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GDP in Estonia up 3.9 per cent year on year to Q1 2012

According to a report on the Baltic Business News, the Estonian economy saw a growth of 3.9 per cent in Q1 of 2012, with particular emphasis on construction and also retail and wholesale trade. Citing figures from the Estonian Statistics

Tourism Up in Tallinn and Estonia in Q1 2012

More hopeful signs of recovery come from a report on the Baltic Business News website, citing figures from Statistics Estonia, which stated that the amount of overseas visitors to Estonia was up by 11 per cent in Q1 2012. A

Statistics: Mortgage Interest Rate in Estonia at a Record Low

According to Tõnu Toompark’s Estonian property Adaur blog, morgage rates in Estonia have fallen to a level of 3.15 per cent at the end of the first quarter of 2012. The only other time when such a low level of

Smaller Forest Land Interesting To Domestic Investors In Estonia

Whilst the focus of this blog is on Tallinn, we sometimes like to focus on the rest of Estonia, both in terms of residential real estate and in other sectors, or related areas. This article is a translation of an

Estonian Property Prices Rising Despite Most Countries Seeing A Fall

According to a recent  global property report from prestigious real estate company Knight Frank, whilst the general global trend for house prices is for a continuing  fall, Estonia is bucking this trend and seeing rising prices. Written by Kate Everett-Allen,

Kinnisvarafirmade võrgustiku RE/MAX regioonifrantsiisi omandas Selestre OÜ


Detsembri lõpus allkirjastatud lepinguga omandas Selestre OÜ (RE/MAX Estonia) õiguse opereerida alates 01.01.2012 Eestis RE/MAX regioonifrantsiisi. PMSCS Regional Franchise Services GmbH (RE/MAX Europe), UAB “Baltic Franchises“ (RE/MAX Baltics) ja Selestre OÜ (RE/MAX Estonia) vahel sõlmitud lepingu kohaselt on RE/MAX Estonial

Individuals In The Rental Market Need Tax Exempt Status

At a recent round table meeting of the EKFL (Eesti Kinnisvarafirmade Liit), an association of Estonian real estate agents, construction companies, developers and other related interests, on 26 October, the question of issues related to tax relief for rental income

Estonian Property Owners’ “Golden Handcuffs”

The proportion of property owners in Estonia seems to be declining somewhat, despite a strong desire in Estonia to be a property owner, according to a report in Estonian business newspaper Äripaev. The article, by Silvia Kruusmaa, goes on to

Statistics: No Change In Loans Interest Rates

Euro-based home loans rates have remained unchanged in the range of 3.2 to 3.4 per cent, despite small rises in the Euribor index of European lending rates since 2009, according to Tõnu Toompark on his adaur.ee blog. The monthly rate

Euribor Increase To 1.25%: Effects On Estonian Property Market

The European Central Bank (ECB)’s decision to raise the Euribor index of lending rates to 1.25% on Thursday last (7th April) perhaps comes as no surprise, and it seems likely that further rises are due for the course of 2011.

Analysts: brace for higher interest rates

Estonians who have borrowed from banks will soon have to repay considerably more in interest since euribor rate is expected to grow rapidly in near future, writes Äripäev. Tõnu Palk, chief economist of Nordea Pank, said that the whole eurozone

Goodbye Kroon, Hello Euro – Practical Info On Estonia’s New Currency

The introduction of the Euro to Estonia on 1 January took place quite smoothly and with no major mishaps. Cash machines were closed from midday on 31 December, 2010 until the stroke of the new year 12 hours later, which

Lutheri vabriku maadele kerkib enam kui poolteist tuhat korterit

Kokku lisandub Veerenni asumisse 40 korterelamut ja 18 äriruumidega korterelamut. Endisel Tallinna vineeri- ja mööblikombinaadi suletud territooriumil Veerenni asumis haigutab praegu hiiglaslik tühermaa, kuid varsti peaks endise tööstuspiirkonna asemele kerkima suure avaliku haljasalaga elamurajoon. Sel nädalal otsustas Tallinna linnavalitsus saata

Kas languse lõpp või tõusu algus – kuidas edasi?

07. novembril 2008. a. toimub Eesti Rahvusraamatukogus VII rahvusvaheline kinnisvarakonverents “Kinnisvara 2008. Kas languse lõpp või tõusu algus – kuidas edasi?”. Konverentsile on oodatud nii kinnisvara haldajad, hooldajad, arendajad, hindajad, maaklerid, ehitajad, arhitektid, analüütikud kui ka riigiametnikud, ettevõtjad ning finantssektoris

Oberschneider Purchases Control of Ober-Haus Real Estate Agency

Paul Oberschneider, Chairman of Ober-Haus, announced today the purchase of the majority of shares in Ober-Haus Real Estate Agency, Central and Eastern Europe-s largest real estate brokerage business with 31 offices throughout Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Oberschneider, along with

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

13.-16.01.2025 Kinnisvara ABC