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Hepsor: Hepsor ASi tütarettevõte Hepsor JG SIA sõlmis Annanhof Majas projekti ehituse finantseerimiseks laenulepingu summas 4 miljonit eurot


08. detsembril 2023 allkirjastasid Hepsor ASi tütarettevõte Hepsor JG SIA ja Bigbank AS Läti filiaal laenulepingu summas 4 miljonit eurot. Kolmeaastase tähtajaga laenu eesmärk on finantseerida Annenhof Majas arendusprojekti ehitust Riias. 40 korteriga arendusprojekti ehituse ja müügiga on juba alustatud

Hepsor: Hepsor JG SIA, Hepsor AS group company, signed 4 million euro loan agreement for financing the construction of Annenhof Majas project


Hepsor JG SIA, Hepsor AS group company, and Latvian affiliate of Bigbank AS signed a 4 million loan agreement on 08 December 2023. The purpose of the three-year loan is to finance the construction of Annenhof Majas development project in

Hepsor: Hepsor ASi kontserni ettevõte Hepsor JG SIA sõlmis ehituslepingu Annenhof Majas projekti ehitamiseks Riias


Hepsor ASi kontserni ettevõte Hepsor JG SIA ja Mitt&Perlebach SIA allkirjastasid 20. novembril 2023 lepingu Annenhof Majas nimelise arendusprojekti ehitamiseks Riias aadressil Jurmalas Gatve 74. Ehituslepingu maht on ligikaudu 4,3 miljonit eurot, millele lisandub käibemaks. Projekti müügiga alustati 2023. aasta

Hepsor: Hepsor JG SIA, Hepsor AS group company, signed construction agreement for the construction of Annenhof Majas project in Riga


Hepsor JG SIA, a subsidiary of Hepsor AS Group, and Mitt&Perlebach SIA signed a contract on November 20, 2023, for the construction of a development project named Annenhof Majas in Riga, located at Jurmalas Gatve 74. The construction contract is

Hepsor: Hepsor ASi tütarettevõte ostis Riias kinnistu, millele arendatakse 40 korteriga elumaja


Hepsor ASi tütarettevõte Hepsor JG SIA sõlmis 1. septembril 2022 ostu-müügilepingu kinnistu ostmiseks Jurmala Gatve tänaval Imanta linnaosas, Riias. Kinnistule planeeritakse ehitada kolmekorruseline A-energiaklassi eluhoone 40 korteriga ning müüdava pinnaga ligikaudu 2 500 m2. Hepsor AS-i juhatuse liikme Henri Laksi

Hepsor: Subsidiary of Hepsor AS acquires a property in Riga for development of 40-apartment residential building


Hepsor JG SIA, a subsidiary of Hepsor AS, signed a sale-purchase agreement on 1 September 2022, for acquiring a property in Jurmala Gatve Street, Imanta district, Riga. The property will accommodate a three-storey A-energy class residential building with 40 apartments

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