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Energy Savings Pay Off When Buying Real Estate In Estonia

When buying a new home, it seems that the biggest cost is likely to be the actual purchase price according to property developer Allan Kool, in an article published on Tõnu Toompark’s adaur blog. However, it gradually dawns on home

Colliers: 2011 Best Year For Estonian Commercial Real Estate

Compared with the first quarter of 2010, the number of commerical real estate deals in Estonia has fallen by 18 per cent. However, their size and value has actually increased. The monthly average transaction value has risen by 48 per

Nädal Twitter’is: 2009-08-30

Uus suurem korterelamu. Põnev. Loodetavasti kujuneb projekt edukaks. http://tinyurl.com/ms8pxw # Ja veel. Vana-Lõuna 39 brutopinna ehitushind 6700.-/m2. Mõistlik. http://tinyurl.com/ms8pxw # Täna algusega 12.00 TTÜ majandusteaduskonna vilistlaste koolipäev "Eesti Ettevõtlus 2.0": http://bit.ly/JxJ3Z # PM-s hulk pseudouudiseid maaklerite palgalangusest. Maakler ei teeni

Toompark: people are uncertain about the future

In the press conference, organized on the case of KV.EE’s market review, Tõnu Toompark said that people aren’t buying real estate because the future is uncertain, aripaev.ee writes. “People aren’t mainly buying real estate for two reasons—firstly, they are very

Paul Oberschneider among Top 50 Developers in Europe, Says EuroProperty Magazine

Munich, EXPO REAL – American-Estonian developer and investor Paul Oberschneider has been selected one of the fifty top real estate professionals in the pan-European property field by EuroProperty magazine-s Elite edition. The selection of players came from what EuroProperty and

Kinnisvarakalender: jaanuar 2002

02/01 Tallinna linn ostab AS-ilt Meka 10,7 miljoni krooniga Lasnamäel Punasel tänaval asuva laohoone, et sinna spordiseltside toel välja arendada spordikeskus.03/01 Tallinna linnavalitsus kavatseb tänavuse eelarve projektis eraldada elamuehitusprojektidele 145,1 miljonit krooni ning ehitada sellega 235 korterit munitsipaalpindadeks.07/01 Tallinna linnavalitsus

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13.-16.01.2025 Kinnisvara ABC