During the past six months, consumer prices have not grown in Estonia. In October, prices were at the same level as in April this year. However, the average consumer basket is still about 30% more expensive than 2 years ago.…
MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary Q3 2023 marks as a continuation of the newly started developments of AS Pro Kapital Grupp. Real estate development In Tallinn, the decision taken earlier in the year on starting the construction and sales of Kalaranna…
EfTEN United Property Fund earned a net loss of 16 thousand euros in the 3rd quarter of 2023, and 87 thousand euros in 9 months of 2023. The loss was due to the market value change in listed EfTEN Real Estate…
Economic environment The rapid changes in the construction market due to the economic environment have continued, complicating the growth plans of companies and other related industries in the sector, and limiting their courage to act. Coping with difficult circumstances and…
Hepsor’s consolidated revenue for the first nine months of 2023 amounted to 36 million euros, with a net profit of 4.8 million euros (including a share of 2.3 million euros for the parent company). In the third quarter of 2023,…
GROUP CEO’S REVIEW Summer is traditionally the low season in the real estate market, but this year it did not apply to Arco Vara, as the third quarter showed. Although interest rates remain high, Arco Vara has been successful in…
Manufacturing weakness is spilling over to the rest of the economy Core inflation finally starts dropping ECB hiking is done, cuts on the horizon In Europe, disappointing data continued pouring throughout the summer and into the fourth quarter. Manufacturing continued…
00Kaamos Ehitus alustas Balti jaama lähedal asuva Kopli 2 aadressil kauaoodatud Elu Maja ehitusega, mille siselahendused murravad klišeedeks muutunud trende. Arendus valmib 2025. aasta alguses. Kaamos Ehituse tegevjuhi Keit Paali sõnul nõuab Kopli ja Kesk-Kalamaja tänava nurgale kerkiva Elu Maja…
Housing affordability fell even further; now housing is unaffordable in Vilnius and Tallinn Interest rates are bogging down recovery With interest rates continuing to soar, housing affordability fell further. In the second quarter, Tallinn joins Vilnius in the sub-100 index…
Hepsor P113 OÜ, an affiliate of Hepsor AS with a 45% shareholding, terminated the lease agreement with Novel Clinic Assets OÜ. Hepsor P113 OÜ owns a commercial building with a leasable area of ca 4,000 m2 in Tallinn, at Pärnu…
In cooperation with 1Partner Advisory (1PA), Enlight Research published equity research on EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS (EfTEN; EFT1T). The report is attached to the release and can be downloaded on the Enlight Research and EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS…
MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary Q2 2023 marks as a continuation of the newly started developments of AS Pro Kapital Grupp. Real estate development In Tallinn, the decision taken earlier in the year on starting the construction and sales of Kalaranna…
Nordecon AS and its subsidiary Embach Ehitus OÜ as joint bidders and centre of defence investments have signed a contract for the design and construction of a defence forces’ study building in the Tartu Raadi campus. The building to be…
AS Nordecon group company Embach Ehitus OÜ and Eesti Talleks AS signed a contract for the construction of the commercial building on Pirni 7/2 in Tallinn. The first floor of the four-story building with a closed net area of 2,254…
The dynamics of the construction market reflect the ongoing economic downturn and uncertainty about the future. Although the increase in the construction price index slowed in the second quarter of this year and the construction price index fell by 0.5%…