Uudiste arhiiv


Expert: Law Tilted Toward Tenants, Away from Landlords

An administrator at the Real Estate School says the part of the Law of Obligations Act that governs leases is skewed in favor of tenants and should be rewritten. Tõnu Toompark, a board member at the school, which trains realtors

Expert: Law Tilted Toward Tenants, Away from Landlords

An administrator at the Real Estate School says the part of the Law of Obligations Act that governs leases is skewed in favor of tenants and should be rewritten. Tõnu Toompark, a board member at the school, which trains realtors

Uus kortermaja Villardi 9

Villardi 9 kinnistul alustati oktoobris 2012 uue kõrge energiatõhususega korterelamu ehitamisega. Majja on planeeritud 10 korterit ehitusmahuga 990 m2. Korterelamu valmib 2013. aasta augustis. Kortermaja arenduse osas teevad koostööd Mitt & Perlebach ja Uus Maa Invest, ehitab Mitt & Perlebach, korterite müügiga

Eesti inimene elab valdavalt oma korteris ja väiksemal pinnal kui lääneeurooplane

Kogu elamufondist on Eestis ja Lätis erasektori, peamiselt eraisikute, omanduses 97 protsenti ning Leedus 89 protsenti, samas kui Euroopa Liidu keskmine on vaid 71 protsenti. Vastupidiselt keskmisele Euroopa Liidu perele elab enamik Balti peresid korterites, näitab SEB koostatud Balti leibkondade

Balti perede laenukoormus on väiksem kui Põhjamaades

Balti pankade laenuportfellis domineerivad sarnaselt Põhjamaadega kodulaenud, kuid perede laenukoormus on SKT-ga võrreldes palju väiksem, näitab SEB koostatud Balti leibkondade majandusanalüüs (Baltic Household Outlook). Balti riikidest kõrgeim eralaenude suhe SKT-sse – 44 protsenti – on Eestis. Lätis on see näitaja

Kus asuvad maailma kalleimad korterid?

Sirvides kinnisvaraalaseid uudiseid erinevaist maailma paigust tekkis mõte panna kokku väike võrdlus maailma kalleimate kinnisvarapiirkondade kohta. Eks ekstreemsusi leiab igalt poolt, kuid kõigest ei jõua kirjutada ning sestap võtsingi ette tuntumad linnad. 1. Moskva Moskva on ilmselgelt Venemaa kõige kallima

DTZ Property Times Baltic Industrial/Logistic H1 2012

Positive trends have been noticed in Estonian and Lithuanian industrial and warehouse markets. However, Latvia is experiencing slower growth in sector’s investment transactions. Industrial and warehouse sector has reached to slight increase phase, nevertheless, rapid increase in demand towards newly

Increase In Number Of Houses On The Property Market In Estonia

According to Tõnu Toompark on his adaur blog, although the kv.ee index* of property prices in Estonia has seen only scant changes over the past year (a 0.98 per cent y-o-y fall to June 2012) this does not tell the whole

Where To Buy In Tallinn, Estonia?

People often ask us what the up and coming areas in Tallinn are. What’s going to be the next hot spot to buy an investment property with a potential for strong growth and consistent cashflow from rentals? We don’t have

When Is An Offer Not An Offer? – Understanding Estonian Real Estate Jargon

Here at Tallinn Property we make it our mission to ensure you understand the Estonian property market fully, regardless of whether you speak any Estonian or not! It has been brought to our attention that there may be some confusion

Ten Top Tips When Buying Residential Property In Tallinn And Estonia

In amongst all the up-to-date news and developments about the real estate market, and everything else in Tallinn and Estonia, we like to provide concrete advice to those who are thinking of buying in Tallinn. After all, property is our

Estonian Finance Ministry Building In Tallinn To Be Demolished, Rebuilt

According to a report by Ott Tammik on the English language site of the Estonian Public Broadcasters (ERR) the building which houses the Estonian Finance Ministry is to be demolished and two new, identical towers are to be built in its stead. The

Q1 2012: Estonia Sees House Price Increase Y-o-Y Whilst Global Trend Is For Fall

According to property investment portal, Global Property Guide, whilst the global trend for house prices has been for an accelerating downturn as of Q1 2012, Estonia has been bucking that trend somewhat, even seeing something of an increase, at least as

Energiatarve määrab kinnisvara väärtuse

Kinnisvara asukoht, kvaliteet ja energiatarve määravad inimeste heaolu. Ka Eestis peaksid kinnisvaraostjad ja -arendajad senisest enam pöörama tähelepanu energiasäästule. Eelkõige tuleks mõelda oma elukorralduse peale. Määrav on siin töökoha, laste kooli ja lasteaia asukoht. Skandinaavias peetakse mõistlikuks elukorralduseks, kui teekond

Economic Growth in Estonia Highest in Baltic States, EU

Estonia saw the highest economic growth in the EU in 2011 according to a report on Baltic Business News. Citing SEB bank’s Baltic Household Outlook, the article showed how in addition to Estonia’s impressive growth rate (7.6 per cent), neighboring Lithuania

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

27.03.2025 Kasutusluba ja selle taotlemine