Uudiste arhiiv


The housing affordability index (HAI) increased to 130.9 in Vilnius, 159.8 in Riga, and 146.8 in Tallinn


In Tallinn, affordability rose by 4.9 points in the third quarter of this year compared with the same period in 2014, mainly due to a 7.9% rise in net wages, which was higher than apartment price growth for the first

The residents of the Baltic capitals can afford an increasingly large flat in dormitory suburbs

SEB Pank

A survey by SEB shows that in terms of current income levels and property prices, residents in the Baltic capitals can now become owners of bigger standard flats of dormitory suburbs than a year ago. SEB home purchasing power index*

Economic growth in Estonia decelerates sharply in the 2H2015


According to the second estimate by the Statistics Estonia, the GDP growth in Estonia decelerated to 0.7% yoy in 3Q2015, while compared to the previous quarter the GDP decreased by 0.4% (seasonally and working-day adjusted). Primarily construction, transport and manufacturing

Statistics: Number of permits for use for housing more than doubles in a year

Kinnisvaraanalüütik Tõnu Toompark, Adaur Grupp OÜ / Kinnisvarakool OÜ

According to Statistics Estonia, 983 units of housing received permits for use in Estonia in Q3 2015. These are some of the highest levels in the past five years, more than double the number of permits for use a year

Out of the three Baltic states, Estonia shows the highest popularity of using a home loan to buy a home

SEB Pank

Compared to the other Baltic states, Estonians are more inclined to take out loans to buy their own homes, SEB’s latest economic analysis of households in the Baltic states reveals. Owning one’s home instead of renting it is significantly more

The residents of the Baltic States rarely move

SEB Pank

Compared to the rest of Europe, the residents of the Baltic States rarely move house. People chiefly move for family-related reasons, reveals the new Baltic Household Outlook prepared by SEB. The residents of the Nordic countries move most often. As

Merko: Skanstes Parks korteriarendusprojekti käivitamine


AS Merko Ehitus kontserni kuuluv SIA Merks on käivitanud Riias Skanstese piirkonnas Skanstes Parks korteriarendusprojekti, mis hõlmab kolme kortermaja ligikaudu 140 korteriga. Ettevõte alustab esimese 52 korteriga hoone ehitust aadressil Grostonas 12. SIA Merks on Skanstese piirkonda rajanud varem Skanstes

Private individuals’ deposits have grown more equally in Estonia than in Latvia or Lithuania

SEB Pank

The financial situation of households in the Baltic States has improved thanks to favourable changes on the labour market and growth in mean wages, reveals the new economic analysis of Baltic households by SEB. Growth in people’s savings has significantly

In Latvia and Estonia the highest growth of average wages among Baltics

SEB Pank

Due to a reduction in labour taxes, average net (after tax) wages in the first half of 2015 in Estonia and Latvia rose at a quicker pace than gross wages. In Lithuania the average net wages rose a little bit

Balti riikides elatakse kolmandiku võrra väiksemal pinnal kui Euroopas keskmiselt

SEB Pank

Euroopa Liidu keskmine eluaseme suurus on 96 ruutmeetrit, kuid Balti riikides peab keskmine leibkond leppima 63-67 ruutmeetriga. Üheks oluliseks põhjuseks on eramajas elavate inimeste väike osakaal, selgub uuest  SEB koostatud Balti perede majandusanalüüsist. Enamuses Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa riikides jääb keskmine

Homes of Baltic residents are smaller than the European average by a third

SEB Pank

The average housing size in the European Union is 96 m2. However, in the Baltics, an average household must cope with 63–67 m2. A new financial analysis of Baltic households organized by SEB reveals that this is, in part, caused

Eastern European Outlook, October 2015

SEB Pank

The dual-track economic picture in Eastern (including Central) Europe will persist over the next two years. Conflict-plagued Russia and Ukraine will show continued weakness. In Russia, recession will linger during 2016 too, as plunging oil prices rebound only weakly and

Growth in corporate and household deposits remains fast

Eesti Pank

The volume of loans and leases to Estonian companies and households was the same at the end of August as in July at 15.8 billion euros. This meant the financing portfolio had increased by 3.5% since August last year. Annual

Swedbank: Risks at the housing market


Growth of house prices one of the fastest in Europe House prices have grown faster than households’ incomes Surge in supply should slow future price growth Growth of house prices one of the fastest in Europe Of the 27 countries

Merko: Kortermaja arenduse käivitamine

Sõpruse 33 , Tallinn

AS Merko Ehitus on käivitanud Tallinnas Kristiine linnaosas asuva Sõpruse pst 33 kortermaja arenduse, hoone valmimine on planeeritud 2016. aasta lõppu. B-energiamärgisega 5-korruselise kortermaja (www.merko.ee/sopruse33) arhitekt on Velle Kadalipp, hoonet ilmestavad erinevad fassaadikattematerjalid ning klaasliftid. U-kujulise kortermaja hoovi rajatakse privaatne

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