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Estonian Finance Ministry Building In Tallinn To Be Demolished, Rebuilt

According to a report by Ott Tammik on the English language site of the Estonian Public Broadcasters (ERR) the building which houses the Estonian Finance Ministry is to be demolished and two new, identical towers are to be built in its stead. The

Canadian Real Estate Company Enters the Estonian Market

SNC-Lavalin Homburg Property Management, a company owned by two Canadian capital holding companies, has opened an office in Tallinn. Similar ventures are also being opened in Riga and Vilnius. The company was founded by one of the biggest engineering, construction

Realtors Stand Up to Mass Replacement of Old Apartment Blocks

he Association of Real Estate Firms disagrees that there is a massive need for new apartment buildings to replace the Soviet-era blocks, the life-span of which is said to come to an end in 20 years. The statement was made

Do Apartment Ownerships In Estonia Constitute An Enterprise?

The Estonian Tax and Customs Board sometimes seems to use unlawful measures to limit the taxpayer’s right to deduct value added tax (VAT), report Law Firm LEXTAL attorney-at-law Ants Karu and lawyer Margus Reiland. Obligation to pay VAT usually lies

Realtors Stand Up to Mass Replacement of Old Apartment Blocks

The Association of Real Estate Firms disagrees that there is a massive need for new apartment buildings to replace the Soviet-era blocks, the life-span of which is said to come to an end in 20 years. The statement was made

How does global financial crisis affect Estonian real estate market?

The global financial crisis seems to turn into economic crisis. How does that affect small Estonian real estate market? arileht.ee mediates real estate consultant Tõnu Toompark’s opinion. Financial crisis and downturn of real estate prices mean that every loan kroon

The Baltic Course: Real estate activity in Estonia was extraordinary in April 2008

In April 2008 there were 5,440 real estate transactions in Estonia carried out with the total value of five billion kroons, but in May 2008 the number of transactions fell back to the level of March and February, by a

Kommentaarid ajakirjale Profit

Milline on prognoos järgmise aasta kinnisvaraturu arenguks? Mina usun, et eelmise aasta lõpul olnud kiire hinnatõus pidurdub. 2007. a. hinnatõusuks Tallinnas kujuneb 15-20% sõltuvalt kinnisvara tüübist ja konkreetsemast piirkonnast. Paljuräägitud krahhid ja kriisid jäävad kadu kuulutavate oraaklite suureks kurvastuseks tulemata


Eesti Majaomanike Ühenduste Liit ja Eesti Maa- ja Majaomanike Liit pöörduvad Eesti Vabariigi Peaministri ja Vabariigi Valitsuse poole juhtimaks tähelepanu 10. detsembril tähistatavale Kinnisvarapäevale. Eesti Maa- ja Majaomanike Liit on Rahvusvahelise Kinnisvara Omanike Organisatsiooni (Union Internationale de la Propriété Immobiliere)

Tallinn property market turns into a real estate bubble

In the opinion of Ąripäev- a real estate bubble is rapidly building up in Tallinn. Opinions whether this is the case differ. There are at least 3-000 new expensive apartments- private houses and lots that are currently offered in Tallinn

Estonian market for retail space is alive and kicking – real estate analyst

The claims that the Estonian retail developers have lost sense of reality are exaggerated- says Tõnu Toompark- real estate analyst of ERI Kinnisvara. Toompark told Ąripäev that the market for retail space was not in crisis- but was simply being

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

03.10.2024 Kinnisvara müügikoolitus