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Analüütik kinnisvaraturu hinnalangusesse ei usu


Kuigi maa-ameti info näitab juunis kinnisvaraturu kaheprotsendist hinnalangust, siis turu langust see siiski ei tähenda, ütles Adaur OÜ juht, kinnisvaraanalüütik Tõnu Toompark. Ta ütles, et kuigi maa-ameti andmed on väga head, on vaja eristada kahte asja – kinnisvara hinda ja

Kinnisvaraeksperdid on soomlaste plaani suhtes ettevaatlikud

Soome ettevõtte Asuntosalkku Eesti OY plaan osta Tallinna tuhandeid kortereid jätab kinnisvaraeksperdid ettevaatlikuks. Soomlastest investorid on Eestis ostnud enam kui 50 korterit ning plaan on osta lähiaastatel tuhandeid. Just Kalamaja, Pelgulinna, Kadrioru piirkonda ja mujale. Ober-Hausi tegevjuht Tarmo Kase sõnas,

Estonians face a sharp increase in land tax

The ruling coalition has no option, but to start re-valuation of land that could double or triple land tax, writes Äripäev. The only hope is that since the idea of re-value the land is supported only by Social Democrats, but

Commentary: The situation in the real estate is catastrophic

The fall in amount of transactions has been big, nearly catastrophic, real estate specialist Tõnu Toompark wrote in his commentary to ehitusuudised.net. “In January only 591 apartment transactions were made, of which 251 were in Tallinn. That means 55 and

Loan issuing must grow to break the fall on the real estate market

No life will be on the real estate market before loan issuing has turned upward again, real estate specialist Tõnu Toompark writes in his blog. “Surplus on housing loans continuously grows, but growth tempo is slowing down fast. Supply is

Loan issuing must grow to break the fall on the real estate market

No life will be on the real estate market before loan issuing has turned upward again, real estate specialist Tõnu Toompark writes in his blog. “Surplus on housing loans continuously grows, but growth tempo is slowing down fast. Supply is

Real estate transactions down 29 pct

In Q2 9,762 notarized real estate transactions were concluded, which is 29 pct less than at the same time last year, real estate specialist Tõnu Toompark writes in his blog at aripaev.ee. Total value of these transactions was EEK 10

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

26.03.2025 Korteriühistu juhtimine – seadusandlus ja raamatupidamine