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Disorientation in global economy to postpone Estonian housing market recovery

KV.ee’s special housing market index KV (Real Estate) Index is constantly falling for the 33 week. The value of the index is 90.5 points what makes an annual 14 pct fall, real estate specialist Tõnu Toompark writes in his blog.

Buying a bureau wastes money

A year ago, it was written in newspapers that there is no point to pay expensive rent for a bureau since the prices of real estate were rising and buying real estate gave opportunity to earn money from investments. By

Websites claim massive debts from real estate agents

In recent months Estonia’s leading real estate online portals have closed hundreds of accounts of real estate agents because of debts. Real estate developer turns attention to state real estate auctions Tarvo Teslon, CEO of Diginet that runs the popular

Balticbusinessnews.com: Analyst: housing prices are melting in summer

Estonian real estate analyst Tõnu Toompark says that housing prices have fallen 12 percent this year. Toompark who rans KV.EE, a real estate portal that tracks real estate prices, estimates that housing prices have fallen 12 percent to the level

Estonian real estate sector in standstill

The Estonian real estate sector is stagnating and property prices continue to fall, writes Äripäev. According to Äripäev’s real estate analysts, most predictions made by the paper in January have become a reality as the market has gone to a

4,500 apartments available in Tallinn and Harju County

Aripaev.ee real estate blogger Tõnu Toompark said in Äripäev radio broadcast that there are 4,500 apartments available in Tallinn and Harju County. Äripäev CEO Igor Rõtov commented that it is definitely wise to bargain down the apartment prices. Toompark added

Analysts disagree over the future of Estonian housing market

Real estate experts Tõnu Toompark and Marek Vikat disagree whether people looking for a home should buy today or postpone the purchase decision. Toompark told Äripäev that although housing prices are likely to keep falling for most of this year,

Expert: real estate prices may fall by 20 pct by year-end

Real estate analyst Tõnu Toompark says that real estate prices could fall by another 20 pct by year-end. Toompark said that at present prices tracked by online real estate portals have been falling in average 0.5 pct a year, writes

Rimi Baltic Starts Operating In Estonia, Latvia And Lithuania

Rimi Baltic AB, the joint venture owned 50/50 by Kesko Food Ltd, a company belonging to the Finnish Kesko Group, and ICA Baltic AB, a company belonging to the Swedish ICA Group, starts operating in the Baltic countries today. The

Overborrowing remains a dark cloud over Estonian real estate market

Tõnu Toompark- sales representative of FKSM real estate group- says that the real estate market is very sensitive to borrowing levels. In an interview to Ąripäev- Toompark said that he did not expect real estate prices to continue growing since

Kinnisvarakalender: juuni 2003

Kuuteemad: – Sakala keskuse müük;– probleemid Restori linnamüüri äärde ehitatavate ridaelamutega;– muudatused eluasemelaenude tulumaksuvabastuses. Muud teemad: 02/06 Kommertspankade pikaajalisete laenude baasintressiks kujunenud 6 kuu Euribor langes uuele ajaloo madalaimale tasemele 2,2 protsendini.10/06 Tallinna linnavalitsus algatas 30 hektari suuruse Kopli liinide

Tallinn property market turns into a real estate bubble

In the opinion of Ąripäev- a real estate bubble is rapidly building up in Tallinn. Opinions whether this is the case differ. There are at least 3-000 new expensive apartments- private houses and lots that are currently offered in Tallinn

Office space market in Tallinn ventures into new areas

The market for office space in Tallinn is now looking for new niches and challenges. One of such novelties is a possibility to buy a few thousand square metre lots together with a detail plan. On the one hand the

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

26.11.2024 Kasutusluba ja selle taotlemine