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Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for IV Quarter and 12 Months of 2021 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT Chairman’s summary The fourth quarter of 2021 has confirmed the positive trend seen in the previous quarter. The overall market is healthy and we are seeing a solid and steady demand for our projects. The construction market still

Kapitel: I.P.Pavlova 5 büroohoone Prahas sai BREEAM In-Use rohesertifikaadi tasemel Very Good


Kapitel jätkab investeeringuid oma kinnisvaraportfelli ökoloogilise jalajälje vähendamisse – Prahas asuv I.P. Pavlova 5 büroohoone sai rahvusvahelise BREEAM In-Use rohesertifikaadi tasemel Very Good. Tegemist on kvaliteedimärgiga, mis kinnitab hoone väikest keskkonnamõju, inimsõbralikkust ning pakutavate lisateenuste ja töökeskkonna kõrget kvaliteeti. „Kapitel

Nordecon: 2021 IV quarter and 12 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


The key words for 2021 are the rapid recovery of the construction market volumes that fell in 2020 and the sharp rise in input prices, which put strong pressure on the cost of previously concluded long-term construction contracts. The whole

EfTEN: EfTEN käivitas uue fondi ja ostis Vilniuses Danske panga büroohoone

EfTEN Capital käivitas uue ärikinnisvarafondi, mis lähtub rohelise investeerimise põhimõtetest. Fondi esimene ost on Vilniuses asuv Danske panga büroohoone, kuhu pank on koondanud oma grupi tugiüksused. Äsja asutatud EfTEN Real Estate Fund 5 on institutsionaalsele ja professionaalsele kliendile suunatud alternatiivne,

EfTEN: EfTEN investeerib 10 miljonit eurot Kaunase üürimajadesse

EfTEN sõlmis lepingu Leedu kinnisvaraarendajaga UAB Etapas Group, et rajada kaks üheksakorruselist korterelamut Kaunasesse. Projekti käigus valmivad täielikult sisustatud korterid pikaajaliseks üürimiseks peredele. EfTEN plaanib projekti investeerida 10 miljonit eurot, kasutades selleks vaid omafinantseeringut. Tegemist on üürieluasemetele keskendunud EfTEN Residential

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for III Quarter and 9 Months of 2021 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary The third quarter of this year has been very dynamic, with amazing results in sales activities and exceeding expectations when signing presale agreements, but it has been also challenging in development activities due to changes in

Nordecon: 2021 III quarter and 9 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


Despite the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and turbulence in the economy, the Group’s efforts have borne fruit and the profitability in the third quarter was comparable to the same period in 2020. However, rising input prices and supply

Tartu toetab kolme Annelinna 9-korruselise kortermaja renoveerimist


Tänasel istungil otsustas linnavalitsus osaleda projektis Open Lab, mille eesmärk on renoveerida koostöös korteriühistutega liginullenergia hooneks kolm Annelinna 9-korruselist elamut ning kujundada nende ümber kaasaegne elukeskkond. Euroopa Komisjoni rahastus kolme hoone renoveerimiseks ja hoonete ümbruse elukeskkonna parandamiseks on kaks miljonit

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for II Quarter and 6 Months of 2021 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary 2021 has been a dynamic working period. We have continued with our ongoing developments, where we see remarkable results, but also had to face a setback as the decision of the Supreme Court terminated reorganisation proceedings

Nordecon: Swencn AB (a subsidiary of Nordecon AS) applied to the Swedish court to initiate restructuring proceedings


On 22 July 2021, Swencn AB (a subsidiary of Nordecon AS) filed an application with the Nacka District Court in Stockholm, Sweden, to initiate restructuring proceedings. Through the restructuring procedure, the company wants to overcome the difficulties in paying bills,

Pro Kapital: The Financial Supervision Authority issued a warning related to the delay in publishing the audited report for the financial year 2020

Pro Kapital

On 29 June 2021 Financial Supervision Authority issued a warning related to the delay in publishing the audited report for the financial year 2020. Pursuant to the Securities Market Act, the issuer is required to publish its annual report within

AS Pro Kapital Grupp initiates a written procedure to approve waivers regarding its senior secured callable fixed rate bonds 2020/2024

Pro Kapital

As announced by AS Pro Kapital Grupp (“Pro Kapital” or the “Company”) on 10 June 2021 by way of press release, certain major bondholders representing approximately 75.44 per cent. of the nominal amount of the Bonds have agreed to give certain

The Financial Supervision Authority applies a penalty payment for the delay in submitting the audited report for the financial year 2020

Pro Kapital

On 3 May 2021, the Financial Supervision Authority issued a prescription to AS Pro Kapital Grupp for failure to submit the audited report for the financial year 2020 by the deadline. The prescription included a warning until 14 May 2021.

Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for I Quarter and 3 Months of 2021 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

AS Pro Kapital Grupp has not yet published audited annual report for 2020 (related notice: https://view.news.eu.nasdaq.com/view?id=b9a14c4af26fbcf29852a28f2d4144b75&lang=en). However, the Company is using unaudited financial statements as basis of preparation in this report. All details related to this issue can be find in

Euroopa Komisjoni seisukoht võimaldab Linnahalli projektiga edasi minna


Tallinna Linnavalitsus käivitab Euroopa Komisjoni seisukohale tuginedes lähiajal tegevusplaani, kuidas Linnahalli ja selle ümbruse kordategemisega edasi minnakse. Euroopa Komisjon ei näe linnahalli äriplaani kohaste investeeringute tegemises vastuolu riigiabi reeglistikuga. „Tallinna jaoks on see loomulikult hea uudis, mis võimaldab meil varasemad

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18.02.2025 Detailplaneeringute koostamine ja menetlemine