the previous quarter, GDP grew by 1.2% (seasonally and working day adjusted). In 2015,

Tartu Ülikooli ajalooline arhitektuuriansambel on nimetatud Euroopa kultuuripärandi märgisele


Euroopa Komisjon teatas sel nädalal, et Tartu Ülikooli ajalooline arhitektuuriansambel on valitud Euroopa kultuuripärandi märgise (European Heritage label) kandidaatide hulka. Alates 2013. aastast väljaantav Euroopa kultuuripärandi märgis on Euroopa Liidu algatus, mille eesmärk on tõsta esile Euroopa ühtsust ja ühiseid

Economic growth or economic standstill

SEB Pank

Several important economic indicators were updated last week. The new GDP flash estimate for the third quarter indicates that instead of picking up speed, as was expected at the beginning of the year, economic growth is instead beginning to freeze.

Out of the three Baltic states, Estonia shows the highest popularity of using a home loan to buy a home

SEB Pank

Compared to the other Baltic states, Estonians are more inclined to take out loans to buy their own homes, SEB’s latest economic analysis of households in the Baltic states reveals. Owning one’s home instead of renting it is significantly more

The residents of the Baltic States rarely move

SEB Pank

Compared to the rest of Europe, the residents of the Baltic States rarely move house. People chiefly move for family-related reasons, reveals the new Baltic Household Outlook prepared by SEB. The residents of the Nordic countries move most often. As

Homes of Baltic residents are smaller than the European average by a third

SEB Pank

The average housing size in the European Union is 96 m2. However, in the Baltics, an average household must cope with 63–67 m2. A new financial analysis of Baltic households organized by SEB reveals that this is, in part, caused

Экономический обзор Восточной Европы (Eastern European Outlook) от группы SEB, октябрь 2015

SEB Pank

В Эстонии и многих других государствах Восточной Европы в следующие годы ожидается умеренный экономический рост. Значительно худший прогноз делается для истерзанных конфликтами России и Украины, экономики которых будут оставаться крайне слабыми и в дальнейшем. Экономический спад в России продолжится и

Eastern European Outlook, October 2015

SEB Pank

The dual-track economic picture in Eastern (including Central) Europe will persist over the next two years. Conflict-plagued Russia and Ukraine will show continued weakness. In Russia, recession will linger during 2016 too, as plunging oil prices rebound only weakly and

SEB Grupi Ida-Euroopa majandusülevaade (Eastern European Outlook), oktoober 2015

SEB Pank

Eestis ja paljudes teistes Ida-Euroopa riikides on järgmisteks aastateks oodata mõõdukat majanduskasvu. Oluliselt halvem on prognoos konfliktidest räsitud Venemaa ja Ukraina jaoks, kelle majandused püsivad äärmiselt nõrgana ka edaspidi. Venemaa majanduslangus jätkub ka 2016. aastal, sest nafta hind maailmaturul püsib

Swedbank: Risks at the housing market


Growth of house prices one of the fastest in Europe House prices have grown faster than households’ incomes Surge in supply should slow future price growth Growth of house prices one of the fastest in Europe Of the 27 countries

Moderate economic growth, yet risks have increased

SEB Pank

Economic statistics for the past week revealed that the Estonian economy grew a lot more last year than was previously thought. The growth of GDP in the second quarter can also be regarded as being good. At the same time,

Employee numbers rising in spite of declining sales

SEB Pank

The ending week will be remembered by many for the nervous decline of the stock markets. Despite these uncertain times, the global economy is on track for growth. In Estonia, initial data published for the economic performance of businesses in

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