Uudiste arhiiv


Merko Ehitus: Launch of a new residential development project in Noblessner seafront quarter

Merko Ehitus

Kodusadam OÜ, a joint venture of AS Merko Ehitus Eesti and AS BLRT Grupp, has decided to launch a new real estate development project (merko.ee/vesilennuki) in Noblessner seafront quarter, which comprises in total of five residential buildings with 161 apartments

Arco Vara: Change in substantial holding

Arco Vara

Arco Vara AS notifies the stock exchange about a change in substantial holding as required by § 186 of the Securities Market Act. On January 11, 2021, LHV Pensioninfond L transferred 869,587, LHV Pensionifond XL 365,619, LHV Pensionifond M 51,240

Net asset value of EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS as of 31.12.2020

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS earned 950 thousand euros in sales income in December, which is 8 thousand euros more than in November. In connection with the reduction of marketing activities in shopping centers, the fund earned a net

Statistikaamet: Kas majutuses toetada nõrgemat või elulootusega ettevõtjat?


Koroonakriis on Eestis varsti juba ligi aasta kestnud, mis muuhulgas tähendab võimalust teha kriisi mõjudest esmaseid andmetel põhinevaid majanduslikke järeldusi. Praeguseks on andmetesse jõudnud viiruse tõrjumise meetmetest tulenevad koondamised ja käivete kahanemised. Selgunud on enam kannatada saanud sektorid ja majanduskorraldus

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III: Subsidiary of EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS acquired a registered immovable of Pirita Pansionaat in Tallinn

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III

EfTEN Pirita OÜ (former business name EfTEN SPV19 OÜ), a 100% subsidiary of EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS, completed the registered immovable acquisition from Arca Varahaldus OÜ, located at OÜ Hunditubaka tee 12 / Karukella tee 5 in Tallinn

Arco Vara: Bond issue

Arco Vara

Arco Vara AS conducted a bond issue as a result of which bonds in the amount of 1,780,000 euros were issued. The issue date of the bonds is 16 December 2020 and the maturity date is 13 December 2022. 178

Merko Ehitus: Change in the Management Board of a group’s subsidiary entity (

Merko Ehitus

The Supervisory Board of AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, decided to extend the powers of the Members of the Management Board, Mr. Jaan Mäe and Mr. Veljo Viitmann from 1 January 2021 for three years.

Nordecon: 2020 III quarter and 9 months consolidated interim report


Compared to the same period last year, the 9 month results of the Group in 2020 are characterised by an increase in sales revenue and operating profit, which was achieved in the context of a slight decline in gross profitability

Merko Ehitus: 2020 9 months and III quarter consolidated unaudited interim report

Merko Ehitus

COMMENTARY FROM MANAGEMENT Merko Ehitus posted revenue of EUR 79.7 million and a net profit of EUR 4.9 million in the third quarter of 2020, the respective growth were 8.6% and 92%. The group’s 9-month revenue amounted to EUR 209

Baltic Horizon Fund announces results of the secondary public offering

Baltic Horizon Fund

Secondary public offering of Baltic Horizon Fund units ended on 22 October 2020 16:00 (EEST). In total, 6,247,904 units were subscribed which corresponds to gross amount of EUR 7.2 million. “We are satisfied with the results, considering the current difficult

AS Tallinna Moekombinaat contests the ruling of the County Court regarding the reorganization plan

Pro Kapital

AS Tallinna Moekombinaat contests the ruling of the County Court with which the court decided to terminate the proceedings prematurely. On 3 April 2020, AS Pro Kapital Grupp (Pro Kapital) announced the initiation of reorganization proceedings of its subsidiary AS

Baltic Horizon Fund Consolidated Unaudited Interim Results for H1 2020

Baltic Horizon Fund

Management Board of Northern Horizon Capital AS (the Management Company) has approved the unaudited consolidated interim financial statements of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) for the first six months of 2020. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic At the beginning of 2020,

Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for II Quarter and 6 Months of 2020 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT Chairman’s summary  The first six months of 2020 have been quite busy for us in spite of the slow-down of businesses in many sectors due to the influence of the worldwide spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19.

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III unaudited results for 2nd quarter and 1st half-year 2020

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS’s consolidated sales revenue for the second quarter of 2020 totaled 2.422 million euros (2nd quarter of 2019: 2.321 million euros), increasing by 4.4%. The sales revenue of the two properties acquired at the end

Luminori abil toodi suure kinnisvaraettevõtte laenud tagasi Eestisse

Luminor Bank

Luminor andis suurele kinnisvaraarendajale ja ‑haldajale Capfield OÜ‑le 85 miljonit eurot laenu nende varasemate laenude tagasi Eestisse toomiseks. Luminori korporatiivpanganduse üksuse juhi Monika Kallase sõnul on Eestis mitmeid suuri kaubanduskeskusi omav Capfield tugevas seisus ning praeguses koroonaviirusest tingitud olukorras hästi

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12.03.2025 Kinnisvara arendusprojekti juhtimine