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EfTEN: EfTEN United Property Fund unaudited financial results for 3rd quarter and 9 months of 2024

EfTEN United Property Fund

EfTEN United Property Fund (hereinafter the Fund) earned 134 thousand euros in net profit in the third quarter of 2024 (2023 third quarter: 16 thousand euros in net loss). The fund’s revenues increased from 38 thousand euros to 176 thousand

Liven: Liven AS – Consolidated unaudited interim report for the III quarter of 2024


Although there were no huge positive development leaps in the operating environment, there were still signs of renewed optimism in the residential property market. During the third quarter, we signed 32 contracts under the law of obligation (sales contract; 2024

Hepsor: Hepsor AS consolidated unaudited interim report for Q3 2024 and nine months


Despite the global, geopolitical, and economic headwinds that have battered the Group’s home markets for several years, we have been able to expand our reach this year in Canada and have started the construction and sales of several new projects

EfTEN: Net asset value of the EfTEN United Property Fund as of 30.09.2024

EfTEN United Property Fund

The net asset value (NAV) of EfTEN United Property Fund unit was 10.68 euros at the end of September, increasing by 0.2% over the month. If the fund’s investment in the EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS share is reflected on

Arco Vara: Unaudited consolidated interim report for Q3 and 9 months of 2024

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW The third quarter of 2024 marked a turning point for the Estonian real estate market, which showed signs of stabilization and gradual recovery after a prolonged period of decline. Lowered base interest rates and decreased Euribor had

EfTEN: Establishment of a subsidiary and construction of the ICONFIT production and warehouse on the property purchased from the RESTATE group

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

On 27.09.2024 EfTEN Paemurru OÜ, a subsidiary of the EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS, signed a contract under law of obligation with Teearu Arenduse OÜ, a member of the RESTATE group, for the acquisition of a property located on Paemurru

EfTEN: Net asset value of the EfTEN United Property Fund as of 31.08.2024

EfTEN United Property Fund

The net asset value (NAV) of EfTEN United Property Fund unit was 10.66 euros at the end of August, increasing by 0.1% over the month. The somewhat smaller-than-usual increase in NAV was related to the investment into the listed fund

Hepsor: Hepsor Expands in Toronto With a New High Park Residential Development


Hepsor, together with its partner Elysium Investments, has acquired a development project consisting of 11 properties in downtown Toronto’s High Park area. High Park is one of Toronto’s most sought-after residential areas, offering abundant greenery, excellent recreational opportunities, and convenient

Eesti Pank: Eesti Pank hindas kodulaenude kliimariske

Eesti Pank

Eesti Panga analüüs näitab, et võrreldes teiste Euroopa riikidega on Eesti pangandussektori eluasemeportfelli süsinikuintensiivsus ning seega ka selle laenuportfelli kliimariskid küllaltki tagasihoidlikud eelkõige tänu kütteliikide kombinatsioonile, mida Eesti majapidamised kasutavad. Kaasa aitavad ka pankade endi kliimaeesmärgid. Euroopa Liidu järelevalveasutused on

Hepsor: Hepsor AS Subsidiary to Build a Wooden Apartment Building in Central Tallinn


Hepsor V7 OÜ, a subsidiary of Hepsor AS, acquired a property in the heart of Tallinn, at Võistluse 7, where it is planned to build a unique environmentally friendly wooden apartment building. A four-story apartment building is planned for development.

EfTEN: Net asset value of the EfTEN United Property Fund as of 31.07.2024

EfTEN United Property Fund

The net asset value (NAV) of EfTEN United Property Fund unit was 10.65 euros at the end of July, increasing by 0.2% over the month. If the fund’s investment in the EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS shares is reflected on

Swedbank: From divergence to more synchronised growth


The divergent development across countries and sectors has continued this year. Boosted by household consumption, the US economy has grown at a solid pace so far this year, albeit somewhat slower than in 2023. Following a longer period of stagnation,

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for II Quarter and 6 Months of 2024 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT Real Estate Development In 2024, we are continuing the construction and sales activities of the last stage of Kalaranna 8, Tallinn. The final stage consists of 4 residential buildings with 146 apartments and 4 commercial units which, upon

EfTEN: EfTEN United Property Fund unaudited financial results for 2nd quarter and I half-year of 2024

EfTEN United Property Fund

EfTEN United Property Fund (hereinafter the Fund) earned 307 thousand euros in net profit in the second quarter of 2024 (2023 second quarter: 37 thousand euros in net loss). The fund’s revenues increased from 8 thousand euros to 355 thousand

Nordecon: 2024 II quarter and 6 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


In the first half of 2024, the construction market has experienced increasingly intense competition. Public sector orders remain low, and the pre-construction process in the private sector continues to be very lengthy. Analysts’ forecasts for economic growth in the coming

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01.04.2025 Üüriinvesteeringute finantsanalüüs