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Baltic Sea Region Report


Half-hearted reforms will not raise competitiveness and boost growth • Mind the risks to long-term growth  • Exports hold the key to future growth in the Baltics  • The services sector – stronger, smarter and more diversified  Mind the risks to

Swedbank flash comment Estonia: Rapid wage growth continues


• Wage growth remained rapid in the 3rd quarter at 7%, over the year. • We expect average gross wage to slow to around 5% in 2017. In the 3rd quarter of 2016, the average monthly gross wage was 1,119

Despite meagre GDP growth, several economic indicators have improved


Economic growth in Estonia continued to be weak in the 3Q. According to the flash estimate, Estonian economy grew 1.1% yoy and 0.2% qoq (seasonally and calendar adjusted). The GDP has increased 1.1% yoy during the first three quarters. We

Kuidas oma maja kiiremini ehitada?


On üldteada, et majaehitamine võtab üldjuhul palju aega, kuid järjest enam on hakatud väärtustama kiiremat ehitamist. Kuidas ehitamise kiirus saavutatakse? Vaatame seda teemat veidi lähemalt. Kaua eramaja ehitatakse? Keskmise või suurema kivikonstruktsioonis eramaja ehitusaeg on enamasti mugava tempoga tehtuna umbes

SEB survey: Residents of Harju and Lääne-Viru counties are moderately satisfied with their economic situation

SEB Pank

In Estonia, financial satisfaction and economic security is the strongest among Central and Southern Estonians; however, residents of Harju and Lääne-Viru counties are also moderately satisfied with their economic situation, the SEB Baltic Household Outlook reveals. Seventy-three and 71 per

SEB survey: Estonians have the strongest economic security and financial satisfaction among the Baltic states

SEB Pank

Estonian residents have more confidence in the economy and are more satisfied with their financial situation than their Latvian and Lithuanian counterparts, the SEB Baltic Household Outlook reveals. Seventy-three per cent of the Estonian population are moderately satisfied with their

Suve lõpp lõi ülikoolilinnade üüriturud kihama

Arco Vara

Paar viimast aastat on ülikoolilinnade üüriturg olnud vaiksem kui eelnevatel aastatel, kuid sellel hooajal jällegi oluliselt aktiivsem. „Üle kahe aasta on Tartu kõrgkoolidesse astuvate tudengite arv suurenenud. Esimesed üürihuvilised aktiveerusid tavapäraselt juuli alguses ja nendel oli võimalik kasutada suvele iseloomulikku

SEB home purchasing power index: it takes about three years for a resident of Tallinn to save for a home loan down payment

SEB Pank

SEB’s analysis shows that a resident of Tallinn with an average income needs about three years to set aside enough money for the down payment to buy a standard apartment in a dormitory district or new development. In Q2 2016,

Swedank flash comment Estonia – Long-awaited investment growth is starting to take off


Statistics Estonia revised second-quarter annual GDP growth 0.2 percentage points up to 0.8%. Regular revision of last four years was also published and led to changes in real growth rates of previous years. 2012-2014 GDP growth was revised down 0.9

SEB Nordic Outlook: moderate growth regardless of political insecurity

SEB Pank

The events in the economy and politics over the last half-year have been unexpected. The UK referendum, the state of the US presidential election, the increase in popularity of extremist parties in Europe, and the diverging from democracy in some

Swedbank: Housing market risks diluted


The surge in supply has almost halted price growth Construction sector investments low Real estate prices relative to income stay below 12-year average Price – it is all about demand and supply In the first quarter of 2016, price growth

UK votes to leave EU – impact on the Baltic countries


With 52% of UK voting to leave over 48% wishing to stay in, history is being made as we speak, and the United Kingdom will be the first country to leave the EU since its formation. As we expected, the

The housing affordability index (HAI) increased to 132.3 in Vilnius, 166.5 in Riga, and 153.7 in Tallinn


In Tallinn, affordability rose by 10.1 points in the first quarter this year compared with the same period in 2015 due to an 8.5% rise in net wages and almost stable apartment prices. In Riga, the HAI increased by 15.1

Acceleration of the economic growth was not broad based


Statistics Estonia did not revise the GDP growth of 1Q2016 with its second estimate: it remained 1.7% yoy and flat qoq (swda) in real terms. Despite the fall in prices, GDP growth reached to 3% in nominal terms (2.5% in

SEB: Negative interest rates – what does it mean?

SEB Pank

There are an increasing number of media mentions about negative interest rates as more developed countries across the globe are entering a negative interest rates territory. Five central banks – the European Central Bank (ECB), the Denmark’s National bank, the

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01.04.2025 Üüriinvesteeringute finantsanalüüs