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Swedbank: Estonia: prolonged GDP decline stopped in the Q4 2023


In Q4 2023, Estonia’s GDP dropped 3.0% y/y in real terms and remained on the same level compared to the previous quarter (swda), according to the flash estimate of Statistics Estonia. Estonian GDP contracted 3.5% y/y (swda) and 3.4% (non-adjusted)

EfTEN: Net asset value of the EfTEN United Property Fund as of 31.12.2023

The net asset value (NAV) of EfTEN United Property Fund was 10.57 euros at the end of December, decreasing by 0.8% over the month. The decrease in NAV was related to the regular valuation of the fund’s investments by Colliers

Merko: Launch of the Õielehe residential project (Rae parish, Estonia)

OÜ Merko Kodud, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, has decided to launch the first stage of Õielehe residential development project in Rae parish in Jüri. The development project includes in total ten apartment buildings with 121 apartments and four

EfTEN: EfTEN Real Estate Fund net asset value per share and the preliminary financial results

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

Commentary by the Fund Manager, Viljar Arakas The defining feature of 2023 was the fastest interest rate increase in the Eurozone’s 25-year history. Compared to the previous year, EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS’s consolidated interest expense nearly doubled in relation

EfTEN: Net asset value of the EfTEN United Property Fund as of 30.11.2023

The net asset value (NAV) of EfTEN United Property Fund was 10.66 euros at the end of November, increasing by 0.4% over the month. If the fund’s investment in the of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS shares is valued on

Swedbank: Affordability on the road to recovery


Affordability continued to decline, but the bottom has been reached. Apartments still unaffordable in Tallinn and Vilnius. Interest rate burden remains heavy, but there are first signs of rates inching down. Housing affordability continued to decline in the third quarter

EfTEN: The net asset value of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS shares as of 30.11.2023

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

In November, EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS reported a rental income of €2,521 thousand, marking a decrease of €17 thousand from October. This decline in rental income was primarily due to lower turnover rents at the Saules Miestas and RAF

EfTEN: Net asset value of the EfTEN United Property Fund as of 31.10.2023

The net asset value (NAV) of EfTEN United Property Fund was 10.62 euros at the end of October, increasing by 0.1% over the month. If the fund’s investment in the of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS shares is valued on

Tartu uhkeim ehituses olev kortermaja Fortuuna tn 27 tähistas sarikapidu

LVM Kinnisvara

Reedel, 24. novembril võeti sarikapeo käigus pärg maha tõenäoliselt kõige uhkemalt praegu Tartusse ehitatavalt elu- ja ärihoonelt Fortuuna tänav 27. Tegu on järgmisel aastal valmiva 5,3 miljoni euro suuruse ehitusmaksumusega A-energiaklassiga äri- ja korterelamuga Fortuuna kvartalis. 1262 ruutmeetrise üldpinnaga hoone

Swedbank: Prices have stabilised at a high level


During the past six months, consumer prices have not grown in Estonia. In October, prices were at the same level as in April this year. However, the average consumer basket is still about 30% more expensive than 2 years ago.

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for III Quarter and 9 Months of 2023 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary Q3 2023 marks as a continuation of the newly started developments of AS Pro Kapital Grupp. Real estate development In Tallinn, the decision taken earlier in the year on starting the construction and sales of Kalaranna

EfTEN: EfTEN United Property Fund unaudited financial results for the 9 months and 3rd quarter of 2023

EfTEN United Property Fund earned a net loss of 16 thousand euros in the 3rd quarter of 2023, and 87 thousand euros in 9 months of 2023. The loss was due to the market value change in listed EfTEN Real Estate

Nordecon: 2023 III quarter and 9 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


Economic environment The rapid changes in the construction market due to the economic environment have continued, complicating the growth plans of companies and other related industries in the sector, and limiting their courage to act. Coping with difficult circumstances and

Hepsor: Hepsor AS consolidated unaudited interim report for Q3 2023 and 9 months

Hepsor’s consolidated revenue for the first nine months of 2023 amounted to 36 million euros, with a net profit of 4.8 million euros (including a share of 2.3 million euros for the parent company). In the third quarter of 2023,

Arco Vara: Unaudited consolidated interim report for Q3 and 9 months of 2023

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW Summer is traditionally the low season in the real estate market, but this year it did not apply to Arco Vara, as the third quarter showed. Although interest rates remain high, Arco Vara has been successful in

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09.-12.09.2024 Kinnisvara ABC