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Statistics: Share of transactions with greenfield developments trending up

Tõnu Toompark, Adaur Grupp OÜ / Kinnisvarakool OÜ

In Q3 2015, 9 769 transactions with housing were effected in Estonia. At the same time, 983 units of housing received permits for use. Assuming hypothetically that under the conditions of a stable market the number of transactions effected with

Large Estonian enterprises’ optimism over doing business has grown

SEB Pank

SEB’s pan-Baltic survey of CFOs of large enterprises indicates an improved assessment of the business climate; however, Estonian enterprises remain more conservative in their forecasts than their neighbours to the south. The main concerns for large Estonian enterprises are low

Out of the three Baltic states, Estonia shows the highest popularity of using a home loan to buy a home

SEB Pank

Compared to the other Baltic states, Estonians are more inclined to take out loans to buy their own homes, SEB’s latest economic analysis of households in the Baltic states reveals. Owning one’s home instead of renting it is significantly more

The residents of the Baltic States rarely move

SEB Pank

Compared to the rest of Europe, the residents of the Baltic States rarely move house. People chiefly move for family-related reasons, reveals the new Baltic Household Outlook prepared by SEB. The residents of the Nordic countries move most often. As

Tõusev kinnisvaratäht 2015 on Tarmo Richard Klamp

Eesti Kinnisvarafirmade Liit (EKFL)

Eesti Kinnisvarafirmade Liit (EKFL) andis üle preemia „Tõusev kinnisvaratäht“ parima kinnisvarateemalise lõputöö eest 2015.aastal. Kokku laekus 4 tööd, neist 2 bakalaureuse- ja 2 rakenduskõrghariduse lõputööd. „Särava kinnisvaratähe“ (magistritöö) kategoorias ei kvalifitseerunud seekord ükski töö. Iga-aastaselt korraldatava konkursi eesmärgiks on üliõpilaste

Norde Centrum kasvab kaks korda suuremaks


Norde Centrumi omanik Capfield teatas täna täiendavaid üksikasju kaubanduskeskuse 10 miljonit maksva laiendusplaani kohta. Keskus muutub kaks korda suuremaks, pakkudes 23 000 m2 kaubanduspinda rohkem kui 50-le poele. Norde Centrumi laienduse ehitamine toimub ühes etapis ja algab 2016. aasta esimeses

Neljapäeval on maamaksu ning tulu- ja sotsiaalmaksu tasumise tähtaeg

Maksu- ja Tolliamet

Maksu- ja tolliamet tuletab meelde, et neljapäeval, 1. oktoobril on maamaksu teise osa tasumise tähtaeg ning tulu- ja sotsiaalmaksu juurdemaksmise tähtaeg neil maksumaksjatel, kes olid 2014. aastal registreeritud FIEna, said tulu välismaalt või vara võõrandmisest. Kui isiku maamaksu summa on

Moderate economic growth, yet risks have increased

SEB Pank

Economic statistics for the past week revealed that the Estonian economy grew a lot more last year than was previously thought. The growth of GDP in the second quarter can also be regarded as being good. At the same time,

Swedbank: The Estonian Economy


Why worry about wage growth?  Wage growth accelerated again Not sustainable in the longer term Exports have to recover Wage growth accelerated again Gross wage growth has been around or above 5% since 2011. In the first half of 2015,

Employee numbers rising in spite of declining sales

SEB Pank

The ending week will be remembered by many for the nervous decline of the stock markets. Despite these uncertain times, the global economy is on track for growth. In Estonia, initial data published for the economic performance of businesses in

Northern Horizon Capital sells BPT Real Estate to BaltCap

In a transaction signed on 13 August 2015, Northern Horizon Capital A/S will sell its property management subsidiary BPT Real Estate AS to a private equity fund managed by BaltCap. The transaction is subject to approval by competition authorities and is expected

Labour market sends out contradictory messages

SEB Pank

On Friday of last week, Statistics Estonia published data on the second quarter employment rate collected during the labour force survey. Messages received from the labour market are somewhat contradictory – employment grew significantly in comparison with the first quarter,

Capfield ja Nordea pank on kokku leppinud Norde ja Lasnamäe Centrumi refinantseerimises


Capfield ja Nordea pank on leppinud kokku Capfieldi 150 miljoni euro suuruse kinnisvaraportfelli refinantseerimises. Refinantseerimisega saadud kapital suunatakse mitmete kavandatavate arenduste läbiviimiseks. Nende hulka kuuluvad nii Norde kui ka Lasnamäe Centrumi laiendused ning uue kaubanduskeskuse arendamine Tartu maanteel Tallinna Lennujaama

The fall in prices in June was caused by external factors

Eesti Pank

Data from Statistics Estonia show that the consumer price index was 0.1% lower in June than a year earlier and 0.2% lower than a month earlier. Preliminary estimates show that harmonised consumer price index inflation in the euro area slowed

Cushman & Wakefield ühinevad DTZ’iga

Globaalne kinnisvaraagentuur DTZ on jõudnud kokkuleppele tuntud kinnisvarahiiuga Cushman & Wakefield, et liituda ning ühendada jõud. Uus organisatsioon saab olema üks maailma suurimatest kinnisvarafirmadest. Unikaalne kombinatsioon kohalike turgude tundmisest eksperttasandil koos märkimisväärse teadmiste-, kogemuste- ning võimalustepagasiga suurimatel globaalsetel turgudel avab

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

26.03.2025 Korteriühistu juhtimine – seadusandlus ja raamatupidamine