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EfTEN: EfTEN United Property Fund unaudited financial results for the 4th quarter and 12 months of 2022

EfTEN United Property Fund

The EfTEN United Property Fund earned 1,68 million euros in revenue (0,8 million euros in 2021) and 1,44 million euros in net profit (0,78 million euros in 2021) in 2022. In the 4th quarter of 2022 revenues amounted to 0,33 million

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund sold its share in the parking house of Europa Shopping Centre to UAB “Prime Location Property Fund” in Vilnius, Lithuania

Baltic Horizon

The owner of Europa Shopping Centre in Vilnius, BH Europa UAB, an SPV of Baltic Horizon real estate fund, signed and closed a real estate sale and purchase agreement with UAB “Prime Location Property Fund” on Friday, 30 December 2022,

EfTEN: Decisions of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS 15.12.2022

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III

The extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS was held on 15 December 2022 in in the Radisson Collection Hotel Conference Center (2nd floor, Tallinn, Rävala 3). A total of 135 shareholders attended the meeting

Arco Vara: Arco Vara bond issue

Arco Vara

Arco Vara AS conducted a bond issue as a result of which bonds in the amount of 2,120,000 euros were issued. The issue date of the bonds is 14 December 2022 and the maturity date is 13 December 2024. 212

Merko: Construction contract in Lithuania (NATO training center buildings in Vilnius)


On 23 November 2022, UAB Merko Statyba, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Support and Procurement Agency entered into a contract for the construction works of training center buildings in Vilnius, Lithuania. The contract

EfTEN: EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS notice calling the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III

The Management Board of EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS (registry code 12864036; seat Tallinn, A. Lauteri 5) calls the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on 15 December 2022 at 10:00. Venue of the general meeting: Radisson Collection Hotel second floor conference centre

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund consolidated unaudited results for Q1-Q3 2022

Baltic Horizon Fund

Management Board of Northern Horizon Capital AS has approved the unaudited consolidated interim financial statements of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) for the first nine months of 2022. Net result and net rental income The Group recorded a net profit

Nordecon: 2022 III quarter and 9 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


Despite the difficult economic environment, the group’s 9-month result is characterized by an increase in sales revenue and operating profit. Results for the Buildings and Infrastructure segments differ significantly. Although the profitability of the Buildings segment decreased in the 3rd

Merko: 2022 9 months and III quarter consolidated unaudited interim report


COMMENTARY FROM MANAGEMENT Merko Ehitus revenue was EUR 110 million in Q3 2022 and the revenue for the first nine months of the year amounted to EUR 266 million, while the respective figures for net profit were EUR 9.8 million

EfTEN: EfTEN United Property Fund unaudited financial results for the 9 months and 3rd quarter of 2022 and net asset value of the EfTEN United Property Fund as of 30.09.2022

EfTEN United Property Fund

The EfTEN United Property Fund earned 1,34 million euros in revenue and 1,16 million euros in net profit in the nine months of 2022. In the 3rd quarter of 2022 revenues amounted to 361k euros and net profit to 308k euros.

Arco Vara: Unaudited consolidated interim report for Q3 and 9 months of 2022

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW The cooling of the real estate market in the third quarter did not cause panic in Arco Vara’s developments. The planned final sales of the Kodulahe quarter were held as expected and there was no visible concern

Maaeluministeerium: Hooldusraie toetuse tõus julgustab metsaomanikke


Sellel aastal suureneb hinnatõusu tõttu metsaomanikele mõeldud hooldusraie toetuse ühikuhind. Toetuse suurendamise eesmärk on julgustada eelkõige füüsilisest isikust omanikke oma metsamaad majandama, kuna just neile kehtib kõige enam kallinenud hooldusraie teenuse turuhind. Täna asjakohase määruse allkirjastanud maaeluminister Urmas Kruuse sõnul

Nordecon: Reorganisation of infrastructure construction segment management


Due to the decrease in public sector investments and changes in funding priorities of infrastructure construction sector, Nordecon AS is reorganising the business activities of the road construction segment in the Group, bringing it under the unified management of the

EfTEN: EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS and EfTEN Kinnisvarafond AS concluded a merger agreement


Today, 19.09.2022, EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS as an acquiring fund and EfTEN Kinnisvarafond AS as a fund being acquired concluded on the basis of the respective resolutions of the supervisory board a merger agreement with the aim of

Merko Ehitus: Construction contract in Lithuania (wind farm foundations in Telšiai)

Merko Ehitus

On 14 September 2022, a contract entered into force between UAB Merko statyba, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, and UAB “VEVP“, part of European Energy A/S group, for the construction of wind turbine foundations for the wind farm in

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