Uudiste arhiiv


Swedbank: Increasing Estonian exports’ market share in Finland will be more challenging


Estonia’s exports to Finland are the most diversified among the largest trade partners Exported goods from Estonia have gained market share on the Finnish market Estonia is losing its price competitiveness against Finland Finland is Estonia’s largest export partner. Among

EstateGuru launched its fourth market – Finland


In January, EstateGuru funded its first loan in Helsinki and thereby opened the firm’s fourth operating market. Lirokuja bridge loan in the amount of €1.65 million is the platform’s biggest funded loan. Read the press release on the market’s opening

Capfield: Täna avati Nautica kaubanduskeskus

171023 Nautica kaubanduskeskus

Täna avati sadamapiirkonnas Tallinna uusim kaubanduskeskus Nautica, mille 60 kaupluse hulgast võib leida mitmeid tuntuid brände. Üle aasta kestnud ja rohkem kui 11 miljonit eurot maksma läinud ehitustööde tulemusena endise Norde Centrumi asemele loodud Nautica pakub 18 500 ruutmeetril esmaklassilist

Swedbank: Winds of change in the retail market


Profitability remains a concern Developments across subsectors vary Challenges ahead Sales are on the rise, but profitability remains a concern Retail trade enterprises expect their sales to rise (by 6.1% in 2017, according to a recent Swedbank survey), and they

Lasnamäe Prisma laiendustööd algavad esmaspäeval


Capfield OÜ tütarfirma Premium Trade OÜ teeb esmaspäeval, 29. mail algust Lasnamäe Prisma laiendustöödega, mille tulemusena saab keskus järgmise aasta kevadeks uue välisilme ning sellele lisandub 5600 m2 üldpinda. Tööde eesmärgiks on pakkuda suuremat kauba- ja teenustevalikut ning muuta keskus

Kinnisvaraekspert: Ühinemisteade


Alates käesoleva aasta 1. juunist ühendavad Kinnisvaraekspert OÜ ja Staaring Kinnisvarabüroo OÜ oma jõud ja jätkavad edaspidi kinnisvarateenuste pakkumist kaubamärgi Kinnisvaraekspert all. Ühinemise põhjuseks oli kinnisvaraturu kiire areng ja tihenev konkurents. Mõistlik on liita sarnase teenusevaliku ja ärikultuuriga ettevõtete võimekus

Swedbank: Slower growth of wages reduces macroeconomic risks


The growth of average monthly gross wages slowed to 5.7% in the first quarter. We expect gross wages to grow by around 6% this year. The growth of the average gross monthly wage decelerated from 7.6% in 2016 to 5.7%,

Swedbank: Foreign direct investment – better, but there is capacity for more


Estonia is still among largest net beneficiaries from FDI in the EU Increased inflow of FDI may boost fixed capital formation in the near future FDI by country becomes more and more diversified Can FDI boost enterprises’ investments into fixed

Nautica ostukeskus avab uksed sel sügisel


Norde Centrumi laiendustööd on täies hoos ning laiendatud kaubanduskeskus avatakse Nautica nime all selle aasta sügisel, teatab keskuse omanik Capfield. Keskuse 18 500 ruutmeetri suurusel pinnal hakkavad rentnikud pakkuma mitmekülgset valikut nii noortele, peredele kui ka lastele. Teiste seas avavad

Brexit: the EU28 is dead, long live the EU?


The die is cast – the next move is the EU’s Limited effect of Brexit on the Baltic economies, so far Baltic interest – strong EU Wheels are set in motion On March 29, the UK gave formal notice of

Baltic Sea Region Report


Half-hearted reforms will not raise competitiveness and boost growth • Mind the risks to long-term growth  • Exports hold the key to future growth in the Baltics  • The services sector – stronger, smarter and more diversified  Mind the risks to

SEB survey: Residents of Harju and Lääne-Viru counties are moderately satisfied with their economic situation

SEB Pank

In Estonia, financial satisfaction and economic security is the strongest among Central and Southern Estonians; however, residents of Harju and Lääne-Viru counties are also moderately satisfied with their economic situation, the SEB Baltic Household Outlook reveals. Seventy-three and 71 per

SEB survey: Estonians have the strongest economic security and financial satisfaction among the Baltic states

SEB Pank

Estonian residents have more confidence in the economy and are more satisfied with their financial situation than their Latvian and Lithuanian counterparts, the SEB Baltic Household Outlook reveals. Seventy-three per cent of the Estonian population are moderately satisfied with their

Swedbank: Housing market risks diluted


The surge in supply has almost halted price growth Construction sector investments low Real estate prices relative to income stay below 12-year average Price – it is all about demand and supply In the first quarter of 2016, price growth

Arco Vara: Kuidas müüa päranduseks saadud kinnisvara?

Arco Vara

Pärimine on valdkond, millega paljud meist elus paratamatult kokku puutuvad. See teema võib päevakorda kerkida ootamatult ja pärandi vastuvõtmine ning realiseerimine ei pruugi olla nii lihtne, kui esmapilgu võib arvata, kirjutab advokaadibüroo LMP partner Kaido Künnapas. Pärimismenetluse kestus sõltub pärimisasja

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

13.-16.01.2025 Kinnisvara ABC