Uudiste arhiiv


AS Tallinna Moekombinaat submits the reorganization plan to the creditors

Pro Kapital

AS Pro Kapital Grupp has notified about the initiation of reorganization proceedings of its subsidiary AS Tallinna Moekombinaat by the ruling of the Harju County Court issued on 3 April 2020. In connection with the reorganization proceedings of AS Tallinna

Baltic Horizon Fund General Meeting – notice to investors

Baltic Horizon Fund

Northern Horizon Capital AS invites Baltic Horizon Fund unit-holders to attend an annual General Meeting on 26 May 2020 at 15:00 (EET, local Estonian time) at the office of Northern Horizon Capital AS at Tornimäe 2, 24th floor, 10145 Tallinn,

Baltic Horizon Fund: Update on COVID-19

Baltic Horizon Fund

In response to COVID-19 outbreak, Northern Horizon Capital AS, the management company of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) has taken assertive action to manage the risks arising from the pandemic and to protect the health and safety of the public,

Comment on signing of the Memorandum of Understanding for the development of conference and concert centre with passenger port in Tallinn

Tallinna Sadam

According to the exchange release of Tallink Grupp published today and the information disclosed at their joint press conference (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSyXyWUV9nU&feature=youtu.be), Tallink Group, Infortar and the City of Tallinn signed today a memorandum of understanding to develop the city owned architectural

Pro Kapital: Conclusion of construction contract of Ratsuri houses

Pro Kapital

On 11.02.2020, AS Pro Kapital Grupp group company OÜ Marsi Elu and OÜ Vanalinna Ehitus have concluded a contract for the re-construction of a stables building and additional construction of a new adjacent building as well as a semi-underground parking

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS and EfTEN Kinnisvarafond AS concluded a merger agreement

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

On 14 January 2020 EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS as an acquiring fund and EfTEN Kinnisvarafond AS as a fund being acquired concluded a merger agreement with the aim of merging EfTEN Kinnisvarafond AS with EfTEN Real Estate Fund

Baltic Horizon Fund Consolidated Un-Audited Results for Q3 2019

Baltic Horizon Fund

Gross Asset Value (GAV) In Q3 2019, the GAV increased slightly from EUR 344.9 million to EUR 345.3 million compared to the end of Q2 2019. The increase is mainly related to the increase in investment property book value due

Arco Vara: Väike üürilevõtjate välimääraja

Arco Vara

Igal pikaaegsel maakleril on palju kogemusi üürileandjate ja -võtjatega. Toon huumorivõtmes välja kuus iseloomulikku üürnikutüüpi, kellega on iga maakler mingil ajal oma töös kokku puutunud. Kunstihing ja looduslaps Keskkonnahoidjad ja loomeinimesed, kes otsivad eeskätt ahiküttega kortereid. Eelistavad väga soodsat pinda

Uus Maa: Market Review May 2019

Uus Maa

After the surge in March and April, the first hot days of May brought along a larger leap in the transaction activity. The larger numbers were not based only on the Harju County but the increase was rather broad. 2,138

Nautica allkirjastab uue suurejoonelise lepingu globaalse jalanõude jaemüügiketi Deichmanniga


Nautica ostukeskusel on hea meel teatada uuest lepingust rahvusvahelise jalanõubrändi Deichmanniga. Deichmannil on üle 4000 poe 27-s riigis ja tegemist on selle kaubamärgi esimese poega Eestis. Poe suuruseks Nautica keskuses on 380m2 ning avamine on planeeritud käesoleva aasta augusti keskpaika.

Maaklerita tehingud on aeganõudvad ja riskantsed


Tänapäeval oma kinnisvaraga ise tehingute tegemist võib võrrelda Tallinnast Tartusse eesli seljas sõitmisega – heal juhul võib ju kunagi kohale jõuda, kuid millises olukorras ja millise hinnaga on täiesti ettearvamatu. Reeglina läheb iseenda “maakleriks” olemine enamasti palju kallimaks maksma, kui

Newsec and Redgate Capital signed a partnership agreement


Changes in Baltic region‘s real estate field are happening – international real estate consulting company Newsec and Baltic investment banking company Redgate Capital signed a partnership agreement to offer real estate services to clients in Estonia. Redgate Capital‘s real estate

Uus Maa: Market review August 2018

Uus Maa

Even though the number of transactions in August was only higher than that of July, the real estate market in Tallinn has still been active, which is confirmed by the fact that in the first eight months of the year,

EKÜL: Tallinnas algab täna elamumajanduse tippkohtumine

Eesti Korteriühistute Liit / EKÜL / EKYL

6-8. juunini 2018 leiab Tallinnas aset elamumajanduse tippsündmus, kui esmakordselt saabuvad korraga ühisele kokkusaamisele kolm kõige mõjukamat elamuvaldkonna ühendust: Euroopa elamuorganisatsioonide ühendus Housing Europe, ÜRO Euroopa Majanduskomisjoni Elamu-ja Maamajanduskomitee ning Rahvusvaheline Elamukooperatiivide Liit. Maailma kolme mõjukama elamuvaldkonna ühenduse esindajad väisavad

EstateGuru secures its first institutional credit line from a German bank


In March 2018, EstateGuru signed the firm’s first institutional credit line with Germany based Varengold Bank AG. EstateGuru, the European leading cross-border marketplace for short-term property loans has secured its first institutional credit line to be invested into loans originated

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

13.-16.01.2025 Kinnisvara ABC